    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:how much is the shirt?
    a. £19.15 b. £9.15 c. £9.18
    1. what is the weather like?
    a. it’s raining. b. it’s cloudy.2020公务员国考
    2. who will go to china next month?
    a. lucy. b. alice. c. richard.
    3. what are the speakers talking about?
    a. the man’s sister. b. a fil c. an actor.
    4. where will the speakers meet?
    a. in room . b. in room . c. in room .
    5. where does the conversation most probably take place?
    a. in a restaurant. b. in an office. c. at home.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分后,满分22.5分后)
2021国家公务员考试专题网站    听到第6段材料,提问第6至8题。
    6. why did the woman go to new york?
    a. to spend some time with the baby.
    b. to look after her sister.
    c. to find a new job.
    7. how old was the baby when the woman left new york? a. two months. b. five months. c. seven months.
    8. what did the woman like doing most with the baby? a. holding hi b. playing with hi c. feeding hi
    9. what are the speakers talking about? a. a way to improve air quality. b. a problem with traffic rules. c. a suggestion for city planning.
    10. what does the man suggest? a. limiting the use of cars. b. encouraging people to walk. c. warning drivers of air pollution.
    11. what does the woman think about the man’s idea? a. it’s interesting. b. it’s worth trying. c. it’s impractical.
    12. how long will the man probably stay in new zealand? a. one week. b. two weeks. c. three weeks.
    13. what advice does the woman give to the man? a. go to new zealand after christmas. b. book his flight as soon as possible. c. save more money for his trip.
    14. what can we learn about flights to new zealand at christmas time? a. they require early booking. b. they can be twice as expensive. c. they are on special offer.
    15. why did jane call mike? a. to ask him to meet her. b. to tell him about to c. to borrow his car.
    16. where will jane be in about one hour? a. at mike’s place. b. at the airport. c. at a garage.
    17. what can we infer from the conversation? a jane has just learned to drive. b. jane’s car is in bad condition. c. mike will go to the airport.
    18. what did the speaker ask the students to do the week before? a. write a short story. b. prepare for the lesson. c. learn more about the writer.
    19. why does the speaker ask the questions? a. to check the students’ understanding of the story. b. to draw the students’ attention to reading skills. c. to let the students discuss father-son relationships.
    20. what will the students do in 10 minutes? a. ask more questions. b. discuss in groups. c. give their answers.
    1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.c 9.a 10.a 11.c 16.a 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.c 听力原文 text 1
    m: i think it’s going to rain.
    w: i guess so. the sky is dark and cloudy. text 2
    m: lucy is going back to china next month, alice.
    12.c 13.b 15.c 14.b
    w: oh, really.
    m: and she will not take rachel this time. text 3
    w: i hate to say it, but jackie isn’t doing well in the fil
    m: well, i only think he is playing a different type of role, but my sister thinks he is still the best. text 4
    m: professor miners, could i talk to you about my paper?
    w: sure, come to my office between two to three. it’s room . text 5
    w: ok, time to go home.
    m: i can’t, because i haven’t finished the report about the newly opened restaurant. w: well, if you carry on working like that, you’ll make yourself ill. text 6
    m: i haven’t seen you for a long time. where have you been?
    w: i went to new york to visit my sister and stayed there for two months. actually, i really went to meet my new nephew.
    m: that’s great! how old is he?
    w: well, he was five months old when i got there and he could possibly be the most beautiful baby i’ve ever seen.