【例1】Sorry,I haven't got any small changes on me.
【例2】Is the education free in all the countries?
【例3】Peter is stronger than him.
【解析】在省略句或不完整的从句中,代词的格应跟没有省略、完整时的格一致。这一句完整的结构应该是“Peter is stronger than he is ,因此不能用“him”。
【例4】The man bought 20 dozens socks. 四川财政会计网
【例5】M illion of years ago,there lived a lot of huge animals on the earth.
【解析】“hundreds of”,“thousands of ,“millions of 等结构中,不可遗漏-s。
【例6】China is still a developed country.
【例7】What a ashamed thing to do!
【例8】We object to organize such an activity.
有be used to,oppose /object to,be accustomed to,relate to,look forward to,等。
【例9】Of all the sports,I like swimming mostly.
【解析】对,一般说来,实意动词都是由副词来修饰的,但有时也要看修饰动词的副词与它修饰的动词是否合意,如这句话里的 mostly就与swim不合意了,因为mostly是“主要地”,“大部分地”,所以应该改为most(“最”)才合整句之意:在所有运动中,我最喜欢游泳。
【例10】No matter who comes to work in our company is welcome.
【解析】“no matter who”只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。因此,此句应改为whoever(=anyone who...)。
【例11】The jury found the defendant guiltily.
【解析】这里的“有罪”是修饰宾语“the defendant”,而并非谓语“found”,因此要用“有罪”的形容词形式“guilty”,而不是副词形式“guiltily”。
【例12】Everybody should be given the chance to reach their goals / aims.
【例13】He has so many skills,which surprise me so much.
【例14】The accident resulted from three deaths.
【解析】“result from”意为“是……的结果,由……而产生”,而“result in”意为“导致……结果,结果造成”,而这句话的意思明显是“这一场事故造成三人死亡”,因此应把“result from”改为“result in”。
【例15】The United Nations are a world organization for peace.
【解析】“The United Nations”(联合国)和“the United States”(美国)等虽然形式上是复
【例16】More than one person have applied for the job. 为什么考研不建议兰州大学
【解析】主语由more than one...或many a构成,谓语要用单数形式。所以这里的have应改为has。
【例17】Anyone to Greece will see many sites about which they have read.
【解析】Anyone是单数的指称,而they是复数的指称,前后不一致,因此应把they必为he /she,或者把anyone改为travelers或people。
【例18】Such mistakes can avoid if you are careful.
【解析】当谓语主语是谓语动词动作的承受者时,谓语动词必须用被动语态。所以这里的avoid应改为be avoided。
【例19】If they were careless,they would have lost the good chance.
【解析】在非真实条件句中,表示与过去事实相反,if从句的谓语动词必须用过去完成时形式had done。
【例20】He insisted that we discussed the matter at the meeting.
【解析】在suggest,order,demand,propose,request,insist,ad- vise,require等动词后的宾语从句,谓语动词用虚拟语气“(should)+ 原形动词”。
【例21】Frightened by the huge explosion outside his window,his head dived under the covers.
【解析】该句中的分词短语Frightened by the huge explosion outside his window的逻辑主语不是the boy's head,而是the boy,因此应把his head改为the boy。
【例22】People of many difference nationalities together on the same block.
【例23】Having not got his letter for a long time,I didn't know what had happened to hi
【解析】分词的否定结构为not +分词,所以这里的having not应该改为not having。
【例24】Only then I knew I was wrong.
【解析】在以only,often,many a time,never,seldom,等为首的句型中,要形成部分倒装。所以该句应该改为Only then did I know I was wrong。
【例25】Are you going aboard next year?
【解析】“aboard”意为“上船(车、飞机)”,而“abroad”则为“出国,到另一个国家”,该句的意思明显应为“你明年出国吗?”,所以应把 aboard改为abroad。