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1.  (单选题) The police suspect that it was John who( )the murder.
A、  committed
B、  condensed
C、  competed伊犁州党建网
D、  combated
2.  (单选题) The local dialect sounds a little ( )to the people from the north.
A、  peculiar
B、  plastic
C、  positive
D、  practical
3.  (单选题) The state has laws that protect consumers against fraud or ( )sales practices.
A、  mislead
B、  misleads
C、  misleading
D、  misled
4.  (单选题) A desperate man will ( )anything.
A、  resort to
B、  relate to
C、  come to
D、  be blind to
5.  (单选题) As a ( )of her hospital experience, Shelly decided to become a nurse.
A、  convenience
B、  convince
C、  consequence
D、  curiosity
6.  (单选题) With a tearful love story and two famous stars, the movie has all the ( )of success.
A、  elections
B、  elements
C、  electives
D、  environments
7.  (单选题) We all agreed on our basic aims, but when we got down to( ) items it became more complicated.
A、  specific
2023年考研成绩已出 B、  special
C、  spotless
D、  subtle
8.  (单选题) I’ve no( )with people who are always complaining of their misfortune.
A、  persistence
B、  patience
C、  peak
D、  philosophy
9.  (单选题) After the Second World War, millions of people were left homeless; so the government decided to give ( )to housing.
A、  prior
B、  priority
C、  prefer
D、  preference
10.  (单选题) That is our ( )proposal, and no other changes will be considered.
A、  ultimate
B、  fundamental
C、  curious
D、  apparent
11.  (单选题) The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive ( )from the consumers.
A、  reactions
B、  corresponses
C、  responses
D、  regrets
12.  (单选题) In the United States the cost of living has been steadily rising in the past few ( ).
A、  decades
B、  dozens
C、  times
D、  periods
13.  (单选题) The sweaters are made of wool ( )from Australia.
A、  import
B、  imports
C、  importing
D、  imported
14.  (单选题) Some young people find computer games so ( )that they can hardly pull themselves away to tend to other matters.
A、  amused
B、  addicted
C、  adventurous
D、  attractive
15.  (单选题) Because of the impact of poor sales in other Asian countries, there has been a ( )decrease in house sales in China.
A、  modest
B、  modern
C、  mild
D、  moral
16.  (单选题) The coming of IBM’s CEO caused a ( )of excitement on the campus.
A、  string
B、  stir
C、  spark
D、  scar
17.  (单选题) You will be overweight if you consume ( )amounts of fat.
A、  excessive
B、  extensive
C、  exclusive
D、  extreme
18.  (单选题) Trust your ( )and do what you think is right.
A、  instructions
B、  instincts
C、  institutes
D、  institutions
19.  (单选题) In Einstein’s opinion, his theory of relativity could also be applied ( )our daily life.
A、  in
B、  for
C、  of
D、  to
主管护师报考条件2022最新规定20.  (单选题) The manager pulled the pencil and pad from his shirt pocket and ( )every word the customer said.
A、  jotted up
B、  jotted down
C、  gave up
D、  fell  down
21.  (单选题) From all the indications, it is safe to ( )that the prices of cars will go down.
A、  assume
B、  consume
C、  resume
D、  associate
22.  (单选题) Brown’s comments on the project caused unexpected( ).
A、  confusion
B、  controversy
C、  conference
D、  communication
23.  (单选题) He hated having to ( )the hotel room ( )a stranger.