        1. 听下面一段对话,回答第1至第2小题。
        M: Hi, I'm looking for a gift for my mother.
        W: How about this necklace? It's made of gold and it's very beautiful.
        M: That's a great idea. How much is it?
        A. The necklace is made of gold.
        B. The man is looking for a gift for his mother.
        C. The woman is selling a necklace.
        D. The necklace is very expensive.
        2. 听下面一段对话,回答第3至第4小题。
        M: I'm so tired. I need to take a break.
        W: Why don't you go to the park? You can take a walk and relax.
        M: That's a great idea.
        A. The man wants to take a break.
        B. The woman suggests going to the park.
        C. The man is going to take a walk.
        D. The woman is tired.
        3. 听下面一段独白,回答第5至第7小题。
        Today I'm going to talk about the importance of exercise. Exercise is essential for our health. It helps us stay fit and healthy. It also helps us stay focused and productive. Exercise can also help us reduce stress and improve our mood. So make sure to get enough exercise every day.
        A. Exercise is important for our health.
        B. Exercise can help us stay focused.
        C. Exercise can help us reduce stress.
        D. Exercise can help us stay productive.
        4. 听下面一段独白,回答第8至第10小题。
        Today I'm going to talk about the importance of eating healthy. Eating healthy is essential for our health. Eating a balanced diet can help us stay fit and healthy. It can also help us stay focused and productive. Eating healthy can also help us reduce stress and improve our mood. So make sure to eat healthy every day.
        A. Eating healthy is important for our health.
        B. Eating a balanced diet can help us stay focused.
        C. Eating healthy can help us reduce stress.
        D. Eating healthy can help us stay productive.
教育局匿名投诉网站        二、答案
        1. B. The man is looking for a gift for his mother.
        2. B. The woman suggests going to the park.
        3. A. Exercise is important for our health.
        B. Exercise can help us stay focused.
        C. Exercise can help us reduce stress.
        4. A. Eating healthy is important for our health.
        B. Eating a balanced diet can help us stay focused.
        C. Eating healthy can help us reduce stress.
        D. Eating healthy can help us stay productive.。