  In the eyes of the western, the basic food closest to China isrice. Rice has long occupied so significant a position in the dietof Chinese that there is a proverb “ Even a clever housewife cannotcook a meal without rice”. Rice is grown mostly in southern Chinawhere people usually take rice as their staple food, while itcannot be planted in northern China where the climate is either toocold or too dry for rice to grow. As a result, the main crop in thenorth is wheat. In China, flour is sometimes the main ingredientfor bread but more often used to make buns and noodles。
  第一句,简单句;第二句如此以至于结构“so... that…"注意so的用法,直接接adj. 或adv。第三句南北对比,能够用while或whereas连接,最后一句也是对比句,主语people是比较泛的大主语,考虑改写为被动句。
  China is one of the oldest cultures in the world, from whichmuch that constructs the foundation of the modern world is derived. China is witnessing the fastest development ofits economy and experiencing a new industrial revolution. Also, China has started the ambitious program forexploring the outer space, including to complete a space station by2020. Currently, being one of the largest exporters in the world,China is attracting massive foreign investment. Simultaneously, ithas invested billions of dollars overseas. In 2020, China surpassedJapan as the world’s second-largesteconomy.
  第四句注意2020是将来时间,非谓语应采取to do 形式,如果用谓语要用将来完成时;
英语六级分值  第五句简单句并列,为避免单调,能够采取非谓语结构
汕头招聘网最新招聘  第六、第七句简单句