1.HOW TO BE A QUALIFIED TOUR LEADER 怎样成为一个好领队The tour leader works in the front of the outbound tourism. The overall quality and the quality of service of the tour leader affects the reputation of the tourist enterprise severely, which related to a country or region's image directly. In order to make the leader do a good job, the state department for travel administration, tourists and travel service should work together so the tour leader will do a good job.for example ,it is necessary to carry out pre-job training.More impotantly, the leaders themselves should take the demand of tourist in the first place and try their best to upgrade comprehensive quality. Personality charm is a wonder-working magic for attracting tourists. In order to make the job go well, prestige of the tour leader should be regarded as the foundation. Prestige is made up of the individual moral quality and personality charm.and personality charm is the most important one. for the purpose of having this kind of personality charm, the tour leader must be prepared for four aspects as follow:
Firstly, It is very useful to have a good knowledge of English, so that there are no language barriers in going through check-in formality,checking in at hotel and so on.
Secondly, it is very essential to grasp the value orientation and have the ability to draw tourist to the tour leader. The tour leader should take complete charge of food, hotel, transportation, traveling, shopping, entertainment,etc .As the mainstay of the tour group,the tour leader must keep to the sta江西高考录取状态查询入口
国考行测必须达到60吗南昌公务员考试职位表nd of tourist, and distinguish between right and wrong ,and maintain a value orientation,and swim against stream。
Thirdly,the tour leader should be friendly and greet the tourist equally.it will take a long time for the tour leader to do the face-to-face service work.it is very important to conduct mental attitude and straighten out all kinds of relationship.The tour guide should learn to treat with respect and care. The tour leader should combine comprehensive service with pointing one. The leader should not criticize thinking fluctuate of portion,not satirize minority with some shortcoming,and not look on with folded arms on the difficulty which the tourists come across.陕西考试院登录