Part 1  Listening (第一部分 听力)
I. Listening comprehension (听力理解)    (30 )
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到内容选出相应的图片)  (6 )
1. ______      2. ______      3. ______    4. ______      5. ______    6. ______
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8)
7. A) Sunny.              B) Rainy.              C) Cloudy.              D) Windy.
8. A) A doctor.          B) A teacher.          C) An engineer.          D) A policeman.
9. A) 9:          B) 10:          C) 10:            D) 11:
10. A) In a factory.      B) At a clothing shop.      C) In a library.          D) At a restaurant.
11. A) The housing estate.                    B) The awful food.       
C) The poor service.                      D) The dirty restaurant.
12. A) Teacher and student.                  B) Manager and secretary.
  C) Father and daughter.                      D) Doctor and patient.
13. A) She forgot about the party.                B) She had to work at home late.
C) She wasn't invited to the party.          D) She didn't want to go there.
省考重启最新消息14. A) She needs good luck to pass the exam.    B) She has practiced for a long time.
C) She isn't ready for the exam.            D) She doesn't care for the exam.
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断
下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用往届高考生如何查高考成绩>东营人力资源考试信息网“F”表示) (6)   
15. Tony thinks it hard to learn math and he needs much help from Julia.
16. Julia gave Tony her pocket money to buy a bottle of orange juice.
17. Tony and Julia often save money for their comic-con(漫画) tickets.
18. Julia agreed to play video games with Tony after class.
19. Julia felt very sorry to miss the date with her teacher Bob.
20. From the dialogue we know that Julia spends much time on her study.
王晓萍任人社部党组书记D.  Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)
21. Bees may visit over -- __________ __________ flowers to produce just half a kilo of honey(蜂蜜).
22. The color and taste of honey __________ __________ the type of flower that bees visited.
23. Honey was of __________ __________ to the ancient Egyptians, who used it as payment.
24. There are many __________ __________ to eat honey and you should try them in the daily life.
25. Only spread honey __________ __________ the meat while cooking and it will come out tasting wonderful.
Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar
(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)
IIChoose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20陕西省教育考试门户网站分
26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /sɪns/?
A. things            B. science            C. since              D. sense
27. Middle school students usually have ______ one-day spring outing in April or May.
A. a                B. an                  C. the                  D. /
28. The little girl ______ a yellow T-shirt is my cousin from Canada.
A. of            B. in                  C. at                  D. by
29. When I have problem with my ,I usually turn to my friend for ______.
A. advice          B. opinion              C. idea              D. point
30. Drinking too much water before sleep does harm ______ your health.
A. with            B. for                  C. at                  D. to
31. Sorry, I am not able to answer your question. I know ______ about it.
A. few              B. a few              C. little                D. a little
32. “You can read the comic strips, ______ you must finish your homework first.” said Mom.
A. for                B. or                  C. so                  D. but
33. The farmer sounded ______ on the phone. He offered to give me a speech on planting seeds.
A. gently          B. friendly              C. sadly              D. kindly
34. Students ______ be careful when they do chemical experiments in the laboratory..
A. must            B. may              C. need                D. can
35. Jack needed to change his unhealthy eating habits, ______ he?
A. don’t            B. isn’t                C. doesn’t              D. needn’t
36. With the help of computers, reading and writing do not seem so ______ as they used to.
A. difficult            B. more difficult        C. most difficult          D. the mort difficult
37. Ann and Christina ______ next-door neighborhood since they came to Shanghai in 2016.
A. were            B. will be              C. had been          D. have been
38. We used the link method ______ we could remember these words easily.
A. now that          B. as soon as          C. so that              D. as long as
39. The old man was sad because his favourite vase ______ by his naughty granddaughter.