  写 作 
the use of translation app
    The use of translation app is becoming increasingly popular, which has become an essential part in people's life, especially among people who are learning English and other languages. Just as a coin has two sides, translation apps also have their advantages and disadvantages.
    On the one hand, translation apps have made language learning much more convenient and can help people who do not speak the same language communicate smoothly. On the other hand, because the app can translate, many people are not willing to learn to improve t
heir language ability. Besides, the translation given by many translation app is full of grammatical errors, which is bound to seriously mislead people's learning and communication.
    Translation apps have changed people's life in many ways, but they also lead to some negative consequences. People should discern good from bad when using translation apps and use them reasonably and flexibly. Only in this way can translation apps better serve people and not the other way around.
  听 力 
Section A
News Report One
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.
1. What were people in parts of Scotland advised to do?
定位句:(1) The transport minister advise people in parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday.二建成绩查询2021时间
2. What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?
定位句: (2)The head of road policing said, I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their journeys. Drivers should make sure they're prepared for their journey with warm clothing, food and drink, sufficient fuel and a charged mobile phone.
News Report Two
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
3. What is the news report mainly about?
4.What did government officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish?
定位句:(4) Government officials propose to protect the area's endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next decade.
News Report Three
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
5. What happed to Scot a month ago?
定位句:(5) Scot Denn recently awoke from a medically-induced sleep he’d been in after a car accident.
6. What did Scot ask about when he regained consciousness?
定位句:(6) “I remembered waking up in the hospital and asking mom what date is was.
7. Why was Scot speechless at the graduation ceremony?
全国教育网定位句:(7) “A graduation for one, I’m speechless,” Scot said, “I don’t know how to even explain it. I’m speechless to know that so many people are behind me.”
Section B全国注册税务师报名系统
Conversation one
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8. What does the woman say it’s the disadvantage of working from home?
定位句:(8)I find isolation challenging at times.
9. What does the man say it’s counterproductive to getting work done in the library?
定位句:(9)I find the library a bit too quiet. I’d lack inspiration or stimulation, which would be counterproductive to getting a lot work done.
10.What does the woman like about doing one’s work during café?
定位句:(10)I love the noise, the people, the business of the café, the sense of being out in the world.
11. What is the most annoying for café owners according to the woman?
定位句:(11)some people seem to spend a lot of time there and not order much. The most annoying ones for café owners must surely be those usually only two of them who occupy a table for six with their laptops and paper work.
Conversation Two
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What makes the woman think about changing her job?
定位句:(12)I can't see myself getting an opportunity to progress at my company anytime in the near future. And I really think my skills and abilities deserve a higher salary.
13. What does the man say about people who keep changing their jobs?
定位句: (13)If you do several jobs in a relatively short span of time, prospective employers might perceive that you lack loyalty that could make them wary and reluctant t
浙江教资报考o employ you.
14. What does the woman say would happen even if she got promoted in her current company?
定位句:(14)And even if I get a promotion, I'm not guaranteed to get a raise.
15. What benefit has the woman gained from changing her jobs frequently?
定位句:(15)more or less, yes. the way I see it through having different jobs, i've gathered a lot of experience in different jobs and in different industries.