Practice 1
安徽教育2022高考志愿填报Developing Education
济南市教育局最新通知We must give priority to the development of education. We will intensify our efforts to improve quality-oriented education and strengthen ideological and political work at (in) schools in order to help our students improve their moral qualities, intellectual ability, physical fitness and aesthetic appreciation. We will strengthen basic education. We will pay particular attention to quickening the pace of making nine-year compulsory education universal in poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minority groups. We will extend the reform of the management system for rural compulsory education under which county
authorities assume the main responsibilities. We will make sure that teachers are paid in full and on time (receive full pay on time).
Senior secondary school education will be vigorously expanded. We will steadily develop regular higher education and adjust the division of disciplines to adapt to new circumstances(accommodate new conditions). We will make great efforts (make concerted attempts) to develop secondary and higher vocational education (post-secondary vocational training). We will (We intend to) reform (revis
e) the curriculum and teaching materials, updating (modernizing) the instructional content and improving the quality of teaching. We will continue to promote the reform of (We will further reform) the internal management system of institutions of higher learning (universities and colleges/post-secondary institutions) and commercialize [their] support services. The ideological level and professional competence (ideological and professional standards) of teachers should be raised (elevated) in an all-round way. We will accelerate the application of IT to education (increase IT use in education) and develop modern distance education (expand up-to-date distance learning). The government will increase its input (investment) in education and encourage, support and standardize school management (the running of schools) by non-governmental sectors (agencies) or by Chinese-foreign cooperation (undertakings).
Practice 2
China’s Education after Its Accession to WTO
Along with the development of economic globalization and the entrance of China to the World Trade Organization, China will participate in international competition and technical cooperation in a larger range and a wider sphere and at a higher level. Facing various opportunities and challenges in the 21s’ century, the Chinese government is fully aware of the fact that an increase in the general education level of its people is the prerequisite for China to participate in international competition and to meet the challenges of economic globalization.
In the next 20 years, the Chinese government will devote itself to the overall construction of    a mod
erately developed society, and to the continual implementation of the strategy of developing the country through science and education. It will give priority to the development of education, energetically exploit education and human resources, turn the burden of a large population into an advantage, heighten the national ideological and ethical standards as well as cultural and scientific qualifies, and form a complete modern national education system.
Practice 3
Profile of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) was founded in 2002 by Mr. Li Ka-shing, Asia’s most successful entrepreneur, with a mission to build it into a top business school in China and in the world. As an independent business school in China, CKGSB has been granted by the government to possess an independent legal entity as an educational institution with non-profit status, and it’s a degree-granting institution authorized by the State Council.
CKGSB was born in a great era characterized by the fast and sustaining economic growth in China. It is endeavoring to create global business leaders for China by attracting and retaining a team of world-level professors, and promoting the combination of the latest management theories in the West with the local
management practice in China. GKGSB also aims at providing new ideas, new visions and new solutions for the Chinese enterprises to go international. Practice 4
北京理工大学研究生院Guardian Mothers at the Cost/Risk of Their Own Youth As more and more Chinese children are coming to study in Singapore, a special community of women known as “guardian mothers” has eme
rged here. Singapore no doubt presents unique advantages as a choice for Chinese students keen on studying overseas. Singapore boasts a sound legal system, beautiful environment, an orderly social security and    a. bilingual policy. It is    a Chinese-dominated country and you can easily adapt yourself to the life here. Moreover, mothers are permitted to keep their children company while they are studying here. However, the truth is that Singapore is far from an ideal place for
education than was supposed.
Most guardian mothers do not feel at home here. Singaporeans always seem to be on guard against them. They can only feel lonely and helpless and are unable to become part of the local community.
It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men. Education is a long-term process. Short-term measures will not keep foreigners to stay here, let alone those talents.
Practice 5
Traditional Chinese Culture
The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi