2019 年河南省普通专升本考试
Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 x 30)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A. B, C and D. then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
1.The dentist has decided to    the girl’s bad tooth.
A. draw    B. extract    C. dig    D. pull 2.Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was        to apply for it.
A. qualified    B. competent        C. competitive    D. diligent 3.All the students were        by the    speech given by the headmaster.
A. inspired; inspired        B. inspiring; inspiring    C. inspired; inspiring    D. inspiring; inspire
d 4.Techniques to    the energy of the sun are being developed.
A. convert    B. utilize        C. receive    D. store 5.The construction of the railway is said to    .
A. resumed    B. have been terminated    C. suspended    D. rescheduled 6.The latest car model        many new improvements.
A. embodies    B. consists 2022中国卫生人才网of    C. makes up    D. 2023考研政治大纲marks 7.The two countries have        relations with each other.
A.2021年郑州各大医院招聘 broken off    B. broken out    C. broken up    D. broken down 8.“ Are there any stationers in this street?” “None        I know of.”
A. that    B. which    C. what    D. how 9.Under no circumstances        the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. will China be        B. China will be    C. China 安徽公务员考试专业分类目录is    D. shall China be 10.In general,    little water, you don’t find green field.
A. where there is a    B. wherever there is a    C. where there is    D. when there is 11.The doctor suggested that he    there.
A. not to go    B. hadn’t gone    C. not go    D. wouldn’t go
12.    I can see, the weather is not likely to change in a few days.
A. As well as    B. As long as    C. As soon as    D. As far as
13.    that the earth was flat?
A. Used it to be thought    B. Used to it be thought    C. Does it used to be thought D. Did it used to be thought 14.We had about eight weeks in England, which seemed a long holiday    you realized how quickly the days
A. on which    B. until    C. in which    D. that 15.Anesthetics are used        insensitivity to pain during surgical operations.
A. the cause    B. to cause    C. cause of    D. causing
16.I had intended    him while he was living at Aberdeen.
A. to visit    B. visiting    C. to have visited    D. having visited 17.What he described as a        detail I thought was the most important part of the plan.

A. common    B. plain    C. just        D. mere 18.This year will be difficult for this organization because it    .
A.had less money and fewer volunteers than it did last year
B.has both less money and fewer volunteers than those of last year
C.has less money and fewer volunteers than those of last year
D.has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year 19.-“How long did it take you to realize he was dishonest?”
-“I    from the start.”
A. looked him through    B. saw through him    C. looked forward to him D. saw him through 20.He apologized for        to come.
A. his being not able    B. not his being able    C. his being able not    D. his not being able 21.He didn’t allow    in his room, actually he didn’t allow his family        at all.
A. to smoke; to smoke    B. smoking; to smoke    C. to smoke; smoking    D. smoking; smoking 22.The departure time of the plane has been postponed, so we have nothing to do now but    .
A. wait    B. to be waiting    C. to wait    D. waiting
23.I don’t think he cares,    ?
A. does he        B. doesn’t he    C. do you    D. don’t you 24.He is    of those boys who is willing to take on another assignment.
A. the only one    B. only one    C. one    D. a
25.To play safe, I deposit money in banks    invest it in companies without a good financial record.
A. other than    B. better than    C.建筑八大员证书查询网站 rather than        D. more than 26.It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big    of feet.
A. couple    B. size    C. number    D. pair 27.-“Does he speak English or Russian?”
-“He doesn’t speak    .”
A. either    B. neither        C. all    D. none 28.Peter said that he wouldn’t mind    the windows.
A. my opening    B. I open    C. me to open    D. for me to open 29.How can you avoid mistakes when you’re in such a    ?
A. speed    B. worry    C. hastening    D. hurry 30.This English novel        more easily than
that one.