    :  应届毕业生入职培训需求分析及对策研究                                   
关键词:  应届毕业生    入职培训    培训需求   
Title  Fresh Graduates Induction Training Needs Analysis and Countermeasures
Fresh graduates orientation is unit of choose and employ persons new hire college graduate employees from "student" into "enterprise" process, Now new graduates entering enterprises are basically after "after 80" crowd, Plus colleges and universities in China's long-term training mode and fresh graduates own some problems, led to new students do not accord with the real need employment. So for fresh graduates conduct orientation is important. In the point of enterprise, orientation is the enterprise set up image, enhance the new employee belongingness and identification, discover and develop new employees, adapt to the enterprise culture, potential knowledge quasi talents from transformation into real practical talents process. College students' point of view, from the most need is to understand quickly enterprise, smoothly enters the role, get enterprise working attitude, also be adjusted identity, sets up the correct professional attitudes and professional spirit, with positive attitude into the new group, for future career development and lay a solid foundation.
Based on the domestic and foreign graduates orientation of the research results . This subject is based on the investigation and analysis of the college students' orientation, summarizes the demand, mainly using questionnaire method to probe into orientation involves training contents, training methods, training instructors, training time waiting for widespread concern.
Based on the enterprise and individual both sides of the consideration, this topic from fresh graduates orientation this perspective of graduates orientation demand; Combining enterprise present condition analysis orientation existing problems, and puts forward some corresponding measures.
Keywords  fresh graduates  Orientation  Training needs  Demand countermeasures 
