changes in education
Recently, the topic of the change in the way of education has been brought into focus. According to a recent survey conducted by China Daily, a high proportion of 56.6 percent of students admitted that they had attended online courses before.
There is no denying that E-learning enjoys many merits. For instance, it has made it possible for students to study whenever and wherever they want. For example, an undergraduate can even listen to lectures in his pajamas in the dormitory. However, wonderful as it is, it also brings some problems. Without a teacher’s supervision, a young student can easily be distracted. He may constantly remove his eyes from the course and focus on the tempting websites instead.
计算机二级什么时候报名In brief, taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that the changes in education brought great convenience to us. Only by making reasonable use of them can we benefit co
changes in transportation
Recently, the topic of the changes in the way of transportation has been brought into focus. According to a recent survey conducted by China Daily, a high proportion of 56.6 percent of students admitted that .
There is no denying that new kind of transportation enjoys many advantages. For example, transportation apps like Didi have brought consumers great convenience in travelling, because they have made it possible for people to go around without the trouble of waiting in a line for a bus or a taxi. However, they also bring their own problems. For instance, they pose a threat to the passengers ‘safety.
Many ways can contribute to improving the safety of the new transportation. For one thing, what the consumers need to do is to equip themselves with higher awareness of security. This method enables them to avoid any potential dangers. For another, the government should impose more rigid safety standards on new way of transportation to add to the safety of people. 第三套:
changes in communication
Recently, the topic of the changes in the way of communication has been brought into focus. According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV, a high proportion of 84.7 percent of people admit that they frequently use social networking websites such as Wechat and Weibo to communicate.
There is no denying that those new kinds of communication enjoy many advantages. For example, they enable users to contact with old friends as well as make new friends. However, they also bring their own problems. For one thing, using them increases the risk of leaking personal information. For another, some young people who are addicted to social networking websites isolate themselves in their virtual world and even have difficulty in communicating with people in the real world.
In brief, taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that the changes in communication pose both opportunities and challenges to our modern life. Only by
making reasonable use of them can we benefit considerably.
1. D) A deadly fish has been spotted in the Mediterranean waters.
2. B) It could pose a threat to other marine species.
3. C) About half of its city center will be closed to cars .
4. D) The rising air pollution in Paris .
5. A) His house was burnt down in a fire.
6. C) Sell the pearl he had kept for years.
7. B) His monstrous pearl was extremely valuable.
8. A) It boasts a fairly long history.2022黑龙江省考公务员职位表
9. D) It is a family business.
10. B) Loss the competitive edge.
11. D) Conducting a financial analysis for it.
12. B) She is really impressed by the man’s house.
13. C) From home design magazines.
14. A)The cost was affordable.
15. D) She wants him to share his renovation experience with her.
16. C) Removing objects from patients' noses and ears.
17. B) Five- to nine-year-olds are the most likely to put things in their ears.
18. D) They are curious about these body parts.
19. A) It gave her a used bicycle.
20. A) Expanding bike-riding lessons.
21. D) It is a charity organization.
22. A) How animals deal with lack of gravity.
23. C) They were not used to the low-gravity environment.
24. B) They already felt at home in the new environment.
25. C) They behaved as if they were on Earth.
1. D) He did an unusual good deed.
2. C) Give some money to the waiter.
3. A) Whether or not to move to the state's mainland.
4. B) It costs too much money.
5. A) To investigate whether people are grateful for help.
6. C) They held doors open for people at various places.
7. B) Most people express gratitude for help.
8. C) To enquire about solar panel installations.
9. D) He has a large family.
10. B) The cost of a solar panel installation.
11. D) About five years.
12. A)At a travel agency.
13. D)She wanted to spend more time with her family .
14. D) Two weeks .
15. A) Choosing some activities herself
16. D) Pay a green tax upon arrival.
17. A) It has not been doing a good job in recycling.
18.B) To ban single-use plastic bags and straws on bali island.
19. D) Its population is now showing signs of increase.山东农信手机银行app下载
20. C) Commercial hunting.
21. D) To seek breeding grounds.
22. C) They consume less milk these days.
23. A) It is not as healthy as once thought.
24. C) They lack the necessary proteins to digest it.
25. B) It provides some necessary nutrients.
选词填空Trust is fundamental
26-30 CMGAO 31-35 JKFIH
26. C) essential
27. M) suspicion
28. G) miserable
29. A) constantly
30. O) watching
31. J) records
32. K) removed
33. F) load
34. I) properly
35. H) pressure
The Place Where the Poor Once Thrived
36-40 HDKEG 41-45 IECHF
36. According to some people living in San Jose, it has become much harder for the poor to get ahead due to the increased inequality.
定位句:Some San Jose residents gay that as inequality has grown in recent years, upward mobility has become much more difficult to achieve.
37. In American history, immigrants used to have a good chance to move upward in society.
定位句:This is a city of immigrants——38 percent of the city's population today is foreign-born ——and immigrants and their children have historically experienced significant upward mobility in America.
38. If the problems of San Jose can't be solved, one of America's fundamental beliefs about itself can be shaken.
定位句:The idea that those at the bottom can rise to the top is central to America's ideas about itself. That such mobility has become more difficult in San Jose raises questions about the endurance of that foundational belief.
39. San Jose was among the best cities in America for poor kids to move up the social ladder.
定位句:San Jose had social mobility comparable to Denmark's and Canada's and higher than other progressive cities such as Boston and Minneapolis.
40. Whether poor kids in San Jose today still have the chance to move upward is questionable.
定位句:Whether the city still allows for upward mobility of poor kids today, though, is up for debate.
41. San Jose's officials are resolved to give poor kids access to the resources necessary for success in life.
定位句:Leaders in San Jose are determined to make sure that the city regains its status as a place where even poor kids can access the resources to succeed.
42. San Jose appears to manifest some of the best features of America.
定位句:Indeed, the streets of San Jose seem, in some ways, to embody the best of America. 43. As far as social mobility is concerned, San Jose beat many other progressive cities in America. C大连公安招聘
定位句:San Jose had social mobility comparable to Denmark's and Canada's and higher than other progressive cities such as Boston and Minneapolis.
44. Due to some changes like increases in housing prices in San Jose, the prospects for its poor people have dimmed.
定位句:Given this, the future for the region's poor doesn't look nearly as bright as it once did. 45. Researchers do not have a clear idea why poor children in San Jose achieved such great success several decades ago.
定位句:But researchers aren't sure exactly why poor kids in San Jowe did so well.
Passage One—Three children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health conditions.
46-50 DABCD
46. What are teachers complaining about?
D) They lack the necessary resources to address pupils’ mental problems.
47. What do we learn from the passage about community health services in Britain?
A) They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.
48. Where does the author suggest mental health services be placed?
B) At school.
49. What do we learn from the recent studies?
C) Students are more comfortable seeking counseling in school.
50. What does the author mean by a cultural shift (Line 2-3, Para. 6)?
D) A change in the conception of what schools are?
Passage Two—Picture this: You’re at a movie theater
51-55 ADBCB
51. Why does the author ask us to imagine buying food in the movie theater?
A) To illustrate people’s peculiar shopping behavior.
52. Why is the medium soda priced the way it is?
D) To make customers believe they are getting a bargain.
53. What do we learn from Dan Ariely’s experiment?
B) The Economist’s promotional strategy works.
54. For what purpose is “the bad option” (Line 7, Para. 3) added?
C) To trap customers into buying the more pricey item.
55. How do we assess the value of a commodity, according to the passage?
B) By comparing it with other choices.
开头:When my son completes a task, I can't help but
26-30 BGKLC 31-35 HIDNO
26. B) constant
27. G) negative
28. K) repeatedly
29. L) rewarded
30. C) disappointing
31. H) outcome
32. I) pattern
33. D) distinguish
34. N) simply
35. O) undertaken
开头:Poverty is a story about us, not them
36-40 EHMJD 41-45 FNICL
36. One legislative staffer assumed that a woman of color who advocated affordable childcare must be a single mother.
答案:E)That moment, says Mothering Justice director Danielle Atkinson ...
37. People from different races, genders, and regions
答案:H) But the fact that 4 in 10 Americans can’t come up
38. According to a survey, while the
答案:M) According to the General
39. A research group has found that Americans ...
答案:J) The FrameWorks Institute, a
40. Under the old system in America, a mother was ...
答案:D) If these are the central characters of our story
41. It was found that nearly 50% of Americans are poor or receive
答案:F) How many of us are poor in the U.S.?
42. Americans usually overestimate the number of blacks receiving welfare benefit.
答案:N) “Poverty has been interchangeable with people
43. It is impossible for Americans to lift themselves out of poverty entirely on their own.
答案:I) Negative images remain of who is living in poverty ...
44. Nowadays, it seems none of us can get away from income inequality.
答案:C) Today’s faces of income inequality and lack of opportunity ...