1.A)Watch the weather forecast.C)Avoid travel on Wednesday.
全国会计资格评价网登录B)Evacuate the area with the orange alert.D)Prepare enough food and drink.
2.A)Pay more attention to the roads.C)Bring more mobile phones.
B)Stay at a safer place.D)Take a train home.
3.A)There is only one ecosystem in Europe.
B)Romania s wetlands thrive again.
C)The wildlife in Romania isn t well protected.
D)There are200species of birds in Romania s wetlands.
4.A)Block the waterways.C)Use monitoring equipment.
B)Restore the fishing ban.D)Prohibit fishing in the next10years.Questions5to7arebasedonthenewsreportyouhavejustheard.
5.A)He had a car accident.
B)He attended his graduation ceremony.
C)He had a heart attack.
D)He gave a performance in the auditorium.
6.A)What happened to him.C)When the graduation ceremony was.
B)What date it was.D)Where he was.
7.A)He was really touched by his classmates.C)He couldn t remember what to say.
B)He didn t know what happened at all.D)His parents wore caps and gowns.
8.A)Her children s disruption.C)A sense of isolation.
B)Quiet atmosphere.D)Longer working hours.
9.A)It doesn t offer coffee.C)It doesn t have free Wi⁃Fi.
B)It s too quiet.D)It lacks the material he needs.
10.A)The sense of being out in the world.C)The coffee table.英语四级不到425有用吗
B)The coffee it provides.D)The comfortable working condition.
11.A)People don t order anything.
B)People bring their laptops and paperwork.
C)People occupy valuable table space in quiet times.
D)People of two occupy a table for six.
12.A)She is not satisfied with the salary.
B)She is not capable of the job.
C)She often works overtime.
D)She s received a job offer from another company.
13.A)They may be considered as less loyal.
考研多少分能上福州大学B)They won t get the promotion opportunities.
C)They should take more responsibility at work.
D)They will be given hiring priority.
14.A)She might have to do extra work every day.C)She might not get enough vacation.
B)She might not get a pay rise.D)She might not gain more experience.
16.A)It s a horrible feeling.C)It s boring and dangerous.
B)It can be a blessing.D)It s the most comfortable state.
17.A)To be active.C)To travel abroad.
B)To meet up with your friends.D)To seek advice from others.
18.A)It provides a chance for people to think deeply.
B)It makes us treasure the time.
C)It enables one to identify true friends.
D)It helps us take care of problems more efficiently.
19.A)He is a harsh person.C)He is very demanding in his work.
B)He is mean to others.D)He usually works very late.
20.A)He moved out and divorced.
B)It was plagued by drugs and gang violence.
C)He lived there for20years.
D)His parents would move into his new house.
21.A)He was only responsible for unloading food.
B)He had to sign his name on every label.
C)It was a hard and tedious job.
D)He was required to work on Friday night.
22.A)By recording the time people spend on TV.C)By using memory and fluency tests.
B)By tracking people s living habits.D)By scanning people s brains.
23.A)Watching television for hours.㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀C)Reading books and magazines.
B)Playing video games.D)Surfing the Internet.
24.A)Television viewing may be a potential factor for Alzheimer s disease.
B)Alzheimer s patients tend to watch television more than3hours a day.
C)Some research has confirmed the link between them.
D)Television watching is beneficial to Alzheimer s patients.
25.A)Watch television no more than3hours each day.
B)Balance television viewing with other contrasting activities.
C)Watch some educational TV programs.
D)Take more physical exercise.
singlelinethroughthecentre.Youmaynotuseanyofthewordsinthebankmorethanonce. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Those were the words uttered by pioneering British scientist Rosalind Franklin,who firmly believed that the pursuit of science should be㊀26㊀to all.
As a woman working in the first half of the20th century,Franklin s contributions to some of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time including the structure of DNA were sadly㊀27㊀in her lifetime.
More than60years after Franklin s death,we are㊀28㊀living in a different world,where women play an important part in everyechelon(阶层)of our society not least in science, innovation,higher education and research.UK universities are world leaders when it comes to advancing and㊀29㊀gender equality.
In the past decade,we have seen a㊀30㊀increase in England in the number of women accepted on to full⁃time undergraduate degrees in science,technology,engineering and maths(Stem subjects).And in the last academic year,women㊀31㊀for more than half of all Stem postgraduates at UK universities.
Data shows us the㊀32㊀to success gets harder for women to climb the further up they go. Although women make up the majority of undergraduates in our universities,just under half of academic staff are female.At㊀33㊀levels,only a quarter of professors are women,and black
women make up less than 2%of all female academic staff.
There are also stark differences in pay across grades.The gender pay gap based on median salaries across the sector in 2016
2017was 13.7%,㊀34㊀
there is still some way to go to ensure
women are rising through the ranks to higher grade positions and being paid ㊀35㊀.
A)accessible B)accounted C)adaptation D)appropriately E)considerable F)
effective G)ladder H)misread
适合跨专业考研的专业I)nomination J)
2023年研究生报名时间和考试时间K)promoting L)senior M)submission N)suggesting O)thankfully
A )About 15years ago,I was invited to join a knitting group.I agreed to give it a try.
B )My mother had taught me to knit at 15,and I knitted in class throughout college and for a few
years thereafter.Then decades passed without my touching a knitting needle.But within two Mondays in the group,I was hooked,not only on knitting but also on crocheting(钩织),and I was on my way to becoming a highly productive crafter.
C )I  ve made countless baby blankets,sweaters,scarves,hats and caps for newborns.I take a knitting
project with me everywhere,especially when I have to sit still and listen.As I discovered in college,when my hands are busy,my mind stays focused on the here and now.