Section 1。
Questions 1-10。
1. M: Remember to ask Mr. Johnson to help us with the project.
A: Will do. 。
2. W: What are your plans for the weekend?
M: I'm going to stay home and catch up on some reading.
3. M: Did you see the latest movie?
A: Yes, I did. It was really good.
2021年上半年教师资格证考试真题4. W: We should try to finish the project by the end of the week.
M: That's a tall order, but I think we can do it.
5. W: Would you like to join us for dinner?
M: Sure, I'd love to.
6. M: Have you read the book I gave you?
A: Not yet, but I'm planning to this weekend.
7. M: I hear the Smiths are getting a new car.
W: Yes, they just bought a brand new BMW.
8. W: How was the party last night?
M: It was great. We had a lot of fun.
9. W: The concert will start in a few minutes.
M: I know. Let's hurry up and get there.
2021年研究生录取分数线是多少10. M: Did you see the news about the storm?
湖北自考考生服务平台appA: Yes, it's supposed to hit later tonight.