Section II Use of English
Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbere
d blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Health implies more than physical fitness. It also implies mental and emotional well-being. An angry, frustrated, emotionally 21 person
in good physical condition is not 22 healthy. Mental health, therefore, has much to do 23 how a person copes with the world as s/he exists. Ma
ny of the factors that 24 physical health also affect mental and emoti onal well-being.
Having a good self-image means that people have positive 25 pictur
58同城招聘附近工作女es and good, positive feelings about themselves, about what they are c apable 26 , and about the roles they play. People with good self-image
s like themselves, and they are 27 like others. Having a good self-ima
ge is based 28 a realistic, as well as positive, or optimistic 29 of o ne’s own worth and value and capabilities.
Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful 30
of our society. People of all ages 31 stress. Children begin to 32 str ess during prenatal development and during childbirth. Examples of str
ess-inducing 33 in the life of a young person are death of a pet, pres sure to 34 academically, the divorce of parents, or joining a new yout h group. The different ways in which individuals 35 to stress may brin g healthful or unhealthy results. One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function exceptionally well 36 another may be unable to function at all. If stressful situations are continually encountered, the individual’s physical, social, and mental health are eventually a ffected.
Satisfying social relations are vital to 37 mental and emotional h ealth. It is believed that in order to 38 , develop, and maintain effe ctive and fulfilling social relationships people must 39 the ability t o know and trust each other, understand each other, influence, and hel p each other. They must also be capable of 40 conflicts in a construct ive way.
21. [A] unstable [B] unsure [C] imprecise [D] impractical
22. [A] normally [B] generally [C] virtually [D] necessarily
23. [A] on [B] at [C] to [D] with
24. [A] signify [B] influence [C] predict [D] mark
25. [A] intellectual [B] sensual [C] spiritual [D] mental
26. [A] to be doing [B] with doing [C] to do [D] of doing
27. [A] able better to [B] able to better [C] better to able [D] b etter able to
28. [A] on [B] from [C] at [D] about
29. [A] assessment [B] decision [C] determination [D] assistance
30. [A] ideality [B] realization [C] realism [D] reality
31. [A] occur [B] engage [C] confront [D] encounter
32. [A] tolerate [B] sustain [C] experience [D] undertake
33. [A] evidence [B] accidents [C] adventures [D] events
34. [A] acquire [B] achieve [C] obtain [D] fulfill
35. [A] respond [B] return [C] retort [D] reply
36. [A] why [B] when [C] while [D] where
37. [A] sound [B] all-round [C] entire [D] whole
38. [A] illuminate [B] enunciate [C] enumerate [D] initiate
39. [A] access [B] assess [C] process [D] possess
40. [A] resolving [B] saluting [C] dissolving [D] solving
Section II Use of English
21. A
An angry, frustrated, emotionally unstable person in good physical condition is not necessarily healthy.一个易怒的,情绪沮丧的,感情不稳定但是体格很好的人,未是安康的。
[A] unstable adj. (情绪)不稳定的
[B] unsure adj. 没有自信的,不肯定的,不确定的
[C] imprecise adj. 不严密的,不准确的
[D] impractical adj. 不实在际的
22. D
要表达“并不一定〞、“未〞的意思,通常用not necessarily或not defin itely。
23. D
Mental health, therefore, has much to do with how a person copes w ith the world as it exists.因此,精神安康,和一个人在生活中如何处理身边的事情,有很大的关系。
have…(nothing, little, much, a lot) to do with…:和……(没)有(很大的)关系。
24. B
Many of the factors that influence physical health also affect men tal and emotional well-being. 很多影响体格安康的因素,同时也影响精神和感情的安康。
[B] influence影响。例:My teacher influenced my decision to study science. 我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用。influence也可做名词,用法如下:(常与on连用)影响力感化力。例:My teacher’s influence made me
study science at college. 由于我老师的影响,我上大学学了理科。Some wom
en have bad influence upon their husbands. 有些妇女对其丈夫有坏影响。
[A] signify①表示象征意味。②用动作表示……意思。例:He signified his content with a nod. 他以点头表示同意。③有关系有重要性。
国家公务员岗位2023[C] predict v. 预知,预言,预报。
[D] mark vt. 做标记于,打分数,标志。由also或affect一词可以轻易解
25. D
[D] mental adj. 精神的,智力的,心智的。和physical相对。一般“精神病〞被称作mental illness。上下文中physical一词是答案信号。[A] intellec tual adj. 智力的,有智力的,显示智力的。作名词时意为“知识分子〞。[B] sensual adj. 的,情的,世俗的,强调“通过感官感觉到的〞。[C] spi ritual adj. 非物质的,精神的灵魂的宗教的神圣的。和material相对。
26. D
capable of doing为固定搭配。意思相当于be able to do。
27. D
People with good self-images like themselves, and they are better able to like others. 那些对自己的形象有积极认识的人通常很欣赏自己,也
更容易欣赏其别人。to be able to的比较级,用to be better able to,其他
28. A
Having a good self-image is based on a realistic assessment of one’s own worth and value and capabilities. 对自己的形象有积极的认识,是建
福建省省考be based on:建立在……的根底上,它基于句式base A on B(将A以B为根底)。
29. A
[A] assessment是动词assess(估计,估算评估,评价)的名词形式。
30. D
Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful rea lity of our society. 压力是我们社会中无可防止的,而且有潜在的促进社会
安康作用的现实存在。表示“存在的现实状况〞用[D] reality (n. 真实,事实,本体逼真)。[A] ideality n. 理想,是ideal的名词形式。[B] realization n. 实现认识领会,是realize的名词形式。[C] realism n.现实主义。
31. D
由第三段的最后一句话:If stressful situations are continually enco untered, …可以到此题答案。People of all ages encounter stress. 各个
年龄段的人都会遇到压力。[D] encounter遭遇,遇到,强调“偶然遇见〞[A] o ccur vi. 发生,出现[B] engage vt. 使繁忙,雇佣,预定,使从事于例:be e ngaged in…忙于(从事)……。[C] confront①面对面临遭遇。例:to confront danger(英勇地)面对危险②(与with连用)使面对使面临。例:be confronted wi
th crisis面临危机。
32. C
由36空所在的句子中:One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function exceptionally well 36 another may be unable to function a
t a11. 可以到此题答案。Children begin to experience stress during pr enatal development and during childbirth. 儿童在出生之前,以及降临到世
界的过程中都有压力的体验。[C] experience vt. 经历,体验,经历,阅历[A] tolerate vt. (主观上努力去)忍受,容忍[B] sustain vt. 支撑,撑住,维持,持续[D] undertake vt. 承担,担任(也包含“主观努力〞的意思)。
33. D
Examples of stress-inducing events in the life of a young person a
re death of a pet, pressure to achieve academically, the divorce of pa rents, or joining a new youth group. 年轻人的生活中,可以带来压力的事件,包括宠物的死亡、学业的压力、父母的离异,或者参加新的年轻人体。[D] event来自拉丁语evenire发生,e-出.外+venire来,发生出来的事就是“(比较
重大的)事件〞。而句子表语部分恰恰罗列了种种较为重大的事件。[A] evidenc
e n. 明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据,[物]证据,证物[B]accident n. 意外事件,(造成一定伤亡或者损失的)事故[C] adventure n. 冒险,冒险的经历。
34. B
“学业上获得成就〞用achieve。[A] acquire和[C] obtain作“获得〞解时,作及物动词,后及宾语。[D]fulfill vt. 理论,实行,完成,到达,侧重“履行〞之意。
35. A
The different ways in which individuals respond to stress may brin
g healthful or unhealthy results. 人们对压力做出的不同的反响方式,可能