    1.Whose birthday is coming up?
辽宁省农村信用社联合社招聘    B.Maggie's.
    2.Why did the woman raise the problem?
    A.The man is forgetful.
    B.The bill was wrong.
    C.The coffee tasted bad.
    3.What is Mike doing?
    A.Registering for courses.
    B.Preparing for final tests.
    C.Writing a term paper.
    4.How soon will the movie start?
    A.In half an hour.
    B.In one hour.
    C.In two hours.
    5.What will the man probably do next?
    A.Answer questions.
    B.Wait for friends.
    C.Book a flight.
    6.What's wrong with the man's order?
    A.It has been misplaced.
    B.It has been delayed.
    C.It has been lost.
    7.Who is to blame for this problem?
    A.The sales manager.
    B.The customer.
湖南省娄底市公务员招聘信息    C.The supplier.
    8.Where did the woman plan to go?
    A.Cape Island.
    B.Festo Island.
    C.Dennis Island.
    9.What does the man do?
    A.A tourist.
    B.A shop owner.
    C.A mechanic.
    10.What will the woman do next?
    A.Fix her boat.
国家公务员考试成绩查询2023    B.Talk to the man's brother.
    C.Buy some coffee beans.
    11.What does the woman think of herself?
    A.A skilled coach.
    B.A reliable teammate.
    C.A talented sportswoman.
    12.Why is the man going here with equipment?
    A.To climb the wall.
    B.To protect himself.
    C.To share with the woman.
    13.How can the man be described?
    14.How long has it been since the woman left school?
    A.4 years.
    B.5 years.护士考试模拟题
    C.8 years.
    15.Where does the man know about the woman?
    A.From his sister.
    B.From a meeting.
    C.From his teacher.
    16.What is the woman going to do next week in London?
    A.Visit her old friend
    B.Give a presentation.
    C.Interpret for her boss.
    17.What is the relationship between the speakers?
    B.Teacher and student
    C.Boss and employee.
    18.What is the first destination of the tour?
    A.The museum.
    B.The City Hall.
    C.The park.
    19.What time will they leave for the Stanley Market?
    A.At 9:
    C.At 1:
    20.What is the speaker talking about next?
    A.Safety information.
    B.The gathering time.
    C.Meal plans.
    1—5 BBACA  6—10 BCCBC
    11—15 CBACA  16—20 CABBA
Text 1
W:Tom, shall we buy a gift for Maggie’s birthday?
M:Yes, but I don’t know what she likes.
W:Let’s call her roommate, Sofia. She might know what to buy for her.
Text 2
W:Could you check this bill for me? I don’t think it’s right.
M:Certainly. First, did you have two coffees?
W:Oh, did I?
M:Yes.You had one before the meal and another after.
Text 3
W:Hi, Mike. What are you doing here? I remember you finished your final exams.
M:Yes, but I’ve got to select next term’s courses.
W:Oh, that’s good. We can do this together.
Text 4
W:How much time do we have before the movie? We won’t have to hurry, will we?
M:Don’t worry. It’s 6:30 now. We still have two hours. It takes only 30 minutes to get there.
Text 5
W:Good morning, sir. I’d like to ask you a few questions if I may.
M:Well, I’m waiting for my flight.So I guess I can if you make it brief.
Text 6
M:Hello, can I speak tothe sales manager, please?
W:Yes, I’m the sales manager. Can I help you?
M:Right. Well, I phoned two days ago to say I hadn’t received my order and I’m ringing again to say it still hasn’t arrived.
W:Can I just take your name, please?
M:Yes, it’s Frank Edward.
W:Ah, Mr. Edward.I think there’s been a problem with that order.
M:What kind of problem?
W:You see, part of the order didn’t arrive here at the storehouse.So we couldn’t send it out until we’d received everything from the supplier.
M:Well, surely that was not my problem. I placed this order weeks ago.
W:Yeah, I’m sorry about this, Mr. Edward.But we’ll do everything we can to send this out to you today.
M:Right,please do. I am badly in need of it.
W:Mmm, there’s a wonderful smell of fresh coffee in the air.
M:Oh, welcome!This is the Festo coffee. It’s the best in the world, and you can only get it here.
W:And,where is here?
M:The Festo Island.
W:Festo Island? So that’s where we are. Goodness, we really havegone offcourse.
M:Where are you heading?