1. What is the woman going to do this afternoon
A. Eat out.
B. See a doctor.
C. Go shopping.
2. How does Henry feel now
A. Proud.
B. Tired.
C. Grateful.
3. What did Fred do
A. He travelled to Italy.
B. He offered Kate a ride.
C. He bought a new car.
4. What does the woman do
A. She’s a salesperson.
B. She’s a librarian.
C. She’s a bank clerk.
5. What did Patrick do last Friday
A. He moved to another place.
B. He sold his old apartment.
C. He went out with a friend
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Strangers.
B. Classmates.
C. Co-workers.
安徽省考试网7. Why is Sara worried
A. She has problem preparing for a speech.
B. She knows nothing about British history.
C. She fails to finish her homework on time.
8. Who are the speakers
A. Students.
B. Secretaries.
C. Teachers.
9. When will Ms. Kelly probably give the lecture
A. On Tuesday.
B. On Wednesday.
C. On Friday.
10. What will the man probably do next
A. Go on a trip.
B. Talk to Dr. Lee.
C. Start a research project.
11. What is the man doing
A. Asking for directions.
B. Touring the city centre.
C. Talking to a friend.
12. What does the man decide to do
A. Keep walking.
B. Get a taxi.
C. Wait for the bus.
13. How does the man feel at the end of the conversation
A. Annoyed.
B. Excited.
C. Surprised.
14. What is “People You Meet”
A. An office party.
四川省教育考试院报名网B. A training course.
C. A radio program.
15. How many people does Mark’s office receive every year
A. 100,000.
B. 200,000.
C. 500,000.
16. What do we know about Mark
A. He is a team leader.
B. He was born in London.
C. He speaks thirteen languages.
17. What do Mark and his co-workers usually do to help people
A. Show them around.
B. Plan tours for them.
C. Teach them English.
18. How long did the speaker and his family live in the downtown apartment