1. 阅读下面一则短文,回答问题。Bob and Jane are talking about their weekend. Bob says, "I played video games all weekend." Jane asks, "Did you do anything else?" Bob says, "No, just video games." Jane says, "Wow, you really need to get a life!" What does Jane think about Bob's weekend?
答案:Jane thinks Bob's weekend was boring.
2. 阅读下面一则短文,回答问题。Every day, Mr. Chen walks to work. It takes him 20 minutes each way. How long does it take him to walk to work every day?
答案:40 minutes.
3. 阅读下面一则短文,回答问题。Li Ming has a math test tomorrow. He needs to study for it. What will Li Ming do to prepare for his test?
答案:Li Ming will study for his test.
4. 阅读下面一则短文,回答问题。Mary likes to play basketball. She plays basketball after school with her friends. Sometimes, they play basketball in the park. Does Mary like to play basketball?
5. 阅读下面一则短文,回答问题。Tom is a student. He studies math, English, and history. He has a test tomorrow. What subjects will Tom be taking a test on?
答案:Tom will be taking a test on math, English, and history.
6. Which word means the opposite of "happy"?
A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Excited
D. Confused
7. What is the past tense of "go"?
A. Go
B. Goes
C. Gones
D. Went
8. What is the present tense of "was"?
A. Am
B. Is
C. Are
D. Were
9. What is the plural form of "child"?
A. Childs
B. Childrens
C. Childes
D. Children
10. Which word is a verb?
A. Table
B. Sky
C. Run
D. Pen
11. Jenny is my best friend. We do everything together. We often (go) to the movies on the weekend. Last week, we (see) a really ___________ movie. After the movie, we decided to (get) some ___________ at a nearby café. We (order) two drinks and some ___________. We talked for hours and (have) a really good time.
答案:go, saw, get, drinks, ordered, food, had。
12. Mike is a ___________ student. He always does his homework on time and ___________ hard for his tests. Last week, he ___________ a test in English. He was very ___________ when he ___________ his test results. He got an A!
A. good, works, took, happy, saw
B. bad, plays, gave, sad, heard
C. lazy, sleeps, wrote, angry, read
D. smart, studies, took, happy, saw
13. Steve is a firefighter. He enjoys going to work every day. One day, he got a call about a fire. He quickly put on his ___________ and headed to the scene. When he arrived, he saw a house ___________ flames. Steve and his team got to work right away. After an hour of hard work, they were able to ___________ the fire. Everyone was safe and the fire was out.
A. hat, under, start
B. pants, by, stop
C. jacket, on, continue
D. shoes, with, begin
14. Mary is a singer. She loves to perform in front of crowds. Last night, she gave a concert at the ___________ theater in town. She sang all of her ___________ songs and the crowd loved it. After the show, Mary ___________ pictures with some of her fans. She had a ___________ time and was very ___________.
A. new, happy, left, good, tired
B. old, sad, took, bad, excited
C. big, popular, made, great, happy
D. small, relaxing, gave, boring, annoyed
听下面一段对话,回答第 15 至第 17 小题。
15. How did the woman get to the hotel?
广东省公务员考试报名人数查询A. By car.
B. By taxi.
C. By train.
16. How long is the woman going to stay in the hotel?
A. One day.
B. Two days.
C. Three days.
17. What time does the woman need to check out of the hotel?
A. At
B. At
C. At
听下面一段独白,回答第 18 至第 20 小题。
18. What is the speaker talking about?
A. Her favorite hobbies.
B. Her dream vacation.
C. Her job.
19. What kind of scenery does the speaker mention?
A. Mountains and lakes.
B. Beaches and palm trees.
C. Cities and buildings.
20. What does the speaker say about the food in the place she wants to visit?
A. It is healthy but not tasty.
B. It is tasty but not healthy.
C. It is both healthy and tasty.
浙江省教师资格证考试条件请您根据以下提示用英语写一篇 50 词左右的短文。
Dear students,一级消防工程师报名时间表
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming book reading event. This event will be held in the school library on Friday, March 5th from 3:00-5:00 pm. There will be plenty of books available for you to read and enjoy.
We hope to see you there!
Li Hua