1. What will Sam do?
[A] Cheer for his team.
[B] Try to get some tickets.
[C] Go to the Liverpool match.
W: Sam, can you get some tickets for the Liverpool match?
M: Well, I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise anyth ing,
2. Why was Carl at the hospital?
[A] He was meeting a doctor.
[B] He was looking for his wife.
[C] He was visiting his daughter.
W: I saw Carl at the hospital. I wonder if his wife is ill.
M: No, she is fine. His daughter has just had a baby and he was visiting her, I think.,
3. Where are the speakers?
[A] At a cinema.
福建考试院查询入口[B] At the airport.
[C] In a shopping center.
W: Sorry, I’m late for my flight and I’m in a hurry. Where is Gate 21?
M: Go downstairs and turn left. Walk straight and you’ll see it.
4. Why does Helen look great?
[A] She’s come back from a vacation.
[B] She’s rested for tw o days.
[C] She’s been exercising.
M: Have you been working out, Helen? You look so full of energy these days. W: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I’ve been running every morning for two months now.
5. What does the man ask the woman do?
[A] To park the car elsewhere.
[B] To drive along a quiet street.
[C] To stop here for a short while.
M: I’m afraid you can’t leave your car there, Miss.
W: But I shal l only be a few minutes. I’m just going in to pick up a package. M: I’m afraid not, Miss. Parking is not allowed here. You can park in the next street. It’s usually quiet there.
6. Where will the woman buy the bed?
[A] At Design 2000.
[B] At Pricerite.
[C] At Ikea.
7. What have the speakers nearly forgotten to buy?
[A] A bedside table.
[B] A dining table.
[C] A lamp.
6.A 录音中女士说“I think we can get…the bed, and the dining table and chairs
from Design 2000.”说明她会在Design 2000买床。故A项正确。
7.C 录音最后男士说“One more thing, we need a lamp for our study, remember?”
M: Shopping for furniture can be such a pain! It’s so crowed here!
W: Let’s write down the prices first. A sofa is 4,000; bookshelves are 2,500 each; a bed is 1,200; a dining table and chairs are 6,000 a set. I think we can get the sofa in Ikea, the bed, and the dining table and chairs from Design 2000.
M: That’s good. Wait a minute. One more thing, we need a lamp for our study, remember? I think we can get a nice one from Pricerite for about $ 150. Let me see, we don’t need a bedside table anymore.
8. What do we know about the man?
[A] He’s leaving the hotel.
[B] He’s making a phone call.
[C] He’s asking about the room rates.
9. Why did the phone charge surprise the man?
[A] He didn’t make any calls.
[B] He didn’t talk with the woman.
[C] He didn’t know he owed so much.
10. What lesson should the man learn?
[A] Pay the phone bill on time.
[B] Learn about the charges in advance.
[C] Ask permission to use the telephone.
8.A 录音中女士提到男士的支付账单,且男士提到支付费用超过他预想的,可推测他即将
9.C 录音中男士提到没想到自己打电话时间之久,完全不知道已经欠费很多。故C正确。
10.B 录音中男士咨询女士账单上的各种费用,可推测他没有提前掌握收费项目才支付额外
W: Here’s your bill, sir.
M: Oh, thank you. Let’s have a look at it now. Goodness, it’s a lot more than I expected.
W: Would you like me to explain anything, sir?
M: Just a moment. Yes, what’s this charge for $ 21.50 marked“J”?
W: “J” is a charge for a long distance telephone call, sir. Did you make a telephone call that night?
M: Yes. I remember now. Good heavens! We must have talked for a long time. And thes e ones, “L” for $ 32.40, and here’s another, $ 9.50. What are they for?