假设你是李明. 你校将举行一场师生篮球比赛。请你根据以下信息给你的美国老师Sam写一封邮件,邀请他参赛。内容要点如下:
l. 参赛者及观众:本校师生;
2. 时间:3月20日(星期日)上午9点:
3. 地点校操场;
4. 特点:每年春季举行,深受师生喜爱;
个人职称查询系统5. 注意事项:提前半小时热身. 若下雨将推迟比赛。
Dear Sam,
There comes the basketball match between the students and teachers at 9 o'clock Sunda
y morning, March 20. You're invited to be a member of the teachers' team. As you know, the match is held in our school every spring. Many students and teachers will come to cheer up. They enjoy the match very much, so they’re looking forward to it now. Please come to the playground half an hour earlier so that we can have time to warm up ourselves. If it rains that morning, I’ll let you know when the match will be then.
Best wishes,
安徽合肥人才网                                                                        LI Hua
Dear Roger,
It's fortunate for me to know you in Australia when I traveled there. You are a famous tennis star and I admire you very much.
Though we have parted, I still remember the pleasant day when I met you. Well-known as you are, you are so friendly and easy to get along. I am still grateful to you for your taking photos with me and even giving me a T-shirt, which I will treasure forever.
If you have time, I would like you to come to Beijing and I will be your guild and show you around Beijing.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
假如你是李华,你的朋友Thomas将到北京旅游,回信告知你为他所做的安排:1. 机场接机;2. 酒店靠近市中心,房价合理; 3. 游览长城、颐和园等景点; 4. 朋友聚会、购物。
    注意: 词数应为100左右。
Dear Thomas,
Welcome to Beijing. I have made all the arrangements for your visit. I am going to meet you at the airport when you arrive. The hotel is quite close to the downtown area and the price is quite reasonable. During your stay here, I plan to take you to the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and many of other historic places during the day time. In the evening, I will hold a party and let you meet some of my friends. I’ll also take you to a few shopping centers. I am sure you will enjoy your stay in Beijing.
Looking forward to your coming to Beijing.
Li Hua
时间    活动
平日    运动、聊天、上网、看书
周末    聚会、去公园
Dear Jack,
I hope you are doing fine. You wrote to ask how I spend my free time. Usually my school i
s over at about four in the afternoon. I often play basketball or do some other sports for an hour before going home. After dinner, I chat on the phone with my friends about what has happened that day. At about 8 o'clock I start to read news or look for something interesting online. I prefer reading some novels or magazines before going to sleep. At weekends, I sometimes go to parks with my parents. or have parties with my friends. I enjoy my life very much.
Li Hua
假设你是李华,一名游泳队员,去年在当地的游泳比赛中获得第二名。请你给著名游泳教练 Smith先生写封信,表示希望前往其训练中心,在其指导下进行为期三个月的游泳训练,同时了解费用等相关信息。
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am Li Hua. A member of a swimming team in Shanghai. I have been practicing swimming for over six years and won a second place at the local sports meet next year.
I heard that you are an experienced swimming instructor and your swimming training center is one of the best in the world. Is it possible for me to go to your swimming center for a three-month training this year? I hope to improve my swimming skill under your instruction. How much will be the cost?
Do you have any other question? I would be very grateful if you could help me carry out my training plan.
Best regards,
Li Hua
请你以“Effective Ways to Prevent Air Pollution"为题,用英语简要地谈谈改善空气染状况的有效方法,内容包括:
Some big cities in China are facing the serious problem of air pollution. Effective Ways to Prevent Air Pollution Some big cities in China are facing the serious problem of air pollution. In order to improve the air in those cities, we should take effective measures to give people fresh air to breathe.
First of all, some factories are pouring a lot of waste water into rivers, which causes not o
nly water polluted but also air quality worsen. In some area you can even smell stinky odor. As for this, these factories should reduce the waste water pouring by improving the production technology or by purifying wasted water to a certain standard.   
Secondly, the number of cars in the street is increasing day by day, which is one of the main factors that lead to air pollution. As a citizen in a big city, one should go out by buses or by bike if bot too far. Less driving cars, more fresh air.