()1. A.    B.    C.
()2. A.    B.    C.
()3. A.    B.    C.
()4. A.    B.    C.
()5. A.    B.    C.
()6. When did Tony go to work in the Old People’s Home?
A. Last weekend.
B. Last month.
C. Last summer. ()7. What did Tony do for the old people?
九年级英语中考压轴试题第  1 页共12 页
A. Read newspapers.
B. Told stories.
C. Cleaned the rooms. 听第2段对话,回答第8、9小题。
()8. Who likes English very much?
A. The man.
B. The woman.
C. The man’s son.()9. Where are the speakers?
A. In a library.
B. In a bookstore.
C. In a classroom.
()10. Why is Tom so unhappy?
A. Because he missed the early bus.
B. Because Mr Zhang was angry with him
C. Because his bike was broken.
()11. How did Tom get to school at last?
A. By bus.
B. By car.
C. By taxi.
()12. What are they talking about?
A. How to go to school.
B. How to protect the environment.
C. How to recycle waste paper.海南省考试局主页
()13. How many ways did they talk about?
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
()14. What’s the last way?
A. Recycling paper.
B. Using a bag instead of plastic bags.
C. Riding a bike.
()15. What did Alice use to be?
最美女教师张丽莉近况A. Tall but outgoing.
B. Short and quiet.
C. Tall and quiet. ()16. What does Alice like doing now?
A. Talking with people.
B. Chatting with QQ friends.
C. Communicating with parents. ()17. What is Mike busy learning now?
A. French.
B. swimming.
C. drawing.
()18. What is Jack doing now?
A.Playing basketball.
B. Playing volleyball.
C. Watching TV. ()19. Which of the following does Jack like?
A. Animal World.
B. Sports Shows.
C. Talent Shows. ()20. What does Jack think of Animal World?
A. He thinks it’s boring.
B. He likes it very much.
C. He think s it’s exciting.第三节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
九年级英语中考压轴试题第  2 页共12 页
()21. Where is Mark from?
A. America.
B. England.
C. Australia.
()22. How many times has Mark been to Huang Gang so far?
A. Once.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
()23. Whom did Mark go to Sheng Li Street with?
A. His mother.
B. His father.
C. His sister.
()24. What will Mark do tomorrow morning?
A. Watch a dragon boat race.
B. Go shopping.
C. Watch a square dance. ()25. What does Mark think of Huang Gang?
A. It’s crowded.
B. It has changed a lot.
C. It’s the same as before.
()26. —Thanks for giving me the book. It has made a _________ to my life.
—Not at all. All is the great result of your own effort.
A. decision
B. mistake
C. progress
D. difference ()27. —When the mother heard her baby daughter say her first word,she felt so excited that she made a short video on Tick Tok (抖音) to ________ her joy.
—Oh, how happy the mother is!
A. hide
B. share
C. improve
D. borrow
()28. —Look at the man running on the ground. Is it Mr Wang?
—It ________ be him. I saw him go to the library just now.
A. mustn’t
B. can’t
C. needn’t
D. might not ()29. —Did you hear the strange noise next door at around 10 o’clock last night?
—No. I _______ my favorite music in my bedroom.
A. listen to
B. listened to
C. was listening to
D. am listening to ()30. —Now more and more net friends support Cui Yongyuan because he dares to tell the truth.
—That’s why people __________ him!
A. look forward to
B. look up to
C. look like
D. look after ()31. —Miss Yang, how can I improve my writing?
—Well, reading can help, I think. The _______ you read, the _______ you can write.
A. fewer; better
B. much; better
C. fewer; well
D. more; better ()32. —It has been much easier for me to go to work ________ shared bikes appeared.
—But they also cause plenty of problems.
A. since
B. before
C. unless
D. though
()33. —I hear our English teacher will set up a wechat group. Could you tell me _______?
—It’s more convenient for us to study in groups.
A. where she’ll help us with our lessons
B. why will she set it up
C. when will she ask for our wechat numbers
D. what it is used for
()34. —Class, you should be thankful to those people _______ helped and supported you.
九年级英语中考压轴试题第  3 页共12 页
—We will. Miss Chen.
A. which
B. whom
C. who
D. whose
()35. —Could you tell me how to pay for this food by QR code(二维码) on  the phone?
A. Take it easy
B. It doesn't matter
C. You're welcome
D. Sure, I'd love to
2023年研究生考试时间一览表What's the English word for the Chinese food jiaozi? Perhaps you would say " dumpling". But actually , you can just say "jaozi". It has been officially(正式地)36 to the Oxford English Dictionary. Until now, about 120 37 words have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary, becoming a part of the English language.
Why have these words become 38 ? It may be because of increased interest in learning Chinese. The Confucius Institute(孔子学院), which offers Chinese lessons, has set up 1,073 39 in 140 countries and areas, with 2.1 million students. -People's Daily reported.
The CFLPA(中国外文局) studied 50 media platforms(媒体平台)in eight English-speaking 40 , including the US, the UK and India. The report listed the top 100 Chinese 41 that people in these countries use the most.
"Shaolin", a place in China that is 42 for kung fu, was at the top of the list. Other popular words 43 “yinyang”, "yuan", "gugong" , "nihao", "wushu", "qi", "qigong", “renminbi" and “majiang”.
Some of the hot words, which are increasingly popular with the foreign media, represent the social and cultural change .For example, 44 Tuhao and Dama are old words, they have got new 45  . Tuhao used to represent the village landlord s(地主)46 owned a lot of land and had many servants in
the old days, but now it is used to refer to the 47 who spend money like water or like to show off. That is to say, they have wealth but no taste. Dama( aunt) is a calling to middle-aged 48 , but now it especially refers to the Chinese women who buy a lot of gold when gold price 49 recently.
Some of the words refer not only to social and 50 change, but also politics(政治), economics(经济)and technology. These words include zhongguomeng( Chinese Dream). yi dai yi lu(一带一路) and zhifubao( Alipay).
()36. A. stopped    B. based    C. given    D. added ()37. A. Chinese    B. French    C. Japanese    D. English ()38. A. boring    B. popular    C. difficult    D. exciting ()39. A. classrooms    B playgrounds    C. offices    D. cinemas ()40.A. cities    B. countries    C. towns    D. factories ()41. A. languages    B. sentences    C. words    D. books ()42. A interesting    B. famous    C. boring    D. rich
()43. A. include    B. show    C. return    D. represent ()44. A. because    B. although    C. since    D. when ()45. A. words    B. meanings    C. colours    D. culture ()46. A. which    B. what    C. who    D.whose
九年级英语中考压轴试题第  4 页共12 页
()47. A. rich    B. poor    C. disabled    D.elderly ()48. A. men    B. people    C. girls    D. women ()49.A. rises    B. drops    C. raises    D. increases ()50. A. traditional    B. environmental    C. natural    D. cultural 四、阅读理解(共19小题;每小题2分,满分38分)
The Coca-Cola Company has an invention –the “plantbottle”. It is partly made
from plants and can be recycled. It shows how businesses can help to deal with
the problem of climate(气候)change.
Now the UK has a new light bulb that can last 25 years or more. It is green and
environment-friendly. It is as bright as the old light bulb, but it costs £30.
Good news for swimmers. Do you want to talk to your fiends underwater? Richie
Stachowski invented this Water Talkie at the age of 10. This invention can help
swimmers talk with one another underwater from as far as 15 feet away.
If you sit in a chair for too long or in a bad position (姿势),your back may begin
学生安全平台登录to hurt. Now there is a new chair that can help you avoid that. It was developed by
German scientists. It makes noises to tell users when they need to move.
A. It is completely made from plants.
B. It is a product of the Coca-Cola Company.
C. It costs much money.
D. It can't be recycled.
()52. The new light bulb _______.
A. is brighter than the old kind
B. isn't good for the environment
C. can last at least 25 years
D. can last less than 25 years
()53. The Water Talkie was invented by_______.
A. German scientists
B. a young child
C. a UK company
D. some swimmers ()54. All the four inventions have something to do with _______.2022普法网学生登录入口
A. daily life
B. climate
C. saving money
D. the environment
On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. Though the music was great, people were quickly going home for the weekend. In this case, many of them put some money into the hat of the young man.
The next day, the young artist came to the gate of the subway station, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Different from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground and put some stones on it. Then he began playing. It seemed more pleasant to listen to.
Before long, the young violinist was surrounded with people. All people were all attracted by the words on that paper. It said, "Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to get it soon."
九年级英语中考压轴试题第  5 页共12 页