1.        2.        3.        4.        5.      6.      . (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。
6. A. Science.  B. History.    C. Art.
7. A. On August 3rd.  B. On August 2nd.    C. In July.
8. A. 100 dollars.  B. 80 dollars.    C. 60 dollars.
9. A. By car.  B. By bike.    C. On foot.
10. A. Call up Cindy to say sorry.
B. Go to Cindy’s house with some flowers.
C. Write Cindy a letter to say sorry.
11. Eric is a beautiful white pet cat.
12. Eric was chosen as the Most Caring Cat this year.
13. Jack Brown is a British officer now.
14. Jack used to get angry easily and argue with anyone.
15. Eric helped Jack by jumping up and down and getting his attention.
16. We’ll have a class meeting ________ 3:30 this afternoon.
A. in
B. on
C. at
17. Everyone knows now that plastic pollution is ________ huge problem for the environment.
A. a
B. an
C. /
18. Remember to use sunglasses to stop the sun from ________ directly in your eyes.
A. shine
B. shining
C. to shine
19. The minute the alarm clock ________, I got up and took a quick shower.
A. went by
B. went out
C. went off
2023年国考考试延期20. ________ English has a history of over 2,500 years, the first English dictionary didn’t appear until the 17th century.
B. Although
C. Unless
21. You and I are lucky as we’ve ________ had to worry about finding clean water.
A. often
B. usually
C. never
22. During the 16th century, Europe saw rich developments in science, medicine and the arts. People had to “invent” words ________ new ideas.
A. to express
B. expresses
C. express
23. — Excuse me, could you tell me ________?
— Sure. You can take the No. 2 bus from here and get off in front of the cinema.
A. when Sun Cinema closes today
B. how I can get to Sun Cinema
C. how can I get to Sun Cinema成都铁路局
A. that have died
B. that has grown up
C. make their city greener
D. ask for help
E. celebrates
In San Francisco, there is a special group of volunteers. They call themselves Friends
of the Urban (城市的) Forest (FUF). These volunteers want to 24  . Every year, the FUF plants nearly 1,000 trees.
The FUF welcomes new volunteers all year round and in all parts of its work. On Weekend Planting Days, FUF volunteers work with common citizens (市民) to plant trees. The planting usually runs from to After the work is done, everyone公务员考试都考什么科目
25 over a community lunch.
On Thursday Planting Days, the FUF plants “replacement (替换) trees”. As their name suggests, these trees replace trees 26 . Planting Leaders are very experienced volunteers. They are able to help other volunteers at planting events. Planting Leaders usually wear a special FUF T-shirt. Some new volunteers know little about “replacement trees”. They can easily find Planting Leaders and 27  .
A. so that
B. set up
C. in order to
D. whenever
E. make sure
In 1995, the FUF 28    a program called Tree Care. The purpose is to improve the health of street trees in San Francisco. The FUF’s tree experts make “house calls”
四级准考证打印入口cet>陕西省考试教育院招生网to every newly-planted street tree once a month. They 29 the trees are growing well. Through Tree Care, people learn why trees are important and how to take care of them.
There are also Emergency Tree Care Volunteers at the FUF. These volunteers save young trees that have fallen or are leaning (倾斜). They set out to work 30 the FUF informs (通知) them of a tree in need.
The FUF sends newsletters to people 31 plant a love for trees in every citizen. It also offers tree tours and planting training. The FUF’s Youth Program trains teenagers like you to plant and care for trees.
答案:24. ________  25. ________  26. ________  27. ________
28. ________  29. ________  30. ________  31. ________
Have you ever imagined what life will be like in 2060? An international group of forty scientists have
made some surprising predictions. They said that in the next forty years, our lives would change beyond our wildest dreams.
Firstly, humans can grow body parts themselves. Dr. Ellen Heber-Katz is one of the forty scientists. He says, “People will think it common that sick organs (器官) can be repaired. It’s just like the way we fix a car.” Damaged parts will be taken away. Scientists could use human cells (细胞) to grow new organs. New technologies like this will also help people to live longer. Within forty years, most people will be able to live up to one hundred years.
Secondly, the scientists have predicted that a machine will be invented to “read” the minds of animals. In 2060, we will be able to “talk” to animals. Scientists say that humans may first “talk” with mammals (哺乳动物) and then other vertebrates (脊椎动物) such as fish.
Our houses might also change beyond our imagination. Dr. Susan Greenfield predicts that when you enter the living room, sensors (传感器) will know you. They will turn on the lights. If you talk to the lights, they will change to the color of your choice. But what would be the biggest breakthrough (突破) over the next forty years? A number of scientists believe it would be the discovery of aliens. NASA scientist Chris Mckay says, “We may find aliens in space and talk with them.” He believes marks
of alien life may even be found here on Earth.
Does life in 2060 sound cool to you? Let’s wait and see what will really happen then!
32. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
A.In 2060, humans may be able to communicate with dogs and aliens.
B. Most people will be able to live up to two hundred years in forty years.
C. The sensors will turn off the lights after you leave the living room in 2060.
33. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? (P1=Paragraph 1)
A                          B                      C
34. The writer wrote the passage in a      tone (语气).
A. scary
B. surprising
C. disappointing
35. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Life in 2060
B. The Biggest Breakthrough
C. How to Live Longer
Which country grows the most tea? The answer is India. It grows three times as much as China. Which country drinks the most tea? It’s neither China nor Japan. It’s Great Britain.
In the wild, tea plants may be 9 meters tall. But a plant grown for market is pruned. Pruning keeps the plant only 0.9 or 1.2 meters tall. This is an easy height for tea picking. Only the two top leaves and bud (芽) of each new shoot are picked. So to