        Section 1
        Questions 1-5
        1. A: What do you think of the new restaurant?
        B: It's really good. The food is delicious and the service is excellent.
        2. A: What did you think of the movie?
        B: It was really good. I really enjoyed it.
        3. A: How was your vacation?
        B: It was great. We had a lot of fun and saw some amazing sights.
        4. A: How was your trip to the beach?
        B: It was really nice. The weather was perfect and the water was so clear.
        5. A: What did you think of the concert?
公务员面试真实视频        B: It was amazing. The music was great and the atmosphere was really fun.
        Section 2
        Questions 6-10
        6. A: What did you think of the museum?
        B: It was really interesting. There were a lot of interesting exhibits and I learned a lot.
        7. A: How was your visit to the zoo?
        B: It was great. We saw a lot of animals and the kids had a lot of fun.
        8. A: What did you think of the play?
        B: It was really good. The acting was great and the story was really interesting.
        9. A: How was your trip to the park?
        B: It was really nice. The weather was perfect and the scenery was beautiful.
        10. A: What did you think of the concert?
        B: It was amazing. The music was great and the atmosphere was really fun.
        Section 3
        Questions 11-15
        11. A: What did you think of the restaurant?
        B: It was really good. The food was delicious and the service was excellent.
        12. A: How was your visit to the museum?
        B: It was really interesting. There were a lot of interesting exhibits and I learned a lot.
        13. A: What did you think of the play?
        B: It was really good. The acting was great and the story was really interesting.
        14. A: How was your trip to the beach?
        B: It was really nice. The weather was perfect and the water was so clear.
        15. A: What did you think of the concert?
        B: It was amazing. The music was great and the atmosphere was really fun.
        1. B: It's really good. The food is delicious and the service is excellent.
        2. B: It was really good. I really enjoyed it.
        3. B: It was great. We had a lot of fun and saw some amazing sights.
        4. B: It was really nice. The weather was perfect and the water was so clear.
        5. B: It was amazing. The music was great and the atmosphere was really fun.专接本考试报名系统
        6. B: It was really interesting. There were a lot of interesting exhibits and I learned a lot.
        7. B: It was great. We saw a lot of animals and the kids had a lot of fun.
        8. B: It was really good. The acting was great and the story was really interesting.
        9. B: It was really nice. The weather was perfect and the scenery was beautiful.
        10. B: It was amazing. The music was great and the atmosphere was really fun.