1. 令人惊讶的是,20年来中国经济强劲持续增长,没有哪一个国家可以与其媲美。
Amazingly China’s economy over 20 years enjoys sustained growth that is unparalleled with any other country.
2. 上海是中国的经济、金融和国际贸易中心,它的优势在于交通便利、东西方文化交融。【参考译文】
Shanghai, the center of China’s economy, finance and international trade, has the benefits of convenient transportation and a good integration, of eastern and western cultures.
3. 为了迎接经济全球化和知识经济带来的挑战,在过去几年里,深圳不断调整其经济结构,并把高科技产业作为经济增长的主要动力源泉。
To greet the challenges of economic globalization and knowledge economy, Shenzhen has kept adjusting its economic structure over the past years and turned high-tech industries into the driving engine for its growth in economy. 4. 目前,上海市对外贸易排名中国第一,吸收外资连续五年居中国城市之首。
Shanghai is now the largest trading city in China. It has attracted more foreign capital than any other city in China for five years in a row.
5. 中国经济的发展,不仅改善了本国人民的生活,也为世界经济的增长提供了新的推动力,为发达国家提供了更多的商业机会。
Economic growth in China has not only improved the living standards of its own people, but also provided a fresh driving force to world economic growth, together with greater business opportunities for developed countries.
6. 目前国际经济环境更趋严峻复杂,金融动荡加剧,经济明显减速。
Currently, the world economic environment is getting tougher and more complex, with exacerbated financial volatility and notable economic slowdown.
7. 中国正处在工业化、城市化加快发展的阶段,经济增长潜力很大。
China, in the stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization, has huge potential for economic growth.
8. 加拿大是一个工业发达、资源丰富的国家,中国则是一个劳动力充足、市场巨大的国家。【参考译文】
Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China has a plentiful supply of labor force and a potential huge market. 9. 随着外资银行在中国消费者中知晓度的提升,中外资银行的竞争在加剧。
Competition between domestic and foreign banks has intensified as foreign players generate increased awareness among Chinese consumers.
10. 在上海、北京和广州,中国消费者对外资银行的知晓度每年都在提升。
Chinese consumers’ awareness of foreign banks has increased year-on-year across Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.
11. 在剧烈竞争下,市场需要往往会让位于竞争需要。
In a highly competitive environment, the needs of the market usually give way to the need for competition.
12. 经济实力的增强使中国在世界舞台上扮演着日益重要的角。
The growing economic strength has helped China play a more important role in the world.
13. 在促进全球化发展的同时,中国越来越重视区域经济合作。
While promoting globalization, China is putting more emphasis on regional economic cooperation.
14. 中国将进一步加强双边、多边和区域经济合作,实现世界各国各地区的共同发展。
China will further intensify bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation, so as to achieve common development in all countries and regions in the world.
15. 内地与港澳经贸发展快速,经贸合作互动取得新进展。
Trade and economy in mainland and HK, Macao developed fast and the cooperation gained new progress.
16. 在银行利率和股市交易之问,存在着错综复杂的关系。
An intricate relationship exists between bank interest rates and stock market trading.
1. 进入外国市场前,公司对其产品在品牌、商标和包装上都需重新打造,以适应本土化需要。
Local adaptations are required for the branding, labeling and packaging of the company’s products before they enter foreign markets.
2. 本集团致力于提供出产品、世界级技术及最优质的顾客服务,以继续扩大其客户基础。【参考译文】
To add more into its customer base, the Group is committed to offering outstanding products, world-class technology and top quality customer service.
公务员工资高还是事业编工资高3. 在这个高度竞争的时代,我们迫切需要建立一个国际性的分销与售后服务网络。
In this highly competitive world, it is urgent to set up an international distribution and after-sales service network.
4. 鉴于北京品牌众多的情况,伊利采取“农村包围城市”的战略,从郊区逐步向市区扩展。
Since there are lots of brands in Beijing, Yili has adopted a strategy of “encircling the city from the countryside”, i. e., selling products in the outskirts before moving into the city.
5. 由于公司规模大,我们可以在市场上到最好的供应商,并获得批量折扣。
Due to the large scale of the company, we can find the most desired providers in the market and get bulk discounts.
6. 公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,大、中专学历以上的技术、管理人才占员工总数的30%以上。【参考译文】
Boasting tremendous technological strength, the company owns a technical and managerial staff with either specialized secondary education or higher education which accounts for 30% of the total of its employees.
7. 在进行预期的市场份额研究时,目前的销路和潜在的市场都要考虑。
In making prospective market share studies,both current outlets and potential markets should be taken into consideration.
8. 为了推广产品,制造商通常都付出大量的钱来做广告。
In order to promote their products, manufacturers usually spend a lot of money on advertisements.
9. 零售商也需要做广告和采取各种推销措施,比如进行减价销售或推出“买一送一”的活
Retailers also need advertisements and sales promotion devices such as price reduction sales and “Buy one. Get one free” activities.
10. 绩效管理(PM)是人力资源管理中一个关键的问题,也是一个难度较大的问题,它反映
Performance Management(PM) is a key item, and also a difficult problem, in human resources managing. It reflects a company’s level of managing in this respect.
11. 紧跟着中国进入世界贸易组织,外国公司正企图砸开中国石油产品零售市场。
Closely following China’s entry into WTO, foreign companies are trying to crack open China’s retail market for oil products.
1. 货物的检验将由目的港中国商检局进行,他们发出的质量和重量证明书对买卖双方将是决定性的、有约束力的。
Inspection will be conducted by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of destination. Their certificate of quality and weight is to be accepted as final and binding by both the seller and the buyer.
2. 相信贵方会按期发货,因为延误势必给我方造成很大不便和经济损失。