
1. 词汇考点
(1) 词语搭配(介词、连词的选择)错误
The element carbon is widelyAfoundB in natureC in many forms including both diamonds as well asD coal.
解析:Das well as改为and。both…and…为固定结构。
(2) 错误地省略介词
The law I am referringA requires that everyoneB who ownsC a car haveD accident insurance.
解析:A改为referring to:参考;涉及。注意本句中require后宾语从句中使用了虚拟语气,have前省略了should。
(3) 其他高频词汇考点
one’s ability to do sth., look forward to doing sth., be robbed of sth., more than ample to do sth.(足以……), be far removed from…(与……毫不相干), with authority over sth.(有权力……), to…extent/degree, win a great victory over sb., in … respect(在……方面), at one’s expense(由……承担), keep discipline(遵守纪律),on the decline/increase(在下降/增加)
(1) 非谓语动词
① 动词不定式
When I consider how talented he isAas a painterB, I cannot help but believingC that the publicD will appreciate his gift.
解析:C删去 but,can’t help doing sth.:情不自禁……或将 believing改为believe,can’t help but do sth.:不得不……。
② 动名词
Some bosses dislike to allowA people to shareB their responsibilities; they keep allC important matters tightlyD in their own hands.
解析:Ato allow改为allowing。dislike后接动名词。
③ 现在分词、过去分词混淆
He cannot tell the difference between trueA praise and flatteringB statements makingC only to gainD his favor.
(2) 比较级、最高级错误点设置
① 比较级、最高级形式误用
A great manyA educators firmlyB believe that English is one of the poorestC taught subjects in high schools todayD.
解析:C改为most poorly。taught为动词,要由副词poorly修饰,poorly最高级为most poorly。
② 比较范围重复出现
Of all his outdoorA activities, Paul likes fishing best of allB, but he doesn’t enjoy cleaningC fishing rods afterwardsD.
四川人事信息网解析:B改为(the) best或(the) most。本句中开头已有Of all…,表示整体范围,后用最高级,故删除后面的of all。此外,副词最高级前the可以省略。
③ 句中出现than,却没有相应形容词或副词的比较级形式
On the wholeA, ambitious students are much likelyB to succeed in their studies than are thoseCwithD little ambition.
解析:Bare much likely改为 are more likely。此外,注意本句中被比较的成分使用了倒装句结构。
④ 比较对象不一致
As far asA I am concerned, his politics areB rather conservative comparedC with other politiciansD.
⑤ 比较级错用
Because there are lessA members present tonight thanB there wereC last night, we must wait until the next votingD.
常考:…and/but…, not…but…, …not…, as…as…, not so/as…as…, …than…:前后比较成分在形式、词性上均对等一致。
While inA Europe, the tourists enjoyed toB their heart’sC content the weather, the food and going to the theatreD.
解析:D改为the theatre。关键词and表示并列。此处the weather, the food, the theatre均充当enjoy的宾语。
(4) 三大从句
① 名词性从句
To beA frank, thatB is a great relief to have the task fulfilledC in so short a timeD.
I thought the technician was to blameA for the blowingB of the fuse, but I see now howC I wasD mistaken.
② 定语从句
The new hotel has erectedA a beautiful building withB recreation areas and conference facilities on the top floor in whichC the finest view of the city can be obtainedD.
解析:C改为where或from which或on which。the finest view of the city can be obtained为完整的句子,故应用关系副词或介词+关系代词连接,先行词floor指地点。
They pointed outA the damage whichB they supposed thatC had been done by last night’sD storm.
解析:C去掉that。本句中关系代词which为定语从句的主语,they supposed为插入语,had been done为谓语,故that多余。
Accounts ofA scientific experiments are generally correct forB those write aboutC science are careful in checkingD the accuracy of their reports.
解析:C改为who write about或writing about。those后接who引导定语从句。此外,句中for引导原因状语从句。
亳州事业单位招聘2022③ 状语从句
安全教育平台登录入口河南If onlyA the nature of the aging process isB better understood, the possibility of discoveringC a medicine that can block the fundamental process of aging seemsD very remote.
(5) 虚拟语气
① if条件句中连词被错误地省略
I shouldA not have recognized theB man evenC you had toldD me his name.
解析:C改为even if或even though。本句主句、从句均对过去虚拟。
② 宾语从句中未能正确使用虚拟语气
I’d rather you would goA by train, because I can’t bearB the idea of your beingC in an airplane in suchD bad weather.
解析:Awould go改为went。would rather后宾语从句对现在、将来虚拟均用一般过去时。
(6) 被动语态
① 该使用被动,却误用主动
To understand the situation completelyArequiresB more thought than has givenCthus farD.