(总分150, 做题时间120分钟)
The outside world begins creeping into the school when the children reach the age of 13 and older, the age when they begin to make subject choices and when, according to a careers officer, they know if they're a scientific lot or more inclined to the arts. The difficult part is bringing the outside world to life with all its opportunities and realities. Schools are handicapped because they are staffed by people who only know about schools. Careers services are heavily influenced by what is readily available in the area, which may be sausage-making(香肠制造) in Wiltshire of ship-building in Clydeside. Somewhere out in the world there are snail (蜗牛) geneticists (遗传学家) and landscape gardeners and girls who polish Elizabeth Taylor's diamonds, but the careers officer knows little of them. What he kno
ws about is engineering and hairdressing and opportunities in the Army. It is not surprising that this constant friction between grand aspirations (抱负) and uninspired reality produces cynicism (玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗) in both parties.
Wherever they work, sixteen and seventeen-year-olds can find themselves used as cheap labor, picking things up off floors, fetching and carrying. Some are paid a reasonable wage but it is quite possible to be paid only pocket-money. That's in the living-in jobs like hotel work. There is a small breakthrough of girls into traditionally male preserves like agriculture, but that may be because very few boys now would put up with the low wages. Most girls, despite women's liberation, head straight for hairdressing, nursing or office work and dream of being swept off their feet by the boss.
In what sense does the author say the outside world begins "creeping into schools" when children first make subject choices?
Children begin to become interested in careers possibly open to them.
Children know what they are good at science or arts.
Children start to make constant contact with careers officers.
Children start to be concerned with what occupations they will be able to obtain.
    分值: 6
文章第一段“the age when they begin to make subject choices and when,according to a careers officer,they know if they’re a scientific lot or more inclined to the arts.”因此正
The result of the present staffing arrangements in schools is________.
teachers can concentrate on teaching
schools can offer little help in finding career opportunities
students are well prepared for whatever jobs they will get
students leave school unqualified
    分值: 6
文章第一段“Schools are handicapped because they are staffed by people who only know about schools.”故选B。
According to the passage, the youth become cynical because________.
they feel they are misled by careers officers
they can't accomplish in reality their strong desires to become scientists or to do something great
what they learn at school is quite different from what they see in society
they are treated unfairly in society
    分值: 6
“Careers services are heavily influenced by what is readily available in the area,which may be sausage—making(香肠制造)in Wiltshire of ship—building in Clydeside.Somewhere out in the world there are snail(蜗牛)geneticists(遗传学家)and landscape gardeners and girls who polish Elizabeth Taylor’s diamonds,but the careers officer know
s little of them.”此题关键读出最后一一句话的含义,故选B。
According to the author, some girls start to engage in agriculture________.
because they think they can do what boys can do
because they have no other alternatives
because there lie new career opportunities
because that's exactly what the Women's Liberation Movement advocates
    分值: 6
文中先点出“…a small breakthrough of girls…like agriculture…”接下来又提及“despite women’s liberation”,说明虽然大部分年轻的妇女仍从事传统性的妇女职业,而这部分从事农业的年轻女子,很可能是在身体力行“Woman’s Liberation Movement”的主张。
A suitable title for the passage might be________.
The Gloomy Job Situation for the Youth
The Difficulties in Job Hunting for the Youth
The Disability of Careers Officers
The Friction between Aspirations and Reality
    分值: 6
Each day every person in the United States throws away more than five pounds of garbage(垃圾). There is more garbage now than ever before and most of it is made up of
the packages and cans in which we put our food. The traditional way of getting rid of solid wastes is quickly becoming inadequate. Many cities are experimenting with newer ways of handling their growing piles of garbage.
One of these new ways is "recycling"(回收使用). Through recycling usable materials are taken out of garbage and made into something else. These usable parts of garbage are put through the cycle of going from a raw material to a finished product again.
In some cities a machine called Hydrapulper is being used to help recycle garbage. A Hydrapulper is like a huge mixing machine. The garbage is dropped onto a conveyor belt(传送带)that feeds the machine. At the same time, water is pumped into the Hydrapulper. With a mixing action, the Hydrapulper throws out the heavy metal objects that can later be sold as waste metal. The rest of the garbage—paper, food, plastic, rubber, glass, wood, leaves, and other items—falls apart. The waste is then mixed with water and carried to another piece of equipment where glass, sand and small pieces of metal are thrown out.
With the Hydrapulper, up to 95 percent of the original garbage is made again useful. The rest is turned into furnace ash(炉灰).
Traditionally, garbage is thought to be______.
a worthless burden to big cities
something that can be reused
a raw material for making new products
able to recycle but difficult to handle
    分值: 6
How does the Hydrapulper work?
It throws away glass and sand from garbage.
It collects heavy metal objects for selling.
It separates garbage into useful and useless things.
It pumps water into garbage and mixes it.
    分值: 6
A lot of cities are trying new ways to treat garbage mainly because______.
their environment is becoming more and more dirty
the traditional ways of treating wastes are not efficient
法规考试they are short of useful materials
they need new materials made from garbage
    分值: 6
What is done to the waste that is useless when the new way is used?
It is thrown away.