1. An abstract serves an important function in a research report. It communicates the scope of your paper and the topics discussed to your reader. In doing so, it facilitates research. Abstracts help scientists to locate materials that are relevant to their research from among published papers, and many times scientists will only read a paper’s abstract in order to determine whether the paper will be relevant to them. Considering your audience and their needs will help you to determine what should be included in your abstract.——摘要在一份研究报告中发挥着重要作用。它把你论文的范围和讨论的主题传达给读者。这样做有利于研究。摘要帮助科学家从发表的论文中到与他们研究相关的文献资料,科学家常常只阅读一篇论文的摘要从而决定此论文是否与他们的研究有关。考虑到你的读者和他们的需求会将帮助你决定摘要该包含什么。
2. An informative abstract acts as a report in miniature, encapsulating the whole paper. It summarizes the key information from every major section in the body of the report, and provides the key facts and conclusions from the body of the report. A good way to develop an informative abstract is to devote a sentence or two to each of the major parts of the report. If space permits, you can provide contextual informa
tion such as background of the problem and the significance of the research, but you can also omit contextual information because the abstract is not supposed to serve as an introduction to the subject matter of the report----your introduction will serve that role. You should, however, include key numerical facts to make the informative abstract brief and readers will not be surprised to see key data in an informative abstract.——信息性摘要作为微型报告,概括整篇论文。它总结了报告主体各个主要部分的关键信息,并且提供了报告主体的关键事实和结论。写信息摘要的一个很好的方法就是从报告的每一主要部分提炼一两句话。如果篇幅允许,你可以提供给一些类上下文信息,如问题背景和研究的意义,但是你也可以省略这些信息,因为摘要不应作为文章主要内容的介绍,而你的引言担当这一角。你应该无论如何要包含关键数据从而使得信息摘要简洁明了,并且读者不会在信息摘要中看到关键数据而惊讶。
3. An indicative abstract (sometimes called descriptive abstract) merely includes information about the purpose, scope and methods used to arrive at the findings contained in the original document. The function of indicative abstract is to help readers understand the general nature and scope of the research article. An indicat
ive abstract indicates the subject and main findings of the paper but it does not go into a detailed step-by-step account of the process involved. It is brief and concise, from which readers can decide if they should continue to read the entire paper. This type of abstract is often used in writing theoretical papers, commentary articles, and in some circumstances, conference proceedings.——指示性摘要有时候也称作描述性摘要,仅仅包含原来文档中的目的、范围和为了获得研究结果所使用的方法。指示性摘要的作用就是帮助读者理解学术论文的一般性质和范围。指示性摘要指明论文的主题和主要发现,并不对试验过程进行详细地一步一步的解释。指示性摘要简明扼要,读者能据此决定是否需要继续阅读整篇文章。这种类型的摘要经常用于书写理论论文、评论文章,在某些情况下,也会用于会议论文。
4. 北京顺义招聘recommendations. Independent or executive summaries precede document, conclPut  simply,abstracts and summaries are similar-they both represent abbreviated forms of longer works and occasionally the terms are used interchangeably-but they are not identical.  Abstracts which frequently accompany journal articles and technical reports condense the document to give readers essential information ab
out research purpose, methods, results, conclusions and recommendations. Most abstracts are a single paragraph,and seldom more than one page. By contrast, summaries are thorough though usually longer than abstracts. They are less concerned with condensing the document than with emphasizing results, conclusions and uding summaries end a document.——简而言之,摘要和总结是类似的--它们都呈现出长篇文章的缩短形式,有时候也会交替使用但并不完全相同。摘要通常伴随着期刊文章和技术报告,将文章进行简化,为读者提供诸如研究目的、方法、结果、结论和建议这些必要的信息。大多数摘要就只有一个单独的段落,并且很少超过一页。相比之下,总结较为周密,通常比摘要长。比起简化文章来,总结重在强调结果、结论和建议。独立执行的摘要在文章之前,总结结束一篇文章。
5. An abstract must be a fully self-contained, capsule description of the paper. It can't assume (or attempt to provoke) the reader into flipping through looking for an explanation of what is meant by some vague statement. It must make sense all by itself. Some points to consider include: Meet the word count limitation. If your abstract runs too long, either it will be rejected or someone will take a chainsaw to
it to get it down to size. Your purposes will be better served by doing the difficult task of cutting yourself , rather than leaving it to someone else who might be more interested in meeting size restrictions than in representing your efforts in the best possible manner.——摘要必须是论文一个完整的自成体系的压缩描述。它不能假设(或试图驱使)读者为了寻一个含糊不清话语的解释而阅读摘要。它本身必须是有意义的。需要考虑的几点如下:满足字数限制。如果你的摘要写的太长,要么会被退回,要么会有人采取措施把你的摘要缩短直到满足要求。你自己完成缩短摘要篇幅这一艰巨的任务,会更好地将你的目的呈现出来,而不是把它交给一个单纯为了缩短篇幅不顾成果展现形式的人来处理。
6. Of the various types of documents, scientists and engineers take greatest pride in writing research papers for publication in journals,which keep scientists and engineers up to date on what is going on in their professions. The writer has information the reader needs: what was found , how it was found,what the findings mean. Good scientists and engineers are as interested in the quality of their writing as they are in other aspects of their work. They know that technical eff
湖南省乡镇公务员考试ort counts for little if the written reports of that work do not convey information adequately.——中级主管护师考试时间 在各种类型的文档中,科学家和工程师以发表在期刊上的科研论文为最大的骄傲,这使得科学家和工程师把他们领域内的进展及时更新。作者有读者需要的信息:发现了什么,它是如何被发现的,这些发现有什么意义?优秀的科学家和工程师对他们写作质量和对研究的其他方面一样感兴趣。他们知道如果书面研究报告不能充分传递信息那么他们的技术努力也是没有价值的。
7. The key to an effective research paper is integrating the research into the body of the paper. This is also the most difficult part of writing the paper. The research should support and lend credence to your conclusions, but it should not dominate the paper. Much of the writing should be your own ideas that are supported by research. Transitional words and phrases should be used to connect your thoughts to the references. If that's not done,the writing will be stilted and contrived; The考生投档录取查询系统 paper will be choppy, and coherence will be lost. Remember that the research paper is like all other formal essays, and all of the rules of good writing apply. The paper should have an introduction, a body and a conclusion. It s
hould be focused and fully developed.——篇有效论文的关键在于整合研究内容使其成为论文的主体。这也是写论文最困难的部分。研究应该支持并且验证你的结论,但不应该占主导地位。所写的大部分内容应该是你自己的观点,这些观点由研究内容来支撑。应该使用过渡词和过渡语句将你的观点和参考文献联系起来。如果不这样做,文章会显得生硬、不自然,论文将会断断续续从而失去连贯性。要切记研究论文和其他正式论文一样,所有好的写作规则都适用。论文应该有一个引言、主体和结论。它应该专注于主题并且充分构思。