(时间 90 分钟  总分100分)
第I卷(选择题  共55分)
A                            B                          C
        D                            E                          F
1. __________  2. __________  3. __________  4. __________  5. __________
6. A. On his desk.          B. In his bag.                C. Under his chair.
7. A. Yes, he does.            B. No, he doesn’t.            C. We don’t know.
8. A. Five.                  B. Six.                  C. Seven.
哲学的基本问题是9. A. $20.                  B. $30.                    C. $40. 
10. A. On January 6th.        B. On April 7th.            C. On March 8th.
11. Gina is a middle school student.
12. Gina always has breakfast at 7:00.
13. On Wednesday, Gina is very busy.
14. Gina thinks art is interesting.
15. After school, Gina plays basketball with her classmates.
1. 从下列选项中出单词重读音节与所给示例一致的选项。
A. thirteen    B. because    C. dollar
考查语音知识。thirty [ˈθɜːti]重读在第一音节上;thirteen[ˌθɜːˈtiːn]重读在第二音节上;because[bɪˈkɒz]重读在第二音节上;dollar[ˈdɒlə(r)],重读在第一音节上。根据单词的音标上重读符号可知只有dollar的重读音节与thirty一致,故选C。
2. — Is that eraser your sister’s?
— No, _________ is on the desk. It’s my eraser.
A. she    B. her    C. hers
考查代词辨析。she她;her她的,形容词性物主代词;hers她的,名词性物主代词。根据“...is on the desk.”可知此处是指她的橡皮,用名词性物主代词,故选C。
3. Do you have your _________ with you? You need it to read books in the school library.
A. ID card    B. bag    C. ring
考查名词辨析。ID card身份证;bag包;ring戒指。根据“ You need it to read books in the school library.”可知去学校图书馆看书需要身份证,故选A。
4. We have a School Day _________ Children’s Day.
A. at    B. in    C. on
四级考试试题考查介词辨析。at后加具体时刻;in后加某年某月某季节;on后加具体到某一天,或某一天的上午,下午,晚上。“Children’s Day”是节日,应用介词on,故选C。
5. Many parents don’t have time to play with their children _________ they are busy.
A. but    B. and    C. because
考查连词辨析。but但是;and和;because因为。根据“Many parents don’t have time to play with hey are busy.”可知前后句是因果关系,故选C。
6. — Oh, no, I can’t find my book.
— Look! It’s in the bookcase. Let me _________ it for you.
A. buy    B. get    C. have
考查动词辨析。buy买;get获得,得到;have有。根据“It’s in the bookcase.”可知,是帮着对方把书取下来。故选B。
7. — Do you like _________?
— Yes, they are my favorite vegetables.
A tomatoes    B. strawberries    C. burgers
考查名词辨析。tomatoes西红柿;strawberries草莓;burgers汉堡。根据“they are my favorite vegetables.”可知此处是指蔬菜,tomatoes符合句意,故选A。
8. — Mike, do you like playing baseball?
— Yeah, that’s _________. It’s interesting.
A. at home    B. for sure    C. on sale
考查短语辨析。at home在家;for sure肯定;on sale出售。根据“It’s interesting.”以及上下文语境,可知这里表示“当然喜欢打棒球”。故选B。
根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空, 使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供1-4小题选用,第二个方框供5-8小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。国考成绩查询时间2022网址
A. them    B. sports    C. with        D. difficult    E. easy
Allan is a good boy. He loves 公务员体检取消妇科___9___ very much, so his father buys many balls for him. Now he has five basketballs and he puts them under his bed. He has three soccer balls and twenty ping-pong balls. He doesn’t put ____10____ under his bed or on his desk. He puts the balls in his bookcase. Allan wants to play soccer, but he thinks it is ____11____ and he can’t play it well. Now playing ping-pong is his favorite sport. On Saturdays and Sundays, he plays ping-pong ___12___ his father.
A. has    B. at    C. really    D. from    E. interesting
Allan also has healthy living (生活) habits. He ___13___ fruit, milk and an egg for breakfast. He thinks they are ____14____山东公务员难考吗 healthy. For lunch, he eats chicken or fish, vegetables and an apple at school. After school he goes home for dinner. He doesn’t eat
much at dinner. Then he does his homework ___15___ 19:30 to 21:30. Allan likes reading (阅读). He thinks reading is ___16___徐州人才考试网. He always goes to bed at 10:30.
Allan loves sports and has good habits. That’s why he is always happy and healthy.
【答案】9. B    10. A   
11. D    12. C   
13. A    14. C   
15. D    16. E
句意:他非常喜欢运动,所以他父亲给他买了很多球。。根据“very much, so hi
s father buys many balls for him.”可知此处是指他非常喜欢运动,sports“运动”,故选B。
句意:他不会把它们放在床下或桌子上。根据“He has three soccer balls and twenty ping-pong balls. He doesn’under his bed or on his desk. ”可知此处是指他不会把它们放在床下或桌子上,动词之后用宾格形式,用人称代词them指代足球和乒乓球,故选A。