1.We know if we stick to it , we can work
2.The decline in Germany 's last quarter, if calculated on amount to
3.The U. s will continue to work with its international partners towards the achievement of a peaceful assistanceof the Syrian conflict
4.Following the rather unprecedented challenges posed by volatile weather, the corona-virus crisis and labour issues, supplies of British could be tight
5.In recent years, robots have sometimes been added to Xmderwater cleaning CreWSS and have proved inevitable
6.Caregiver stress is a WelI-known phenomenon and good one to avoid it can lead to higher rates of anxiety and depression, and fuel a sense of adventure
7.Norway, s decision to establish its contact tracing app came after the country's data protection watchdog objected to the
初级会计职称证书查询系统8.Even though life is starting to get back to normal, she's still at home a lot more than she used to be.吉林省考延期
9.Chinese factories put together most of the world, S smart phones and consumer electronics. They produce a growing share of
10.Her first call f the day is to a woman poised at the door to her apartment, debating how to take that quick walk to get groceries.
11.Due to the health emergency, demand is currently shrinking. This is causing an increased affordability
12.since the emergence of the welfare state, adults who want to work have generally found themselves in one of two positions: earning a wage or receiving insurance benefits
13.The US is slowly dragging out of the sharpest economic contraction in modern history, as parts of the county still report record spikes in corona-
14.The U.S. Postal Service has had financial problems for years, it lost $9 bilion last year. Its not supported by tax dollars its funded by postage
15.The United States has become hard and fast the most important driver of Vietnam3 s export engine, accounting for two-thirds of Vietnam5 s total
16.Widely although African Americans have increased the level of education they receive.
17.Researchers at PennsyIvanian State University axe intent on creating a robotic syste
m that will artificiallypollinate fruit tree flowers due to threats
18.Once We realized it was a cluster epidemic We worked really hard to isolate people that were infected and quarantine the rest of the people
19.Never before in Germany's postwar history has the country's economy slumped as sharply as in the second quarter of this year.
20.The new research is a first step toward figuring out why air quality disparities persist in the U. S. and how changes to pollution regulation could eliminate those inequities.
21.Schools and higher education institutions across the country are grappling with how
22.执业医师考试时间2022A new study suggests that increased warming in Arctic areas could release
23.India has downplayed the impact of U. S. plans to end New Delhi, s preferential trade status that allows duty free access to products worth of
24.会计资格考试网上报名Even as millions of Americans have lost their jobs in the past few weeks, nonprofits ar
e seeing a huge wave of interest in giving out
25.The federal government has issued guidelines to give a 50% subsidy in a fixed time frame for storing and transporting fruit and vegetable
26.Life is a contact sport with risk everywhere you look. Any risk associated with dog-walking is faroverwhelmed by the risk of doing nothing.
27.甘肃公务员网络培训学习Students with attention disparity or communication difficulties may not
be able to focus on computer screens for significant amounts of time.