中级会计培训网校哪家好Many small American towns are known for their beautiful scenery,but very few have something special to offer. The following are known for their unique styles.
This attractive town is known as“The Lost Luggage Capital of the World”thanks to the unclaimed luggage center,where lost items such as snow skis,instruments and engagement rings are for sale. In addition to the store,which has become one of Alabama's top tourist and shopping attractions,the city's parks and heritage centers are popular places to visit.
Hope is a city in southern Dickinson County,Kansas,with a population of 317.It's the home of Klipsch Museum of Audio History,President William Jefferson Clinton's birthplace and several antique shops. Hope's motto,which is also the name of the to wn's song,is“There will always be‘Hope’in Kansas”.
Although its population is just over 10,000,Branson hosts over 9 million visitors each year. When the best-selling novel,The Shepherd of the Hills,written by Harold Bell Wright,was released in 1907,readers rushed to the Ozark hills to experience its famous views. Now tourists also get to visit the World's Largest Toy Museum,the world's largest Titanic Museum Attraction and the record-breaking theme park,Silver Dollar City. Leavenworth,Washington
Leavenworth is a European-inspired destination, offering a collection of outdoor activities all year long. It welcomes almost 2million tourists each year and is home to the Nutcracker(胡桃夹子)Museum,which has more than 7,000 nutcrackers from around the world. Many of its visitors travel to the village in December during its annual holiday festival to see it light up with more than one million Christmas lights.
1.Why is Scottsboro called“The Lost Luggage Capital of the World”?
A.It sells unclaimed lost items.
B.It has fancy heritage centers.
C.It features amusing city parks.
D.It offers top shopping attractions.
2.What can visitors do in Branson,Missouri?
A.Take part in festivals.
B.Shop at antique shops.
C.Visit theme museums.
D. Watch light shows.
3.Which of the following might be the most attractive to outdoor fans?
As the world has changed,so has education. Since 2018,Nelly Cheboi and her non-profit TechLit Africa have been bringing computer technology into schools in Kenya, helping students join the digital world, and unlock their potential. With its own software programs,curriculum(课程)and teacher training programs,this non-profit hopes to change Africa.
In 2012,Cheboi received a scholarship to College in Illinois that changed her life. She grew up in poverty in rural Kenya, watching her mother struggle to support her family alone. Cheboi had no experience with computers before moving to the US to study. She hand wrote papers and then struggled to type them out on a laptop computer. Somehow she fell in love with computer science and began a career in the field.But she did not lose sight of her origins.“As an undergraduate,I invested all of my income from various campus jobs into my community back in Kenya,”she said on the TechLit Africa website.But soon she wanted to do more for it and that is how TechLit Africa began.
Cheboi recalled how her background helped her understand how important technological knowledge
could be for children living in poverty. She built a school with the idea of bringing computer science as part of kids' curriculum growing up. But she found that it was going to be really hard to impact as many people as possible,because it was so hard to fund raise. Then in order to reach more students,she introduced computer training to existing schools. Cheboi physically dragged over 40 recycled computers that had been donated to them by various tech companies to Kenya in suitcases.
Now,since the non-profit has grown,it works with various companies that help them clean the donated computers of data and send them to Africa. TechLit Africa runs its own curriculum with its own software programs in 10 Kenyan schools,and the hope is to increase to 100 throughout Africa by next year. The students love learning about computers,and in turn are gaining skills that will help them make use of their talents into a way out of poverty.
4. What has Cheboi been doing since 2018?
A. Boosting her science career
B.Promoting digital education.
C.Starting a scholarship program.
D. Updating the computer courses.
5. What inspired Cheboi to set up TechLit Africa?
遴选面试题目100及最佳答案A. Her love for computer science
B. Her desire to help her hometown.四川省人社厅人事考试专栏
C. Her dream of supporting her family.
D. Her childhood experience in the US.
6.What do we know about Cheboi from Paragraph 3?
A.She hopes to help more kids.
B. She plans to build new schools.
C. She seeks to develop new courses.
D.She calls for donations of computers.
7.Which of the following can best describe Cheboi?
C. Considerate.
D. Cooperative.
A Purdue University invention could save millions of taxpayer dollars and significantly reduce traffic delays. The new invention,a s ensor that allows concrete to“talk”,decreases construction time and how often concrete pavement(路面)needs repairs while also improving the road's sustainability and cutting its carbon footprint.Fixed directly into a concrete pour the sensor sends engineers more precise and consistent data about the concrete's strength and need for repairs than is possible with currently used tools and methods.
“Traffic jams caused by repairs have wasted 4 billion hours and 3 billion gallons of gas, on a yearly b
asis. This is mainly due to insufficient knowledge and understanding of concrete's strength levels,”said Luna Lu,who has been leading development of the sensor since 2017.“For instance,we don't know when concrete will reach the right strength needed to accommodate traffic loads just after construction. The concrete may be put into use too early,leading to frequent repairing,”she added.
With the technology Lu and her team invented,engineers can directly monitor the fresh concrete and accurately measure many of its properties at once. The sensor notifies engineers via a smartphone app exactly when the pavement is strong enough to handle heavy traffic. The stronger the pavement is before being used by vehicles, the less often it will need to be repaired. By decreasing road repairs and construction timelines, this technology could reduce carbon dioxide that vehicles would have given off while waiting in traffic to get around a construction site.
Methods that the industry has used for more than a century call for testing large samples of concrete at a lab or onsite facility.Even though these tests' are well understood by the industry, differences between lab and outdoor conditions can lead to inaccurate estimates of the concrete's strength due to the different concrete compositions and temperatures of the surrounding area.
8. What can be learned about the new invention?
A.It decreases accidents.
B.It is costly to produce.
C.It reduces road repairs.
D. It is difficult to operate.
9. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A. Waste caused by road repairs.
B. Characteristics of the concrete.
C. Situations of road constructions.
D. Necessity of inventing the sensor.
10.What does the underlined word"notifies"inParagraph'3mean?
11.What is the problem with the previous tests?
A. Samples must be tested on the spot.
B. The results turn out to be unreliable.
C.Fewer properties have been measured.
D. Concrete is tested in certain temperature.
A study from the University of Montreal and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, published in Frontiers in Medicine,found that regular virtual visits to museums could help seniors stay mentally active and come with a host of additional health benefits. That's because these digital connections can make ret
irees feel less lonely and isolated(孤立的).
辽宁省事业单位招聘信息网Social isolation has been associated with the risks for heart disease and the decline of recognition abilities in seniors and the pandemic(疫情)increased the risks due to the need for seniors to stay home and isolate,according to a press release from the university.
The researchers investigated the potential benefits of weekly virtual visits for a three-month period. The participants were people aged 65 and older who lived in Montreal. Half of the participants took part in online visits and a discussion afterwards,while the control group did not participate in any.cultural events at all. The group who participated in the virtual visits showed improvements in their quality of life.“Our study showed that art-based activities may be an effective intervention,”lead author Dr. Olivier Beauchet,a professor at the University of Montreal,said in the press release.“On a global scale,this participatory art-based activity could become a model that could be offered in museums and arts institutions worldwide to promote active and healthy aging.”
The initiative reflects approaches recommended by the World Health Organization to manage certain diseases,according to Beauchet. For instance,the WHO launched the Aging and Health Program in 2015 that included using community-based organizations to promote culture as a key co
mponent of improving health. Traditionally, these sorts of preventive health activities have taken place in schools, community centers,and workplaces.“While these are suitable locations that reach a great number of people,there are additional organizations and sectors that could become partners in public health research and practice development,”Beauchet said.“Museums are among such potential partners. They are aware of the needs of their communities and are consequently expanding the types of activities they offer.”
12.How do seniors benefit from regular virtual visits to museums?
A.They get survival skills.
B.They raise interest in art.
C.They improve quality of life.
D.They connect more with family.
13. What can be inferred from Beauchet's words in Paragraph 3?
A.Participants come from the whole world.
B.The museum needs better cultural events.
C. Face-to-face discussion is a useful intervention.
D. Seniors should attend more art-based activities.
14. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To advocate.
B.To entertain.
C.To advertise.
D.To warn.
15. Which may be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Aged Form a Community to Reduce Loneliness
B.Virtual Art-based Activities Bring People Together
C.Online Museum Trips Improve Seniors' Well being
D.Retired Individuals Pay More Visits to Museums
It seems a bit strange to imagine ancient Egyptians celebrating their birthdays with layered cakes topped with lighted candles.__16__
The first birthday cakes were nothing of what they are today and weren't even called birthday cakes.__17__At that time only they could afford to celebrate with something sweet. That is how cake became associated with special occasions.
Ancient Egyptians are credited with“inventing”the birthday celebration. And ancient Greeks borrowed the tradition but rightfully realized that a dessert would make the celebration all the more meaningful. So they baked moon-shaped cakes to offer up to the moon.__18__
It wasn't just the ancient Egyptians and Greeks who celebrated with sweet cakes.__19__And it's beli
eved that the original birthday cake came from them. Rather than just celebrating birthdays, though,ancient Rome was known for celebrating all things with a cake including wedding,but there was an exception—the birthdays celebrated were only for men who were citizens,and they had to be famous.
Modern birthday parties are said to get their roots from the 18th-century German celebration. On the morning of a child's birthday,he or she would receive a cake with lighted candles that added up to the child's age plus one.__20__The birthday child would make a wish,try to blow out all the candles in one breath,and dig in.
A. Ancient Romans also had their traditions.
B. Rather,they were symbolic of the noble class.
C. Ancient Greeks made the first birthday cakes.
D. On birthday,children would eat cakes made by their mums.
E.They also decorated the cakes to make them shine like the moon.
F.This extra candle was called the light of hope for another new year.