M:Hello! Welcome to our school library.
W:Hi. Can I borrow some books here?
M:Of course! How many do you need?
W:Just three.
M:Okay, what kind of books do you want?
W: I'm looking for some novels and reference books.海南考试局填报志愿入口
M:No problem. You need to fill this form and show your student ID card.
W:Ok, that's it?
M:Yes, that's all.
2.part 2
W: Hi, cat. What’re you doing here?
M: Hey, I’m here to get some books for my research project.
W: Oh, so you can’t take too many books?
M: Right. I can only take two books at a time in this library.
W: That sounds like a lot of work because you have to go back and forth.
M: Yes,but it’s okay. I can handle it.
3.part 3
M: Good morning. Can I help you?
W: Hi. I need to borrow some books from this library.
M: Sure. Do you have a library card?
W: Yes, here it is.
M: Okay, let me check it. You can borrow up to five books at a time.
W: Great, I’ll take three.
M: Okay, all you need to do is to fill out this form, and then you can take the books.
W: All right. Thanks.
4.part 4
M: Hi, I’m here to borrow some books.
山东省考公务员2022报名时间W:Sure. What kind of books do you want?
公务员国考和省考的区别是什么M:I need some books about philosophy for my school project.
W:Ok, We have several books on philosophy that you may be interested in.
M:That’s great. Do I need a library card to borrow them?
W:Yes,you need a library card. Here is the application form.
M:Okay, thank you.
2、山东高考听力原文涉及的话题 围绕着图书馆的使用,如需求、借阅、申请表等。