1.Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps.You can start your essay with the sentence “The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular.”You should write at least120words but no more than180words.
(1)The use of translation apps is becoming more and more popular and this trend arouses a long-term discussion among the public.From my view, whether using translation app or not should depend on personal’s need.
(2)There is no doubt that using translation apps may(3)be convenient and efficient when you read some foreign books,which can help you make sense of the books easily.Besides,when people go ab
road where they can not speak language of the local,using translation apps can make their journey more smoothly.However,depending on those apps could be bad to improve one’s foreign language and to develop good study habits.Moreover, translation apps are operated by machine,which is inevitable that some translation go against original expression.
(4)Just as every thing has two handles,when we choose to use a translation app,we should make full use of it properly.
(2)There is no doubt that…毫无疑问。
二、PartⅡListening Comprehension(25minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked
A,B,C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.
A.Watch the weather forecast.
B.Evacuate the area with the orange alert.
C.Avoid travel on Wednesday.
D.Prepare enough food and drink.
A.Pay more attention to the roads.
B.Stay at a safer place.
C.Bring more mobile phones.
D.Take a train home.
根据录音可知,道路警务负责人说:我强烈要求司机在旅途中要格外小心。故A 项正确。
Good morning.In today’s headlines,Scotland’s transport minister has warned of potentially extreme weather conditions as heavy snow is forecast across the country later this week.Orange warnings are in force for many areas for Wednesday and Thursday.(1)The transport minister advised people in parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday.This is what he said to us:“The orange warning may be raised to red in some areas.That is a warning for snow that has never been seen since the modern system came into place in Scotland.The orange warning has bee
n Thursday.Trains,planes and ferries are also likely to be affected,with a wind chill that could see parts of Britain feeling as cold as minus15degrees Celsius.(2)The head of road policing said;I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their journeys.Drivers should make sure they’re prepared for their journey with warm clothing,food and drink,sufficient fuel and a charged mobile phone.There could be significant traffic delays,so please start to plan your journey now and consider if you really need to travel when conditions are this poor.
Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.What were people in parts of Scotland advised to do?
陕西地震局2.What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?
Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.
A.There is only one ecosystem in Europe.
B.Romania’s wetlands thrive again.
C.The wildlife in Romania isn’t well protected.
D.There are200species of birds in Romania’s wetlands.
A.Block the waterways.
B.Restore the fishing ban.
C.Use monitoring equipment.
D.Prohibit fishing in the next10years.
护理考研可以跨考什么专业(3)Romania’s wetlands are coming back to life thanks to help from local communities,the World Wildlife Fund,and funding from the European Union.Roughly2,224acres of the picturesque Danube Delta,home to300 species of birds,have filled with wildlife.The land has been connected to the network of lakes and streams in the area.
“A lot of birds have migrated to the area,and one doesn’t need to travel long hours anymore or go to other lakes to watch the birds,”says Ion Meuta,Deputy Mayor of Mahmudia.
The area around Mahmudia,which is a UNESCO World Heritage site,is the third-most bio-diverse in the world,after Australians Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands.Groups used earth-moving equipment to restore the waterways.(4)Government officials proposed to protect the area’s endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next decade. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.What is the news report mainly about?
4.What did government officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish?
Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.
A.He had a car accident.
部队文职和公务员哪个好B.He attended his graduation ceremony.
C.He had a heart attack.
D.He gave a performance in the auditorium.
A.What happened to him.
B.What date it was.
C.When the graduation ceremony was.
D.Where he was.
根据录音第六句可知,斯科特回忆当他醒来时,他问妈妈那天是多少号,故B 项正确。
A.He was really touched by his classmates.
B.He didn’t know what happened at all.
C.He couldn’t remember what to say.
D.His parents wore caps and gowns.
Scott Dunn recently awoke from a medically-induced sleep he'd been in after a car accident.He was heartbroken after realizing he'd missed his high school graduation.So his classmates decided to give him another
chance.(5)It was just a month ago that East Juniata High School seniors met in the school's auditorium for graduation.And last week,they did it again,Scott’s car accident was on May22nd,just three days before the ceremony.(6)“I remember waking up in the hospital and asking mom what date it was.She told me it was the28th,”he said.“I looked at her and said‘I missed my graduation.’”The school’s principal,Mr. Fausey,called Scott’s mom Karen and said that everybody wanted to do something special for him.Students wore their caps and gowns and sat in the front of the auditorium.Scott’s parents,Karen and Scott Senior, sat front and center.After brief speeches,Scott’s name was called,only Scott’s name.He walked across the stage as the audience cheered.A graduation for one.(7)“I’m speechless,”Scott said.“I don’t know how to even explain it.I’m speechless to know that so many people are behind me.’’
Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.
5.What happened to Scott a month ago?
6.What did Scott ask about when he regained consciousness?
7.Why was Scott speechless at the graduation ceremony?
Section B
Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.
Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.
A.Her children’s disruption.
B.Quiet atmosphere.
C.A sense of isolation.
D.Longer working hours.
A.It doesn’t offer coffee.
B.It’s too quiet.