Freshmen’s Week
Britain has a well-respected higher education system/ and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world./ But to those who are new to this system,/ it can sometimes be confusing./ October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar./ Universities have something called Freshmen’s Week for their newcomers./ It's a great opportunity to make new friends,/ join lots of clubs and settle into university life. However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind,/ the prospect of meeting strangers in classrooms and dormitories can be 北京各高校疫情最新消息worrying./ Where do you start? And who should you make friends with?/ Which clubs and society should you join?/ Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you./ They worry about starting their university social life on the right foot./ So just take it all in slowly./ Don't rush into anything that you'll regret for the next three years.
Conversation One
W: OK. So let’s go through the travel details again. Two adults, eight days in Britain from April 26th to May 3rd (Q1), flying from Beijing to London, and back with Air China, and you’re in a double room.延安整风基本方针是
M: Yes, that’s right. Umm, do you know what the flight times are?
W: The outward flight from Beijing is, ur … let me see, yes, 10:30 in the morning, and the return is, I think its early evening, yes, 7:15, 15 minutes past seven in the evening, local time, that is (Q1).
M: Right, that’s fine. Oh, sorry. I can’t remember what else you include in the price, apart from the air-tickets. Is it all meals or just breakfast?
W:Yes, it怎么报名在职研究生选调生报名时间2021s full board, so all meals, and transport from the airport to your hotel. Everything is included (Q2).
M: Good!
W: Now, can you tell me if you need travel insurance?
M: Yes, yes, we do.
W: OK. Well, that’s an extra 300 Yuan each, is that OK?
M: Well, there is no choice, is there? I mean we have to have it, dont we? (Q3)
W: Yes, I’m afraid so.
M: Well, all right then.
Conversation Two
M: Pan-Pacific Tours. How can I help you?
W: Good afternoon! Can I speak to Mark, please?
M: Speaking.
W: Oh, hello, Mark! This is Linda from Johnson & Sons Events.
M: Hello, Lindia! What can I do for you?
W: I was just wanting to clear up a few details of the conference event we’re organizing.
M: Right! What do you need to know?
W: Well, first, I’ve got to have numbers, delegates to the conference, their husbands or wives and so on for the transport as much as anything else.
M: So far we’ve got 183 who’ve booked up and we might get a few more.
W: Does that include husbands and wives as well?
M: No really. I’ll e-mail you the exact number, because 广州市新闻发布I havent counted them yet (Q4).
W: Fine.
M: And there’ll be 6 guest speakers.
W: 6?
M: Yes. Who want picking up from the airport by car, not in a fleet of buses?
W: Right! Youll let me know when they are arriving, wont you (Q5)?
M: Just as soon as I know.
W: Now, special events. You wanted a local style dance for the opening ceremony, didnt you (Q6)?
M: That would be great! I’m sure everyone will enjoy it.
W: And we’ll have to fly the dancers in specially.
M: Sure!
W: And then after the welcoming feast, theres going to be a piano performance, right (Q6)?
M: Yes, so well have to contact the airline company about it. They are sponsoring the event (Q7).
W: So we’ll send the bill direct to them for it.
M: You could do.
W: Well, that’s all my queries for the time being.
M: OK. If you need anything else, just pick up the phone or drop me an email.
W: I will. Thanks. Bye!
M: Bye!
Conversation Three
W: Sorry, I’m late, James.
M: It’s all right, Mary. Where have you been?
W: At the police station.
M: Where?
W: At the police station. I’ve lost my briefcase.
M: Oh, no! What happened? Was there anything important in it?
W: Yes! My cheque book, all the papers I need for work, my appointment book (Q8).
M: Ah! That’s terrible! How did you lose your briefcase?
W: Well, as you know, I was with my client at a meeting all morning (Q9) and we had lunch together, after lunch I went shopping, and when I wanted to buy something I couldn’t find my cheque book, then I remembered that was in my briefcase and my briefcase was in my car.