Helen : Michael, what time do you usally get up on weekdays?
Michael:I always get up at aboutsix o'clock.
Helen: The early bird catches the worm. How do you usually come to school?
Michael:I usually come to school on foot , but sometimes by bike. How about you?
Helen:I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. What about you, Sally?
Sally:I never come to school by subway. I always take a bus.
答辩题目:1. Please list some ways to consolidate the vocabulary.
2.What if your students cannot focus on the class?
Teaching procedures
Step 1:Lead in
Show a short video of the teacher' s daily life and ask: What time do I get up?
Step 2:Presentation
1.Listen to the dialogue and answer some questions: Wha time does Michael usually get up on weekdays? How does Michael usually get to school? How does Helen usually get to school?银行从业资格考试时间2023
民生银行招聘网2.Underline the frequency adverbs on the blackboard and guide students to work in groups of four, to discuss about the meaning and usage of them.
3.Students share and the teacher summarize the usage of the frequency adverbs by using some. percentage and examples.
Step 3: Practice
1.Fill in the blanks by using frequency adverbs according to the pictures.
2.Play a hot potato game: speak out the frequency adverbs according to the teacher' s description.
Step 4 : Production
Work in groups to make a dialogue to talk about daily activities by using the frequency adverbs and the questions above. Then make a report to show about group member s life. The frequency words should be used as many as possible.
Step 5 : Summary and homework
国家公务员考录系统报名入口Summary: Lead students to summarize what they have learned.
Homework:Do a survey to know about parents' daily activities and make a report.
5.Blackboard design
Subject: The cookie sale.
Time: lunch time after school.
Place:in the hall.
Price:0.25 dollars.
Purpose : Raise money to donate.
Notice:The first letter should be capitalized.
Teaching aims
Teaching procedures
Step 1:Lead in
Free talk: What do you think is a good way to sell products?
Step 2: Pre- writing
1 )Show some posters to students and guide them to discuss: What does a poster contain? What are the features of a poster?
2)Share and summarize the elements and the features of a poster:A poster should include subject, time, place, price, purpose, ect. A poster should be brief and attractive and the first letter should be capitalized.
Step 3:While-writing
1.Show students the writing task and guide students to work in groups to discuss about theposter.
2.Work in groups and finish making the poster. Group members work together and finish different tasks like drawing some attractive pictures,designing the layout of the poster,writing the content of the poster.
Step 4:Post-writing
1.Self-editing:Students check their own posters from the aspects of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, coherence etc.
2.Peer-editing : Students exchange their posters with other groups and check.
3.Sharing:Invite some groups to share their posters and give some comments.
Step 5 :Summary and homework
Summary:Lead students to summarize what they haye learned.
Homework : Polish their posters after class according to the comments given in class.
5.Blackboard design
考试时间:教师资格认定理论课考试每年3月、11月各举行一次。报名时间为每年1月、9月(在普通高校在校学生的报名时间由自考办另定)。教材由自考办供应。 教学技能测试
每年举行1—2次,一般在上半年的5月和下半年的11月报名,具体时间由当地教师资格认定指导中心确定后公布。教学技能测试的内容为:备课、说课或上课、面试。 根据省教师资格认定指导中心意见,全日制普通高校毕业班学生,在未取得毕业证书前允许参加教师资格认定理论考试,但在申请参加教学技能测试时,应已获得相应学历证书。