Part 1 Sentence Translation
Section A
Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.
1. The chief goals of the ideal college are the discovery of identity, and with it, the discovery of vocation.
2. Sport is far more than a luxury or a form of entertainment.
3. Poor access and high cost of motorized transport limited the development of local natural resources.
4. One of the most important functions performed by banks is to finance exports and imports and trade between countries.
5. Current liabilities are debts due and payable within one year.
6. Tourism industry has always maintained an important position in Hong Kong economy with the foreign exchange earnings that it brines.
7. It remains to be seen, however, if the American automobile industry will ever again regain its former glory.
8. In 1960s, there was a change in fashion in favor of small cars.
9. Shenzhen has developed an extensive high-tech industry base and has been actively promoting autonomous innovation.
10. Mothers-to-be and children receive special benefits such as free milk or certain
foodstuffs for which only a minimum charge is made.
1. 理想大学的首要目标是帮助学生发现自己的个性,并依据个性来寻求职业。
2. 体育绝不是一项奢侈活动或某种娱乐形式。
3. 由于交通不便以及汽车运输成本高昂,当地自然资源的开发受到限制。
4. 银行最重要的功能之一,是为国家之间的进出口和贸易提供融资。
5. 流动负债是一年内到期和应付的债务。
6. 旅游业带来可观的外汇收入,因而一直都是香港经济的重要支柱。
7. 美国汽车业能否重铸昔日辉煌,人们将拭目以待。
8. 20世纪60年代出现了一个变化:人们崇尚小型汽车。
2019考研英语真题9. 深圳已打下了范围广泛的高科技产业基础,并大力促进自主创新。
10. 孕妇和孩子有特殊福利待遇,如领取免费牛奶,或只需付最低价钱就可以买到某些食品。Section B
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
1. 在20世纪60年代,一股摇滚乐的狂潮席卷全球。
2. 这些行业在奥运会期间的繁荣局面将给物流和运输公司带来无限的商机。
3. 近十年来,外资金融机构纷纷抢滩上海。
4. 旅游是一种集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。
5. 中国的烹调艺术有着几千年的历史,它是中国文明的一部分。
6. 可靠的交通是经济持续发展的前提。
7. 北京是一个旅游城市,其特点是人文景观与自然景观巧妙结合。
8. 知识和技术创新是人类经济、社会发展的重要动力源泉。
9. 了解背景情况对不同文化之间的交流非常重要。
10. 远程教育属于正规教育,它打破了传统的课堂教学模式。
1. In the 1960’s, rock’n’roll music swept the world.
2. The prosperity of these sectors during the Olympic Games will bring a wealth of opportunities for logistics and transportation companies.
3. In recent ten years, foreign-funded financial institutions have swarmed into Shanghai.
4. Tourism is a popular and pleasant activity that combines sightseeing, recreation and health care.
内蒙古教育局5. The Chinese cuisine dates back thousands of years ago, and is an integral part of the Chinese civilization.
6. Dependable transportation is a necessary prerequisite for sustained economic development.
7. Beijing is a city of tourism, featuring an ingenious integration of culture, folk arts and natural sceneries.
8. Knowledge and technological innovation are the major driving force for the economic and social development of humankind.
9. The understanding of certain backgrounds is of great significance to the
cross-cultural communication.
10. Distance learning is a formal educational process that breaks the traditional
mode of classroom teaching.
Part 2 Passage Translation
Section A
Translate the following passage from English to Chinese.
Filling Niches in the Sky
Low-fare airlines are relatively new to Hong Kong, but carriers see huge growth potential in serving an untapped niche.
When soaring fuel prices and intense competition are said to be threatening the growth of many airli
nes, the emergence of new players in the sky is the last thing that people expect to see. Yet the landing of niche carriers, specifically the low-fare airlines, in Hong Kong and nearby Macau and Shenzhen, are proving that the aviation industry is remarkably resilient, and that niches are there to be filled.
“We are not taking passengers from existing airlines, we just stimulate the market and allow more people to fly,” said Stephen Miller, the CEO of Oasis Hong Kong.
Viva Macau, another low-fare airline which first took off last November to fly to Phuket, the Maldives and the Philippines, plans to fly long-haul routes to Moscow and Sydney by this year, and destinations in the U. S. and Europe in the coming five years.
Mr. Miller explained that if Hong Kong is to maintain its position as an aviation hub for the region, it is essential that this niche is filled by low fare airlines. If more and more long- haul routes are not served by a carrier that covers Hong Kong, over time, the SAR could become a spoke, instead of a hub.
Section B
Translate the following passage from Chinese to English.
Hong Kong—An International Container Port
Hong Kong has been an entrepot of Southern China for many years. Gifted with a superb deep-water harbor offering a safe haven for ships in close proximity to the Pearl River Delta Region, Hong Kong has gradually developed over the years into a world-class container port.
Hong Kong has been a container port for more than three decades. In 2006, Hong Kong handled 23.5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) and proved again to be one of the world’s most efficient container ports.
Hong Kong is one of the few major international ports in the world where port facilities are financed, owned and operated by the private sector. The Government’s role is to undertake long-term strategic planning for port facilities and to provide the necessary supporting infrastructure.