Beijing Social Insurance Individual Record of Rights and Interests (Payment Information of Insured Person/Urban Employees)
Insured Person: XXXXXX 证券从业资格考试报名流程                      Check Code*********            Account No. for Inquiry: *****************
Register No. of Social Insurance: **********************                                  Inquiry Date: **************************
(1)Changing Records of Payment Company for Endowment Insurance
Company Name
Starting Time of Payment
Ending Time of Payment
Months of Actual Payment
(2)Payment Information of Five Insurances
Payment Period
Actual Payment for
Endowment Insurance
Actual Payment for
Medical insurance
Actual Payment for
Unemployment Insurance
Actual Payment for Employment Injury Insurance
Actual Payment for
Maternity Insurance
Annual Payment Base
Individual Payment
Annual Payment Base
Individual Payment
Annual Payment Base
Individual Payment
Payment Base
Annual Payment Base
(3)Supplementary Information
  The insured person’s payment years for Endowment Insurance in our city adds up to ***years and *** month (Among which, actual payment years before Year
  1996 was 00 year 00 month), actual payment years for Medical Insurance adds up to ****years and***months, until the end of Year ****, the insured person’s
  principal and interest of individual account in our city for Endowment Insurance adds up to *******Yuan.
Note: 1. If authenticity is needed to be certified, please log in v/csibiz/, within 30 days after *****************, and log in “I want to check the
      records of individual rights and interests”, entering Check Code and Account No. for Inquiry to conduct screening.
    2.To ensure the information’s safety, please properly keep the records of individual rights and interests.
    3.The item with a mark * in the above”Payment Years” explains there is supplementary payment information in this year.
Beijing 天津事业编考试时间2022公告Xicheng District Social Insurance Fund Management Center
Date: *****************
Special Seal for Records of Individual Rights and Interests, Beijing Social Insurance Fund Management Center 1100000076348