2. 非选择题的作答:用签字笔将答案答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。
1. Life is like ______ ocean; only ________ strong-willed can reach the other shore.
A. the; a
B. an; the
C. the; /
D. /; a
2. ________ moment Peter noticed the little girl slipping on the wet floor, he caught her _______ the hand.
A. The; by
B. A; in
C. The; with
D. A; on
3. I go to Italy quite often and I really love the country. And partly the reason is ________ I love the food and wine culture.
A. because
B. why
C. that
D. what
4. Even if many people know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones ________ best understand the nature of tea.
A. whose
B. which
C. who
D. as
5. The stores on campus are forbidden to sell instant noodles, and ________ benefits both the environment and health.
A. what
B. they
C. which
D. it
2021年英语ab级考试成绩查询6. The water supply has been cut off for the moment because the main water pipe _______.
A. has been repaired
B. is repaired
C. has repaired
D. is being repaired
7. The boy as well as his friends ________ interested in the book On the Origin of Species that _______ written by Darwin.
A. are; were
B. are; was
C. is; was
D. is; were
8. The new high speed rail line ________ next year will contribute to the local tourism and transportation.
A. being completed
B. to be completed
C. completed
D. having been completed
9. While COVID-19 sweeps across the globe, nothing else matters ________ you stay healthy.
A. as long as
B. as far as
C. as soon as
D. as good as
10. Teachers will not allow students to use cell phones in class; neither ________ it a thought.
A. they even give
B. they will even give
C. do they even give
D. will they even give
11. China International Search and Rescue Team first helped save lives abroad in 2003, and the team won high国考公务员招录公告发布
praise for their ________ and skills.
A. bravery
B. honesty
C. discovery
D. satisfaction
12. After the film Hi, Mom hit theaters at the Spring Festival, it has enjoyed wide ________ among people of
all ages.
A. instruction
B. surface
C. popularity
D. wealth
13. Ireland’s beautiful countryside excites and inspires all, ________ something for each of the senses.
A. greeting
B. offering
C. harming
D. preventing
14. The workers had the invaluable painting ________ so carefully that it could be delivered to the buyer safe
and sound.
A. polished
B. researched
C. drawn
D. boxed
报考部队文职需要哪些条件15. It’s quite natural to try to make connections and regain a sense of belonging when you feel ________.
A. left out
B. thrown away
C. kicked off
D. cared about
社会工作者报考网站16. To achieve success in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, China has to ________ with greater determination
and efforts.
A. make up
B. pull together
C. give away
D. take off
17. In an environment club, students work together to reduce pollution and ________ bags and dishes are their
first choice.
A. inexpensive
B. creative
C. reusable
D. affordable
18. My father often shares with us some stories that are interesting and more importantly _______.
A. educational
B. meaningless
C. sweet
D. unbelievable
19. Except for some improper pauses, Chris is doing ________ well. When he brings his speech to a nice end,
Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.
A. seriously
B. interestingly
C. doubtfully
D. unexpectedly
20. Once a week, the team gets together, ________ or through video calls, and reviews the previous week’s
A. without doubt
B. on purpose
C. in person
D. by accident
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Exercising regularly not only helps you keep slim, but also improves your overall health and well-being. Different exercises produce different results, as they focus on different parts of the body. There are four broad exercise types: endurance (耐力), strength, flexibility (灵活性), and balance. Many people often only focus on one exercise type, but including all four in your workout will produce better results and reduce your risk of injury.
Endurance exercises increase your breathing and heart rate. By doing endurance exercises, you are working to keep your heart, lungs, and blood-flow system healthy while improving your total fitness. Over time these activities will make everyday activities seem easier.
If you want to build up your muscles, then strength exercises, which are also known as “resistance training”, are right for you. Even the slightest increase in strength can make a huge difference in your ability to carry out daily tasks. Developing strong muscles also reduces your risk of weak bones.
Flexibility exercises help stretch your body’s muscles. This allows for more freedom of movement for other exercises and can also improve your range of motion, posture, ability to breathe deeply, and blood flow. Also, it reduces the muscle tension caused by stress.
Balance exercises help prevent falls and are especially important to older adults, helping them stay independent. Most good balance exercises are ones that keep you constantly moving with your feet on the ground. Heel-to-toe walking and standing on one foot are simple ways to improve balance.
21. How can a person benefit most from their exercise routine?
A. By focusing on one training type at a time.
B. By having enough rest between their workouts.
C. By combining different exercise types together.
D. By increasing the number of times of their training gradually.
22. Which exercise types are most useful to improve a person’s breathing function?
A. Endurance and Flexibility.
B. Endurance and Strength.
C. Flexibility and Balance.
D. Strength and Balance.
23. Which part of the body plays the most important role in balance-related exercises?
A. Heart.
B. Legs.
C. Arms.
D. Neck.
Twenty years ago, I became involved in pet therapy (疗法) work with our Angel. As she grew up and went through professional training, we realized that she would be good at this new job.
Angel is ten now and works every week. She visits two hospitals, providing day care for the elderly, and our library’s PAWS for Reading program. At the library, six to ten dogs lie on the floor, and the kids pick a book to read to a dog. After they finish, they get a card with the dog’s picture and history. Angel also helps out at a special-needs camp. She is so popular that everywhere we go people recognize her, especially the kids she has worked with.
We have seen some very special things through our pet therapy work. I brought Angel to our local hospital to visit a woman who was completely unable to move the right side of her body from a stroke (中风). One day, my husband, Jack, got Angel up into a chair next to the woman’s bed, asking her if she wanted to give Angel a treat. She nodded. Angel gently took the treat. Then the woman raised her right hand and started petting Angel. Her friend couldn’t believe her eyes.
After that, every time we saw the woman, she lifted her left hand. We’d tell her she had to use her right hand, and she would. Next, you’ll fall in love with this woman’s story of rearing her own Angel later in her family and why she calls it the best decision she ever made.
24. Who is Angel?
A. The author’s kid.
B. A pet trainer.
C. A hospital carer.
D. A therapy dog.
25. What does Angel usually do?
A. Save seriously ill people.
B. Pay visits to kids in hospital.
C. Help children at a special camp.
D. Protect the elderly in their homes.
26. Why was the woman’s friend amazed?
A. The woman treated Angel.
B. The woman moved her right hand.
C. Angel helped the woman recover.
D. Angel got along with the woman.
27. What does the underlined word “rearing” in the last paragraph mean?
A. Raising.
B. Curing.
C. Helping.
D. Training.
The Best of Friends
The evidence for harmony (和谐) may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly-held image (印象) of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.
An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seem to be about their families,” said one member of the research team.“They’re expected to be rebellious (叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds: they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There’s more negotiation (商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don’t want to rock the boat.”
So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends. “My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-years-old Daniel Lazall. “I always tell them when I’m going out clubbing. As long as they kno
w what I’m doing, they’re fine with it.” Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees.“Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I’d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”
Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected and the idea of teenage rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments, “The idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over.”
28. What is the popular image of teenagers today?
A. They worry about school.
B. They dislike living with their parents.
C. They quarrel a lot with family members.
D. They have to be locked in to avoid troubles.
29. The study shows that teenagers don’t want to ________.
A. share family responsibility
B. make family decisions
C. go boating with their family
D. cause trouble in their families
30. Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today’s parents ________.
A. give their children more freedom
B. are much stricter with their children
C. care less about their children’s life
D. go to clubs more often with their children
31. What is the main idea of the passage?
2022山东公务员报名入口A.Negotiation in family.
B. Education in family.
C. Teenage trouble in family.
D. Harmony in family.
There was a time when the major concern with AI safety had been the one evil super intelligence, reflected in the movie The Terminator. However, the game Tacoma takes a different approach. It assumes that there will be numbers of AGI (artificial general intelligence通用人工智能) in the world and that any AGI, even a safely designed one, in the wrong hands at the wrong time could cause lives to be lost. That’s the future that a growing number of AI safety experts are worried about.
This is not a new idea. In the book Engineering a Safer World, MIT professor Nancy G. Leveson deals with common misunderstandings about safety-critical (安全至上) systems engineering: engineering systems whose failure could lead to human loss. Such safety-critical technologies include aviation, nuclear power, automobiles, heavy chemicals, biotechnology, and, of course, AGI.
So what can be done?
Technology isn’t always the solution. A famous example is the invention of sonic radars (声波雷达) that were supposed to help ships detect nearby obstacles, but which only increased the rate of accidents. Why? Captains sailed faster, thinking they could get away with it thanks to the new safety technology.
Instead of technologies, Leveson’s book suggests, we should be making organizational changes. Besides, Leveson suggests, among many complicated guidelines, organizations should be aware that safety guidelines will certainly become lax over time. As a result, measures should be carried out to prevent possible disasters.
What lessons can we draw from concern with AI safety? The answer may lie in recent disaster narratives (叙述), which remind us that, especially in times like this, we shouldn’t forget the possibility for other disasters. Public sense of right and wrong really does matter. And if we’re all better at thinking about safety of our citizens, maybe we really can prevent disasters.
32. Why does the author mention “The Terminator” in the first paragraph?
A. To excite readers’ interest in The Terminator.
B. To introduce the topic of concern with AI safety.
C. To remind readers of the evil super intelligence in the movie.
D. To mention the similarity between “The Terminator” and “Tacoma”.
33. Why did the rate of ship accidents still increase after the invention of sonic radars?
A. Because captains seldom used them.
B. Because the radars failed to work properly.
C. Because captains depended on them too much.
D. Because the ships couldn’t detect nearby obstacles. 34. What does the underlined word “lax” in paragraph 5 mean?
A. Safe.
B. Unnecessary.
C. Important.
D. Trustless.
35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A. Disaster prevention Lessons from AI.
B. Safety problems in modern society.
C. Engineering development in modern days.
D. Future applications of artificial intelligence.
Making the Most of Life Experiences
If you ask anyone what the purpose of life is, you’ll receive wildly different responses. The answer to this question is personal because different things are important to us throughout the course of our lives. 36 Finding ways to make the most of our experiences is a challenge we face every day. Here a
re some ways to make your experiences meaningful.
Follow your dreams.
The number one way to live a life free of regret is to follow your dreams. Passion will die without actions supporting them. 37 Every day take an action, no matter how small, to achieve your goals. Each day is a step forward and none of it is wasted.
Make lots of mistakes.
Making mistakes is the surest path to grow as a person. Many of my strongest memories come from the times I’ve failed, and those lessons have stayed with me. 38 And time allows me to see the value of even the most painful situation.
Difficult and painful experiences shape our character but can also weigh us down. These prevent us from moving forward. So much of our progress in life relies on willpower and a healthy emotional state. If you’re under stress, your body and mind both require time to recover. 40
For me, life is about experiences. We all have to dream, work hard, and fail before we can achieve success. Maybe we’ll discover along the way that the journey is more important than the destination.
A. Take care of yourself.
B. Improve your personality.
C. Failure is beneficial to us.
D. It’s best to rest, recover, and slowly build back up your strength.
E. Yet one thing stays with us no matter where we go: our experiences.
F. Though we try our best to make fewer mistakes, it is impossible to avoid them.
G. Though we can’t choose the outcome of our actions, we can choose to keep trying.
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
While on a recent family vacation, 10-year-old Haylee was swimming carefree in the ocean waves. Suddenly, the young girl found herself 41 caught in a strong tide which was quickly pulling her further out to sea.
Her mother was walking along the 42 when she heard her daughter’s cry for help. The mother instinctively (本能地) 43 she had to quickly reach her daughter. She 44 out to try to rescue Haylee but was also 45 in the strong current (水流). The waves were now 46 them both. Time was extremely 47 as the pull of the current grew stronger.
Kevin, who was also at the beach 48 with his wife-to-be, suddenly heard screaming. He then 49 two people in the ocean struggling desperately to keep themselves from sinking. He 50 into action and swam towards them. Upon 51 the mom, Kevin just told her to give him the daughter because he could see the little girl was 52 . Kevin was able to reach young Haylee and bring her 53 to the shore.
“If it weren’t for him coming to grab my daughter from me, there was no way we both would have made it,” said the mother 54 .
After returning home, the mother and daughter could not stop thinking of the 55 young mysterious man who came to their rescue. They searched for his identity 56 with the expectation to express their
57 . The mother posted about the rescue on a Neighborhood Facebook group in the hope of locating their
58 . Her strategy worked — remarkably, she 59 with Kevin shortly after the post.
They offered to attend Kevin’s coming 60 , hoping to somehow pay for his kindness. Kevin felt their safety was more than enough reward. “That girl being saved was enough for me,” he said.
41. A. freely    B. willingly    C. curiously    D. helplessly
42. A. board    B. road    C. beach    D. street
43. A. knew    B. doubted    C. argued    D. remembered
44. A. came    B. rode    C. swam    D. walked
45. A. dropped    B. attracted    C. hidden    D. caught
46. A. touching    B. enveloping    C. meeting    D. changing
47. A. hard    B. enough    C. long    D. important
48. A. working    B. vacationing    C. hesitating    D. waiting
49. A. recognized    B. thought    C. spotted    D. ignored
50. A. jumped    B. laughed    C. climbed    D. divided
51. A. replying to    B. turning to    C. referring to    D. getting to
52. A. whispering    B. struggling    C. applauding    D. quarreling
53. A. safely    B. eagerly    C. quietly    D. sadly
54. A. modestly    B. strictly    C. rudely    D. gratefully
55. A. positive    B. generous    C. selfless    D. handsome
56. A. aboard    B. overseas    C. online    D. outside
57. A. satisfaction    B. appreciation    C. anger    D. regret 58. A. assistant    B. customer    C. neighbor    D. hero
59. A. cooperated    B. separated    C. reconnected    D. discussed
60. A. competition    B. wedding    C. vacation    D. camp
The Water-Splashing Festival is a 61 (tradition) festival for the Dai people in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. Known 62 the New Year for the Dai to send off the old and greet the new, the festival 63 (celebrate) in mid-April and lasts three or four days.
During the festival, Dai people decorate their houses, enjoy a grand feast of delicious food and 64 (variety) of entertainment, including singing and dancing, fireworks displays and boat racing. 65 the most popular event is water-splashing. Armed with buckets and basins of water, people get together and pour clean water to each other, 66 means to wash away the 67 (happy) and bad luck, so the go
od things will be around. The more water people get, the 68 (lucky) they will be in the coming year. So though people are screaming, they feel the great joy.
The Water-Splashing Festival vividly exhibits the Dai’s respect to water and the culture of music and dance, food, and costumes. It is also a cultural bridge between China and Southeast Asian countries 69 (share) the same festive culture of water-splashing. So far, the State Council 70 (list) this festival as the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产).
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Dear George,
How is everything going?______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Li Hua