henanrenshiwang  以下内容是2020年12月六级作文真题,供各位考生参考!新东方网四六级频道第一时间更新公布英语四六级真题答案。同时广大考生还可以参与线上直播,与线上老师随时互动答疑,敬请广大考生密切关注2019年12月英语四六级真题解析专题。
  (一)The Importance of Having a Sense of Social
  It is universally acknowledged that social responsibility is one of the
  most valuable assets for us. With the current trend of the booming economy
  becoming necessary and indispensable in this ever-changing modern society,
  social responsibility is of great significance.
  As far as I am concerned, there are some factors that we should take into
  consideration. The best illustration I can come up with here is the experience
  of such a national hero as Zhan Tianyou with strongly social responsibility who
  was not deterred by difficulties or ridicules. In order to build railways of our
  own, Zhan studied diligently and successfully constructed the
  Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railroad. Another case in this point is the story of Bill
  Gates. He made progress against one of the deadliest disease--infantile
  paralysis. As a result, more children are survived than ever before in Africa.
  Therefore, he was respected because of both his prominent achievements and his
  benevolence. Bill Gates, one of the most respectable entrepreneurs in the world,
  won his respect by showing his responsibility to the society.
  From the analysis made above, we may come to a conclusion that social
  responsibility benefits our life in a profound way. To sum up, I believe what we
  should do is to take actions toward it!
  The Importance of Having a Sense of Social/Community/Family
  When it comes to the topic on , we are often told the famous remark that
  goes like this, “”. Simple as the remark may sound, it intends to tell us that   . A sense of family responsibility has been a hot word for a long time, and we
  cannot emphasize the importance of the family responsibility too much.
  There are many examples to support this argument. A good case in the point
  is the story of 人名. 具体事例It is that .(与主题结合,总结事例)
  Taking what has been discussed into consideration, it’s indisputable that .
  must be attached great importance to, as it contributes tremendously to the
  advancement of our society. All we need is to seek to with our utmost efforts to   make our society function smoothly.
  (二)The importance of having a sense of family
  When it comes to the topic on a sense of family responsibility, we are
  often told the famous remark that goes like this, “members of a family without a   sense of the responsibility are like sailing without a compass”. Simple as the
2020公务员职位表  remark may sound, it intends to tell us that a sense of family responsibility
  works essentially in our daily life. A sense of family responsibility has been a
  hot word for a long time, and we cannot emphasize the importance of the family   responsibility too much.
  There are many examples to support this argument. A good case in the point
  is the story of Madame Curie. Madame Curie is the Nobel Prize winner of the
  world and a good teacher for her daughter. She was curious about knowledge and   calm about success, which provided a good lesson to her daughter Irene. Madame   Curie is in possession of the responsibility of educating her daughter. It is
  the responsibility of Madame Curie that helped Irene win her own Nobel合肥人才市场招聘会最新时间
  Taking what has been discussed into consideration, it’s indisputable that a
  sense of responsibility is the source of a happy family. A sense of family
  responsibility must be attached great importance to, as it contributes
中国注册会计师协会准考证打印入口  tremendously to the harmony of our family. All we need is to seek to shoulder
  the family responsibility with our utmost efforts to make our family function
  The Importance of Having a Sense of Community
宝鸡市人事考试网  With the process of urbanization, more and more choose to live in
  neighborhoods rather than original houses. These flats allow us to live
  together. However, few of us have ever stopped to think about the significance
  of owning a sense of community responsibility, which is essential to our social
  People lacking sense of community responsibility are making their
  communities terrible. It is not uncommon that some people occupy public
  resources of their communities in an unreasonable way, say, discarding their
  rubbish casually in bushes and dancing with loud music in the squares. As a
  result, groans are always floating in the air of these communities. On the other
  hand, it should be remembered that helping others in our community will
  eventually benefit us. Nowadays, individuals tend to communicate with others on
  social media. However, if we are stuck in emergency, our online friends, even
  though they are real friends, have no capability for helping us rapidly. If we
  help others in our communities before, they are more likely to help us so that
  we can get out of danger in time.
  In conclusion, we are supposed to have a strong sense of community
  responsibility, which not only provides a harmonious atmosphere but benefits us
  when we are in need.