I. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.  (15 points, 1 point for each)
1. Elizabeth swims so      , as if it's the easiest thing in the world.
    A. effortlessly                  B. freely
    C. carelessly                    D. excitedly
2. His doctor reassured him that the new medicine was        of poisonous
    A. released                    B. cleansed
    C. relieved                    D. cleaned
3. He saw it as a rare opportunity to attend the annual        as a production
    A. prevention                  B. precaution
    C. convention                  D. conclusion
4. Our teacher ended the class by playing a video        of the president's
    A. clap                        B. clip
    C. click                        D. clock
5. After she heard the news, she could barely stand still and the dishes      from her hands.
    A. dropped                    B. drooped
    C. stopped                      D. stooped
6. He used a sponge to      up the water on the table.
    A. sop                        B. top
    C. hop                      D. pop
7. Time usually passes quickly when you are      your work;
    A. absorbed in                  B. involved in
    C. concerned with              D. indifferentto
8. The secretary spent a whole day      these invitationletters on the
    A. describing                  B. prescribing
    C. inscribing                    D. transcribing
9. Their      visit had to be postponed because of the terrible weather.
    A. projected                    B. objected 
    C. subjected                      D. rejected
10. The young man was told to      the wall by painting.
    A. tick        B. lick
    C. stick        D. slick
11. Every year our mother      woolen stockings for us.
    A. knits                      B. twists
    C. weaves                      D. plaits
12. The toilet is so dirty that it needs a good     
    A. dab        B. wipe
    C. scrape      D. scrub
13. After the medical accident, she was reduced from head nurse to      nurse.
    A. mediocre                    B. popular
    C. ordinary                    D. average
14. All year round, tourists come in      to see the White House.怎样查初中考试成绩分数
    A. droves                      B. prides
    C. schools                      D. packs
15. Don't expect this horse to be      . It runs away whenever a chance
    presents itself.
    A. wild        B. mute
    C. sane        D. tame四川考三支一扶的通过率
Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items II, III, IV.
(1) Why do the Chinese dislike milk and milk products? Why do some nations trace descent through the father, others through the different instincts? Not because they were destined by God or Fate to different habits, not because the weather is different in China and the United States. Sometimes keen common sense has an answer that is close to that of the anthropologist: "Because they were brought up that way." 2023年公务员招考时间By "culture" anthropology means the total life way of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his group. Or culture can be regarded as that part of the environment that is the creation of man.
(2) This technical term has a wider meaning than the "culture" of history and literature. A humble cooking pot is as much a cultural product as is a Beethoven sonata. In ordinary speech a man of culture is a man who can speak    languages other than his own, who is
familiar with history, literature, philosophy, or the fine arts. In some circles that definition is still narrower. The cultured person is one who can talk about James Joyce, Scarlatti, and Picasso. To the anthropologist, however, to be human is to be cultured. The general abstract notion serves to remind us that we cannot explain acts solely in terms of the biological properties of the people concerned, their individual past experience, and the immediate situation. The past experience of other men in the form of culture enters into almost every event. Each specific culture constitutes a kind of blueprint for all of life's activities.
(3) One of the interesting things about human beings is that they try to understand themselves and their own behavior. While this has been particularly true of Europeans in recent times, there is no group which has not developed a scheme or schemes to explain man's actions. To the insistent human question "Why?" the most exciting illumination anthropology has to offer is that of the concept of culture. Its explanatory importance is comparable to categories such as evolution in biology, gravity in physics, disease in medicine. A good deal of human behavior can be understood, and indeed predicted, if we
know a people's design for living. Many acts are neither accidental nor due to personal peculiarities nor caused by supernatural forces nor simply mysterious.  Even those of us who pride ourselves on our individualism follow most of the times a pattern not of our own making. We brush our teeth on arising. We put on pants - not a loincloth or a grass skirt. We eat three meals a day - not four or five or two. We sleep in a bed -not in a hammock or on a sheep pelt. I do not have to know the individual and his life history to be able to predict these and countless other regularities, including many in the thinking process, of all Americans who are not locked up in jails or hospitals for the insane.