第一节(共5小题;每小题  1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What will the woman probably do?
A. Find a project abroad.
B. Continue her project.
C. Go abroad.
考中央公务员有多难2. What do we know about the man?
A. He wants to solve easy ones first.
B. He wants to give up difficult ones.
C. He thinks the problems easy.
3. Why is the woman sad?
h a game.    C. She can’t join in a game.
A. She is ill for quite a while.
B. She can’t watc
4. What information can we get about the woman?
A. She is a victim of the quake.
B. She is tired and sleepy.
C. She is moved by a movie.
5. Why does the woman make the call?
A. To cancel an appointment.
B. To inform about the birthday party.
C. To congratulate the man on his birthday.
第二节(共15小题, 每题  1.5分,满分22.5分)
the man especially interested in?
6. What’s
A. The baseball court.
B. The basketball court.
C. The swimming pool.
7. What subject does the man like best?
A. Chemistry.
B. Economics.
C. Computer.
8. What probably is the woman’s position?
A. Product Development Manager.
B. Sales Manager.
9. What does the woman think of her job?
A. Challenging and difficult.
B. Interesting but challenging.
C. Challenging but interesting.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
10. What do we know about the woman?
C. She dislikes Lee.
A. She speaks with a strong accent.
B. She has trouble in Lee’s class.
11. What is the man trying to do?
A. Apologize to the woman.
B. Complain to the woman.
C. Encourage the woman.
12. What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. See the board more in class.
B. Write more.
C. Ask more questions.
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. A travel experience.
B. A strange country.
C. An interesting find.
14. What surprised the woman in the marketplace?
A. She could buy things at a lower price.
B. The prices were very low.
C. People bargained a lot over the price.
15. Why did some people stare at the woman?
A. She spoke their language.
B. They were curious about her.
C. She didn’t bargain over prices.
16. What has the woman learned about cultures?
A. All peoples value friendship.
B. All cultures are colorful.
C. All peoples welcome foreigners.
17. Who had locked the door?
A. Kim.
B. Sanderson.
C. The woman.
18. Who was knocked down by the stranger?
国家公务员考试招录简章A. Ray.
B. Mike.
C. The woman.
19. Whose was the suitcase?
A. The stranger’s.
B. Tony’s.
C. Sanderson’s.
20. What did the woman find in the suitcase?
A. Some microfilm.
B. A letter.
C. A camera.
It’s great fun to explore new places—
it feels like an adventure, even when you know you’re not the f to have been there. But make sure not to get lost or waste time going round in circles.
● Do the map reading if you’re being driven somewhere. It’ll be easier if you keep turning the m follows the direction you’re traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or you’ll have to move to the back seat.
p, a compass , a raincoat, a
● Get a group of friends together and go exploring. You’ll need a good ma
cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for emergencies . Tell someone where
you’re going before you set out and let them know what time you expect to be back. The test is in not
getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together, waiting for slower friends to catch
● See if your school or a club organizes orienteering activities, in which you need a map and a compass
to find your way. This can be done as a sport, with teams trying to find the way from A to B (and B to C,
etc. ) in the fastest time, or simply as a spare-time activity. Either way, it’s not only good fun, but a great way to keep fit.
21. Sitting beside the driver, you should ______.
A. keep looking at the map to find a place to go to
B. move to the back seat if feeling uncomfortable
C. look ahead to see where there’s a turn
D. direct the driver when necessary
22. Why do you need to tell someone your exploration plan before setting out?
A. To be saved in case of an accident.
B. To get needy information when in danger.
C. To share the fun with him/her in exploration.
D. To tell him/her what’s going on with the group members.
23. Orienteering activities can _______.
A. make people work fast
B. help people organize other activities
C. help people stay healthy
D. make people get prepared for sports
24. The text mainly talks about ______.
A. the fun of exploration
B. what to bring for exploration
C. the way to use the map in exploration
D. how to prevent getting lost in exploration
This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers from all over the world will spend about ten months in
U. S. homes. They will attend U. S. schools, meet U. S. teen-agers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teen-agers will go to other countries to l
new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.
Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George
family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.
莱州市教育信息网study, the Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’ 
language began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected----much harder.
Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six
that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.
word was law, and all activities were around the family Family life, too, was different. The father’s
rather than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.
“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk,
but you soon learn to like it.”
At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. “I suppose I should criticize American schools,” he says. “It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that
maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the
25. The whole exchange program is mainly to _____.
A. help teenagers in other countries know the real America
B. let students learn something about other countries
C. send students in America to travel in Germany
D. have teenagers learn new languages
26. According to the passage, we can infer that _____.