大学英语六级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷179 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation
Part I    Writing
1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss how to get rid of this phenomenon. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
正确答案:Caution, Diploma Mills    As is shown in the picture, a representative from a private higher learning institution is trying to recruit a student with a big cage the way a hunter does to his prey. What this picture wants to convey is that nowadays some unqualified colleges, also called diploma mills, are trying to recruit more students despite their own accreditation.    A diploma mill sells college diplomas that require little or no academic work. Usually these un-reputable, unaccredited colleges love to prey on those suf
fering a setback in National College Entrance Examination. In most cases, these students are helpless and eager to catch any opportunity to further education. Hence it is easy for these colleges to take advantage of them. Whats more, its no wonder parents and students fell into that trap from time to time since these colleges are titled elegant names, and boast hosting one of the most renowned faculties in the world.    In my opinion, scrutiny, regulation and law enforcement involving diploma mills should be honed and enhanced. Besides, parents and students themselves should be more alert and make a thorough investigation before deciding on which university to attend. 
Part II    Listening Comprehension
Section A
听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Dr. Bishop. Do you have a couple of minutes? You see, I have some difficulty with my project. M: Sure. You have about 10 minutes before I leave for my lecture. What is your problem? W: Our team has finished the observations of the children. Should we just put the notes down or should we do some further research and d
raw a conclusion? M: Well, first, you mentioned children.(1)What I require is to make observations of the same child, at different time and different locations. W: Oh dear! We must have misunderstood the requirement. Does that mean we must do the observations from the very beginning? M: Im afraid so.(2)Then, after that, what you need to do is to study your notes, and see what kind of behavior is influenced by the environment and what kind of behavior is not affected. You should put your findings in the paper and you also need to find published theories that support your conclusion. W: Dr. Bishop, is it possible that we submit the paper a few days later, just in case that we cant make it? M:(3-1)The deadline I put in the assignment is for the presentation. You may need to make some amendments before handing in the paper. W: Presentation? Whats wrong with us? No one in our team has ever mentioned the presentation. There is no way we can make the deadline! M:(4)If everyone in your team shares the assignment, say each works on a chapter of the paper, then one takes the job of editing PPT and one prepares for the oral presentation, and if you all work hard enough, (3-2)Im sure you can make the deadline. W: Im afraid we dont have other choices. Thank you, Dr. Bishop.Questions 1 to 4 are ba
sed on the conversation you have just heard.1. How should the students carry out the observations? 2. What does the professor expect his students to find? 3. According to the conversation, how does the professor respond to his students requirement? 4. What suggestion does the professor give to the student?
A.They should make several observations of the same child.教师资格证书查询网
B.They should observe several children at the same time.
C.They should find an ideal location for the observations.
D.They should observe at the time most convenient for themselves.
A.The behavioral patterns of children at different time.
B.The influence of environment on a childs behavior.
C.The impact of observation on a childs behavior
D.The interactive influence of childrens behavior.
A.He doesnt change the deadline of the assignment.
B.He delays the deadline of the assignment.
C.He cancels the assignment.
D.He asks them to hand in the assignment ahead of the deadline.
A.Ignore the presentation.
B.Divide the assignment.
C.Omit some chapters.
D.Listen more carefully.
听力原文:M: Excuse me, I wonder if you could help me?W: Of course. How can I be of assistance?M: You see, Im a first-year student here and I missed my orientation.(5)Before I attend my first lecture, I need to finish the reading assignment of my professor and I really dont know how to locate them in the library. W: OK. Let me take a look. Its really a long list. Maybe the computerized catalog can save you some time. M: You mean the computers like this?W: Yes. You can find the computer terminals on each floor. Let me show you how to use the system. M: OK. Thank you. W: Before you start to search the whereabouts of a book, you need to know at least some accurate information of the b
ook, like the author or the title.(6)First, log in the system with your student ID, then put the information in the box. Press the search button. You can see clearly where the book is now. M: I see.(7)So this means the book Introductory Psychology I need is on the second floor of the east wing? W: Yes.M: What does this red-letter word reserved mean? W: Oh, this means that you can only read the book in the library and you cant take them out.(8)Usually requirements like this are made by the professor so that all the students can have a chance to read the book. M: Yes, of course. I learned that I can keep the book I borrowed for three weeks and before the book is due, I can renew it if necessary. Is it correct? W: Yes, but you can only renew once. And then, if you cant return the book in time, you will pay a fine. M: OK, I see. Thank you.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. Why does the man come to the library? 6. What information must the man provide for logging in the computerized catalog system? 7. What can be learned about the library? 8. Why do some professors make some books reserved?
A.To attend the orientation.
B.To meet his professor.
C.To find some books.
D.To use the computer.
A.The name of the author.
B.His student ID.
C.The title of the book.
D.His whereabouts.
A.The library is quite modern and highly computerized.
B.There are some books on psychology on the second floor.
C.It serves both the students on campus and outside visitors.
D.The renewal system is very simple and user-friendly.
A.Because they may need the books from time to time.
B.Because such books are very precious and valuable.
C.Because they hope everyone has a chance to read the books.
D.Because there is only one copy in the library.
Section B
听力原文:    Imagine hackers stealing top secret files from a military base. What if they dont need the Internet to pull data out of the facilitys computers? Instead, they can just infect an office printer and—with software alone— turn it into a radio. This sounds like sci-fi, but its now possible.(9)Security researchers at a Manhattan startup have discovered how to make any modern device—printer, washing machine, air conditioner— broadcast invisible, inaudible signals for miles. That2021年下半年教师资格证报名s a game changer—and a huge step forward for hackers.    The rapidly expanding $77 billion cybersecurity industry is all about guarding computer networks. Companies and governments buy products to stay protected. But they keep running out of effective defensive options. Thats where Ang Cui and his team of bright researchers come in. They found a way to sneak data out of a computer network without setting off any alarms.(10)Its groundbreaking research, because it also hints at the ability to steal data from computers that arent even connected to the Internet, like tho
se at nuclear facilities.    Last week, the team at Red Balloon Security demonstrated how it works to several news reporters. They infected a Pantum laser printer and toyed with its circuits, making it do something it was never meant to. By quickly switching a chips energy output back and forth, the printer emits electromagnetic radiation. The Red Balloon team calls it a 网络教育大专funtenna.(11)In fact, one of the only ways to detect this highly advanced tactic is by walking around with an AM radio. If you get near a device and the radio static is interrupted by loud beeping, its secretly transmitting radio signals.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. Who discovered the new technology of making any modern device broadcast invisible signals? 10. Why is the new hacking tactic groundbreaking? 11. What is the best way to protect people from the new hacking tactic?
四川教育考试院报名入口A.Some senior hackers.
B.The government agencies.
C.The security researchers.
D.The game players.
A.Because it costs $ 77 billion to develop.
B.Because it even puts data in offline devices in danger.
C.Because it aims at nuclear facilities and military bases.
D.Because it is revealed to reporters and the public.
A.Cutting all the devices from the Internet.
B.Stopping using all the advanced laser printers.
C.Installing the high-tech anti-hacking softwares.
D.Using an AM radio to detect the signals.
听力原文:    (12-1)Swedish fathers from next year will receive a third month of paid paternity leave in order to increase gender equality, the Swedish government has announced.(13)A 16-month parental leave, which can be used anytime up until the child turns eight, is already offered to parents who can share this time between them. Up until now, two of the months have been reserved specifically for fathers. But under the proposals, both mothers and fathers must take at least three months off, or risk losing these months, meaning that mothers cannot claims the months reserved specifically for fathers. Swedish parents receive 80% of their salary while on parental leave, reports Swedish news site the Local, which tops at around 4,000 per month. A third month is so
mething weve really looked forward to, Social Security Minister Annika Strandhall told Swedish Radio.(12-2) We know that this is a key issue towards attaining greater gender equality.     (14)In contrast to Swedens liberal attitudes, the U. K. only offers fathers two weeks of dedicated paid leave, while the U. S. offers none whatsoever. In Canada, only one in ten fathers claims paternity leave. Some 80% of children in Sweden have two working parents, but only around 40% of women work full-time compared to some 75% of men.(15)The proposal appears to be popular among Swedish men. Close to 90% of Swedish fathers currently take paternity leave, according to The Economist, and since Swedish men started to take more responsibility for child rearing, women have seen both their incomes and levels of self-reported happiness increase.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. Why does the government increase fathers paid paternity leave? 13. What is the requirement of the Swedish parental leave? 14. How long do U. K. fathers take for dedicated paid paternity leave? 15. According to the passage, what do Swedish men think of the new policy?