Passage 1
Questions 1-3
1. Which is NOT included in the egg-laying process?
A. laying eggs
B. hatching eggs 
C. mating   
D. protecting eggs
2. What encourages some sea turtles to return to the same beach each year?
A. their memory 
B. the beach's natural conditions 
C. a magnetic field
D. their offspring
3. Why are baby turtles' survival rates so low?
A. because they are attacked by predators 
B. because they cannot find their way to the ocean
C. because they are too weak 
D. because they are not able to defend themselves
Passage 2
Questions 4-5
4. What did Jack say about his experience of running a marathon?
A. It was tough, but he got through it.
B. He trained hard and set a new record.
C. He enjoyed it more than he thought he would.
D. It was a waste of time and he wouldn't do it again.
5. What did Jack NOT mention as a reason for running the marathon?
A. To raise money for charity.
B. To challenge himself physically.
C. To lose weight. 
D. To prove he could do it.
People have been living in cities since ancient times. The first cities were formed in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC, followed closely by ______ 6 ____ cities in the valley of the Nile in Egypt. Cities such as Baghdad in Iraq and Siwa in Libya also existed in equally ancient times. For thousands of years, people have been adapting to the ____ 7 ____ in urban areas, creating their own styles of housing, trade, and even entertainment.
As cities grew larger, they became more complex and required _____ 8 _____ services to function smoothly. These services included things like _____ 9 _____ collection, police and fire protection, and transportation systems. With the growth of industrialization, cities took on a major new importance. In modern times, cities are often regarded as the engines of economic growth, as centers for innovation and creativity, and as the guardians of our cultural heritage.
Passage 1
Questions 1-3河南省农村信用社招聘2021
1. Which is NOT included in the egg-laying process?
A. laying eggs
B. hatching eggs 
C. mating   
D. protecting eggs
2. What encourages some sea turtles to return to the same beach each year?
A. their memory 
B. the beach's natural conditions 
C. a magnetic field
D. their offspring
3. Why are baby turtles' survival rates so low?
A. because they are attacked by predators 
B. because they cannot find their way to the ocean
C. because they are too weak 
D. because they are not able to defend themselves
Passage 2
Questions 4-5
4. What did Jack say about his experience of running a marathon?
A. It was tough, but he got through it.
B. He trained hard and set a new record.
C. He enjoyed it more than he thought he would.
D. It was a waste of time and he wouldn't do it again.
5. What did Jack NOT mention as a reason for running the marathon?
A. To raise money for charity.
B. To challenge himself physically.
C. To lose weight. 
D. To prove he could do it.
1. The documentary showed a number of ___ about the effects of climate change.
A. interviews 
B. speeches 
C. stories 
D. analyses 
2. Paul hasn’t been able to contact his brother since he moved ___.
A. away 
重庆教师编制太难考了B. back 
C. out 
D. up 
3. You have to ___ your passport to get into the country.
A. take 
B. bring 
C. show 
D. leave 
4. The ____ icon on the screen lets you choose which app to open.
A. printer 
B. search 
C. clock 
D. camera 
Passage 1
Questions 1-2
1. How often does the woman exercise now?
A. Once a week. 
B. Twice a week. 
C. Three times a week. 
D. Every day.
2. What did the woman used to eat for breakfast?
A. oats
B. eggs and bacon
C. cereal 
D. toast and jam
Passage 2
Questions 3-5
3. Why is the speaker’s dog one of a kind?
A. because it is particularly intelligent.
B. because it is very friendly.
C. because it is a rare breed.
D. because it has a special talent.
4. What did the speaker discover about the dog when she took it to the park?
A. That it was scared of other dogs. 
B. That it was too friendly with strangers.
C. That it was too aggressive towards other animals.
D. That it was good at playing fetch.
5. How did the speakers in the park react to the dog’s talent?
A. They were impressed.
B. They were indifferent.
C. They were amused.
D. They were scared.
1. 我们应该保护大自然,使得这个星球变得更加美好。
2. 和小学生交流对我来说非常有趣且有益。
3. 我梦想着能有一天成为一名作家。
4. 大学最难的事情之一就是管理好自己的时间。
5. 昨晚,我从洗澡开始就决定今天不去上课了。
1. We should protect the nature to make the planet a better place.
2. Communicating with elementary school students is fun and beneficial for me.