1. 李老师教课生动活泼,印象深刻。
2. 上课前班长通知说李老师要动手术,暂时不能来上课,谁能代课还未决定。
3. 同学们悄然无声,似乎都担心她不再来上课了。
4. 李老师走进教室,她说不愿意耽误同学们的功课,要求医生推迟了手术时间。并说新老师明天就来,希望同学们同老师很好地相处,她病愈即返校。
往届高考成绩查询系统入口  Miss Li is our English teacher. She always impresses us deeply with her lively English class.
  One day when the first bell rang the monitor stood up and said “Our English teacher i
s going to have an operation today. It has not been decided yet who will give us the lesson. ”The class turned silent at his words. It seemed that no one would believe him. In fact all of us were afraid that Miss Li would no longer be with us. At this moment Miss Li appeared at the door. She looked tired and pale.
  “I’ll be missing you badly ”she said in a low voice “I have asked the doctor to put off the operation till tomorrow because I don’t want you to miss a single class. ”She went on “A new teacher will take my place and I hope you’ll get on well with him. I’ll come back as soon as I’m better. ”
Hearing this all of us were moved to tears. What a good teacher we have.
Should Women be Regarded as Inferior to Men?
  I never think that women should be treated as the second-class citizens. Observing objectively, you’ll find that women have succeeded in virtually any existing occupation you care to name: politicians, soldiers, doctors, university professors, lawyers, business executives, scientists and even presidents of countries. Today’s intense competition in jobs is not only between men, but also between men and the ’weaker sex’, who have often put men to shame in almost every field. Yet men refuse to acknowledge them and give women their due, and their attitude towards women becomes even more hostile. The only sound explanation for this is that men shun (回避,躲避) real competition- they are afraid of being beaten at the games that they consider to be their own.
  If there is anything that men are better than women, it is their physical strength. No other things that men claim to excel in are borne out by statistics. Physical strength excluded, the fact is that men and women are basically equal in all kinds of abilities except when it comes to language art and negotiation skills, at which women are better. Y
ou can be sure that if negotiation tasks were left to women who are gentler, more graceful and levelheaded, they would succeed brilliantly, where men have failed for centuries, and therefore war has been a frequent scene on this planet. Believe it or not, it is women who could turn those filthy and bloody battlefields into lands of joy. So some things are too important to be left to men! (252 words)
  (2) 反论点
  It sounds pretty ridiculous to claim that men and women are equal and have the same abilities. Men have excelled in every field of work. Plato, Freud, Beethoven, Einstein, Pavarotti and Li Ning are the names of great men in different fields, to name just a few. Can you effortlessly think up a woman’s name that can match those brilliant names? You may argue that you can name a dozen of great women athletes. Well, yes. However, they look great simply because they have never run or played against men. See what happens if you group men and women together in the same race.
  Women are justifiably called the weaker sex not only because they are physically weak,
they are mentally fragile as well. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. Sometimes they are not even capable of thinking clearly. That is why they often gossip and chatter and scream whenever they talk, which men seldom do, and that is also why there are embarrassingly few women politicians in any country you can think of. Big decisions are always left for men to make, for they are more reliable, rational, and levelheaded.
1. 校学生会将组织一次暑期志愿者活动,现招募志愿者。
2. 本次志愿者活动的目的,内容、安排等。
3. 报名条件及。
Volunteers Needed
A voluntary activity in the summer vacation will be organized by the University Students Union. The Student Union will open free English classes for the 2021年医师考试成绩查询时间youngsters in S.O.S Children’s Village. The classes will last for a week.
Currently, we will recruit 5 volunteers to work as English teachers. The volunteers are requested to speak fluent English. Those with English teaching experience are preferable. Besides the English skills, we expect the volunteers to be patient, open-minded with a loving heart. The Children’s Village will provide the volunteers with three meals a day and transportation from and to the university during the class days.
Those who are interested in taking part in the activity, please send your resume to the email address ******************** before June 30th四级听力啥也听不懂要怎么练. The office of the Student Union will contact the chosen candidates for an interview before July 10th.
January 12th, 2002
Dear Mr. President,
    I am a student here. I write you this letter to say a few words about the dining halls in this university.