学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.Jim,you are sitting far from me. Can you() me?
A.say B.look C.listen D.hear
2.When he got to the station,the train ________.
A.was left B.had left C.has left D.would left
3.— Thank you very much.
— ________.
A.You’re all right
B.You’re welcome
C.You’re very well
4.Please _________ your exam papers once again before handing them in.
A.going over B.went go over
5.---It seems that the old man has ().
---Yes,he is () to build a palace by his own.
A.enough money;enough rich
B.enough money;rich enough
C.little money;rich enough
D.money enough;enough rich
6.The man in blue must be your brother, ____ ?
A.mustn’t dn’t he C.is he D.isn’t he为什么华图比中公便宜
7.A good friend is someone you ________ share your pleasure and pain with.
A.d C.can D.must
8.You must read English often. ( )you will not learn it well.
A.And B.So C.Other wise D.For
9.---How about the two pairs of the fashionable sports shoes?
---I like the design,but they are()too big()too small.
河北省高考成绩查询电话A.not only…but also B.both…ither…nor D.either…or
10.Smith is a very common name in English language.
A.strange B.dinary D.same
11.—________I park my car here for a while?
—No,you mustn’t. Do you see the sign“NO PARKING”?
A.Would B.May C.Must D.Should
12.Everyone ____ a good time now.
A.has B.are having C.is having D.have
13.They give performances in the club every night, for which they are paid().
A.in common B.in fact C.in cash D.in peace
14.— Do you like a hamburger?
— ________.
A.Yes,I do.
B.No,I like it.
C.Please give me pizza.
D.Rice is OK.
15.()of us has been to Shanghai.
A.All B.No one C.Everyone D.Every one
16.—May I speak to your manager at four o’clock this afternoon?
—I'm sorry. He()to a conference long before then.
A.will have gone B.had gone C.would go D.has gone
17.When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety ________ is to keep calm.
A.rule B.dition D.problem
18.---I fell () my bike on my way to school yesterday.
---So sorry to hear! Be careful next time.
A.off B.down C.from D.of
19.Eyes(), I see the moon so bright; Head(), in homesickness I am drowned.
A.raising; bending
B.raising; bent
科学发展观基本要求C.raised; bending
计算机二级入口D.raised; bent
大一可以考英语四级吗>最近发生的热点事件20.—These grapes look really beautiful.
—They()! See the price,$ 3.99 a pound.Too expensive, aren‘t they?
A.uld C.might D.should
21.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than________we were given.