The largest and most popular Environmental Education programs are the Summer Nature Camps. The Summer Nature Camps provide children aged 5-13 with a full day nature experience.Our small groups allow campers to take daily field trips to the parks and sanctuaries(鸟兽保护区) of Brook line.
Little Acorns (8:30 AM—3:00 PM)
As a little acorn, your young nature lover will have the opportunity to visit and explore Brook line's parks and
sanctuaries in this unique camp. We will focus on local wildlife and plants, discovering the
mysteries of the natral world through interactive lessons, stories, games, as , hands-on exploration and nature walks.
Sprouts(8: 30 AM—3:00 PM)
This older group of naturalists will explore Brook line,focusing on the naive plant life and varied habitats foundin our natural areas. Campers will join in the harvesting of our community garden.Each day will feature a different theme and new location for campers to enjoy.
Junior Rangers(8: 30AM—3: 00 PM)
Campers at this unique camp will experience nature based learning in the outdoors as they work towards earninga Junior Ranger medal. While visiting Brook line's parks and sanctuaries,campers will explore the outdoors with themes and activities including: fishing, team-building, orienteering, conservation and more!
Adventurers(8:30 AM—3:00 PM)
Our oldest group of naturalists will expand their knowledge and skill set as they experience nature through adventure! Daily local field trips will strengthen our themes of outdoor skills,team- building,fishing, and more. Our week together will end in a local overnight camping trip! This program emphasizes hands-on, filed-based, exper
Riential learning and aims to develop the learn spirit.
21.How much will a camper of the youngest group pay?
安徽省公务员考试2022年A.$ 585.
B.$ 650.
C.$ 680.
D.$ 350.
22.When does the medal awarding camp begin?
A.July 6th.
公务员录用体检通用标准试行2023B.July 19th.
C.August 2nd.
D.August 16th.
23.Which camp will arrange for campers to spend the night together?
A.Little Acorns
C.Junior Rangers
大家千万不要领失业补助金Michael King had just taken out the money from the bank to cover a business debt he owed.For whatever reason,he was so careless that ne accidentally left his wallet on the t
op of his car before starting the engine and heading home.
Meanwhile, Steve Harrison,who was heading in the opposite direction noticed something floating in the wind.Quickly realizing it was cash, he pulled over and caught it. He found King's wallet as well.
After pulling into a supermarket parking lot,Harrison counted the money - one hundred $ 100 bills and threesingles for a total of $ 10.003.Though it might have been highly attractive to use the windfall,Harrison used his ownmoney to pay for his shopping list.
Then Harrison tracked down King and returned his money and wallet.
“I never took seriously the idea of keeping it,"Harrison told the Times. "lIt's just simpler to do the right thing.Once I realized that there was an ID involved, I knew I would return the money."
When the two arranged to meet,King couldn't afford to give Harrison a financial reward. Instead, he presentHarrison with a jar of homemade applesauce(苹果酱) -which he told H
arrison was made with love and care by hisfamily.And King isn't stopping there with his appreciation.Harrison has been promised home-smoked fish,homemade blackberry jam, and many more tasty treats in his future, which is a special form of currency that leavesgood taste in anyone's mouth.
24.How did King lose his money?A. It was stolen by a businessman.
B.He forgot to take it out of the bank.