1.—You can go to Nanshan Viewing Platform by ________ taxi.
—No, I will take a bus instead.
A.a    B./    C.the    D.an
2.________ the night of Oct 16, 2021, Shenzhou XIII carried three Chinese astronauts into space and they would live and work there for six months.
A.At    B.In    C.To    D.On
3.The doctors and nurses are real ________ during the fight against the COVID-19, because they have saved so many people.
A.friends    B.volunteers    C.heroes    D.leaders
4.Lu Xun ________ for over eighty years, but his works still have a great influence today.
A.died    B.was dying    C.has died    D.has been dead
5.— Kids, did you carry all these boxes to the car ________?
— No, our uncle did it for us.
A.yourself    B.yourselves    C.themselves    D.himself
6.To protect sharks, these young people dress themselves in bloody shark suits to tell others ________ shark fins.
A.eat    B.to eat    C.don’t eat    D.not to eat
7.Don’t make a decision without thinking it over, ________ you may regret it later.
A.and    B.but    C.or    D.so
8.Now Chinese couples ________ to have three children to reduce the pressure of an aging population.
A.encourage    B.encouraged    C.are encouraged    D.were encouraged
9.—What do you think of the latest film Nice View?
— I think it is ________ film that I have ever seen.
A.a good    B.a better    C.the best    D.a best
10.— Do you know ________?
— Of course. At the National Stadium.
A.when did the Beijing Winter Olympic Games close
B.where did the Beijing Winter Olympic Games close
C.when the Beijing Winter Olympic Games closed
D.where the Beijing Winter Olympic Games closed
Most kids spend their weekends playing or watching TV — but for an 11-year-old boy, Thiago, in Brazil, Saturdays are ____11____ helping street dogs. Thiago has always loved animals. He wished he could do something for the 30 million homeless dogs and cats in Brazil. So he decided to give them ____12____ to help them live better.
At the end of 2020, Thiago ____13____ the project “I’m homeless but I’m clean” with his father and started to change the lives of the street dogs around him. “While talking to my father, I told him about my idea of bathing street dogs so they could stay clean and people would look at them 2023年河北省考公务员报名时间____14____ on the street,” Thiago told The Dodo.
The project got off to a difficult start. “Catching dogs on the street is very difficult, since they are always ____15____ and many suffer from abuse (虐待),” Thiago said. “So we co
uldn’t really start the work ____16____ my father spoke to Noah’s Ark — an animal protection organization. We started to bathe the dogs they had just found.” After the dogs have their baths, they each take a ____17____ with Thiago. Thiago’s father posts the pictures on social media to highlight (突出) each one. “The project has really born fruit, because most of the dogs are adopted (领养),” Thiago said. “This is really encouraging.”
Thiago hopes that his efforts will change the way people ____18____ the homeless animals, and will convince (说服) more people to open their homes to them. And for those who don’t have the space or ability to adopt a dog, Thiago encourages ____19____ to help in other ways — such as donating, volunteering at a shelter or putting out small bowls of food and water on their sidewalk. Even the ____20____ effort can make a difference.
11.A.with    B.in    C.for    D.to
12.A.water    B.food    C.clothes    D.baths
13.A.found    B.changed    C.created    D.kept
14.A.seriously    B.differently    C.angrily    D.carefully
15.A.excited    B.surprised    C.scared    D.interested
16.A.after    B.when    C.as    D.until
17.A.walk    B.break    C.ride    D.photo
18.A.worry about    B.think of    C.look for    D.hear about
19.A.it    B.him    C.them    D.us
20.A.best    B.hardest    C.newest    D.smallest
Here is a timetable of science activities in the Children’s Palace of Chongqing.
Space and Man
19: 00—21: 30 (2 weeks)
Dr. Li Bin (China Science and Technology University)
Would you like to know more about the outer space?
Modern Medicine
19: 00—21: 00 (4 weeks)
Dr. Zhu Jiankang (Chongqing Central Hospital)
Would you like to know medical progress?
18: 30—20: 30 (5 weeks)
Mr. Chen Yi, from Chongqing Daily, will show you how to take good pictures. Please bring your own camera.
Technical English
14: 00—17: 00 (6 weeks)
Dr. Rose White
Do you want to learn the technical words and articles?
Office 2021
18: 30—21: 00 (3 weeks)
Prof. Han Lin from Chongqing University will guide you how to use Office 2021.
Exhibition of Personal Inventions
8: 30—11: 00 (2 weeks)
You can see many inventions by the students; you may also bring your own inventions.