At 8pm, on February 4th, 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games I. (start). Once again, the National Stadium hosted the opening ceremony and exhibited a "streamlined, safe and splendid“ event. 2. the joy of hosting a major event, hosting the Winter Olympics is no easy task for China as the threat of coronavirus pandemic is still here.
It is widely acknowledged that Olympic Games is organized in a way of collective competition, but runs 3. (it) more like a festival and gala. Two-time Olympic Opening Ceremony director Zhang Yimou summarised the 4. (differ) between 2008 and 2022 in such a way 5. further interpretation has become superfluous. Although the Olympic spirit is now considered outdated in some postmodern countries, a moment like this, of all countries 6._ for fair competition and the pure joy of self-overcoming, would be a rare treasure for the world and all of humanity.
By the opening ceremony, China proved its 7. (commit) to fulfill the obligation to the international Olympic family, its sense of responsibility as a major country, and its appreciation of this “share dream^^. Just as president Xi mentioned, "From "One World-One Dream, in 2008 to "Together fbr a Shared Future9 in 2022, China 8. (take) an active part in the Olympic movement.^^ After two years' hardships and difficulties faced by the entire globe, it could be 9. time for us to sow understanding and sincerity. The fruit will 10. (doubt) be profitable.
The official mascot, a panda 1. (name) Bing Dwen Dwen, has featured across the Games events and promotions. Its popularity has led to shortages of merchandise across retail outlet. On Monday, the Beijing Olympic Committee said it was working with factories 2. (increase) supply. At one flagship store, the Tmall Olympic, 50,000 mascots 3. (sell) already, according to local media, while an online store sold out within 15 minutes.
4. (analyse) from Shanxi Securities estimated the total revenue could reach 2.5bn yuan (
£291.4m). Olympic mascots and associated merchandise are often hit and miss. Some remain largely unrecognised even during the Games, 5. was the case at the 2018 Rio de Janeiro Olympics with Vinicius. But in Beijing, the furore (热度)around Bing Dwen Dwen has provided a way for people to feel 6. (involve) in an event they are blocked from attending due to strict pandemic protocols. "It is 7. a shame that I can't watch the Winter Olympics in Beijing when it is happening so close to me. 8., I got my Bing Dwen Dwen today!,, one Weibo user commented.
护士资格证考试答案Mr Tang, an employee at the Olympics media centre inside the bubble, said he was among many locals and foreigners lining up to buy one. After he 9. (post) pictures of his Bing Dwen Dwen on his WeChat, he received about a dozen offers from people wanting to buy it from him. The mascot's popularity was “beyond [my] 10. (imagine) ”, hesaid.
All eyes are on Hanyu Yuzuru as the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games near. The two-time Olympic gold medallist is perhaps his country's 1. (fine) ever ice athlete. At Beijing 2
022, Hanyu has the chance to seek 2. third straight Olympic crown, 3. if achieved would make him the first man in 4. (near) a century to do so.
nI was teaching Hanyu's big sister at the beginning/ 48-year-old Yamada told Xinhua News Agency. "Every time she was taking lessons, he would follow her 5. the rink and keep running around.1' Yamada 6. (impress) the first time he walked onto the rink because he skated all the way. Though he tumbled after that, Hanyu continued to skate 7. nothing happened. After PyeongChang Olympic 2018, 辽宁公务员报名入口nWhen 8. (ask) why he's still skating after winning two gold medals, he said because he 9. (think) he could do it again, even if there was no media around” Yamada told Xinhua. "This spirit of his will set a good example for children and give them 10. (brave) and encouragement."注册税务师报考需要考几门
Just as Yuzuru put in Blue Flames, 'I want to make every day count now. I want to make every single normal day, every ice show, every practice and every competition count."
Japan's world-loved figure skater (花样滑冰运发动)Yuzuru Hanyu qualified 1.
the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. His performances are the perfect 2. (combine) of grace and furyjaw dropping actions and enchanting artistry. Some are calling the 23-year-old 3. (great) figure skater of all time, but Yuzuru's story is about so much more than sport.
山东省高考志愿填报系统“I played nine years in the NFL, 4. (cover) sports all over the world - now as a journalist — and I have never seen 5. athlete receive the passionate reaction from fans that Yuzuru Hanyu receives." Coy Wire, a CNN correspondent says "It's been incredible to watch Yuzuru 6. (make) history and even more fans 7. he continues his rise towards becoming a global star.”