1.﹣Scott,why didn't you come yesterday?(  )湖南省考公务员报考
﹣I was going to,but I had ________ unexpected visitor.
A.a    B.an    C.the    D.不填
2.﹣﹣I  have missed the last bus. What should  I  do?
﹣﹣You should take a taxi.You have no other      now.(  )
A.choose    B.reason    C.choice
3.﹣I like the weather in Yunnan. It's warm all year long.
高考准考证打印﹣ Yes. And the temperature stays __________ zero all the time there.(  )
A.up    B.below    C.down    D.above
4.In  the  car accident the mother was killed, but the baby was found           .(  )
A.lively    B.living    C.alive
5.﹣﹣﹣Listen,Helen is singing in the next room.
﹣﹣﹣It ______ be Helen.She had a sore throat today.(  )
A.can't    B.mustn't    C.may    D.should
6.Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?
Yes.But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret广州市人事考试网          that silly thing to my mum.(  )
A.do    B.to do    C.doing
7.Jim felt upset that most of his classmates       when he           at the party.(  )
A.left; had arrived    B.had left; arrived   
C.left; arrived
8.Mo Yan is a great writer____ won the Nobel (诺贝尔)Literature Prize.(  )
A.who    B.whose    C.whom
9.Old people must__.(  )2021三支一扶报名入口
A.speak to polite   
B.be spoken to politely   
C.be spoken politely
10.﹣﹣I  had a bad morning. l overslept.By the time I got to the station. The bus had left.
﹣﹣          (  )
A.What  a  pain.    B.That's  all  right.   
C.No  problem.
湖北高考录取结果查询入口A. harder  B. shouldn't  C. make new friends  D. them  E. improve  F. different
Half a year later you'll become a senior high school (高中) student. It's a difficult  move. In senior high school, you have to (1)     , and your work is (2)      than  it was before. Now, as a
young adult, it's time to get serious.
    Because things aren't as easy as they were in junior high, but you (3)      give  u
p. In fact,when life presents (带来) us with difficulties,we should always face(4)     . Try to (5)      your grades and be as good as you were before, there  are many things you could try.
A. when B. did well in  C. especially  D. afraid  E.yourself  F. something
First, try to remember what worked well for you in junior high. For example, if you  always (6)      a subject, that is because you spent extra(额外的) time studying for it,you should continue(继续) that practice. Second, don't be (7)     to ask your  teachers for help. Every teacher in your school would be happy to make sure you do as  well as possible. Third, ask your classmates for help too,(8)      the ones who are  studying well. You'll be able to help each other to succeed by forming study groups.
    If you take part in a competition, you should just think about(9)     how you're performing (表现). There will always be people in your life who are better at (10)      than  you  are. But no mater  who you meet, nobody will be better than you at one thi
ng: being  you.
12.(4分)Many people love travelling to different countries,but if you plan to go abroad, you  should know how to behave(举止得体) in different situations around the world.
    Most travelers enjoy meeting new people, but sometimes you can be rude (粗鲁)  without saying anything. In Russia,you should never shake hands in a doorway (门口),and if you're travelling in Thailand, never touch people's heads or point your feet at  people. When the Japanese meet new people,they like giving business cards﹣but you  should  read the card carefully, not just put it in your pocket.
    In most countries in Europc, people expect a lot of eye contact (目光接触) when you  talk to them,but in many Asian countries a lot of eye contact seems unfriendly.And in  South America people usually stand quite close to each other when they talk, but in 
countries like the USA you need  to  give people more personal space.Also, it's rude to  interrupt(打断) Japanese people while they are talking to you. You must wait until they  finish before you start speaking.
    In restaurants in China you can leave a bit of food on your plate, it's OK to start  smoking before other people finish eating, which you mustn't do in the UK. When in  India,remember to eat with your right hand. Also avoid leaving empty bottles on the  dinner table in Russia﹣﹣that's bad luck.When you're travelling in Asia, if someone invites  you to his or her home, don't forget to take off your shoes when you arrive. And if you  visit an Arab (阿拉伯) family's home, don't admire  anything valuable because your host  will feel he should give it to you as a present.