1.Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay on the use of PowerPoint(PPT)in class.You can start your essay with the sentence“The use of PowerPoint is becoming increasingly popular in class”.You should write at least120words but no more than180words.
In recent years,using PPT is becoming increasingly prevalent among teachers while having classes.PPT can present knowledge in a clearer way, which will be more convenient for students to digest.And for teachers, PPT also rescues them from writing on the blackboard,which is sometimes a heavy work.Besides,PPT can be saved and copied for students to review after class.
But for people who prefer the traditional class,they think PPT can never replace the blackboard.As whe
n having class with PPT,students have less time taking notes.Meanwhile,some teachers say preparing PPT is very time-consuming and not efficient at all.
From what has been discussed above,PPT does have strengths and weaknesses.But I believe it brings so much convenience for us that we can ignore the few weakness it has.And when using it,we can still take the blackboard as an aid so as to present the class in the best way.【审题构思】
二、PartⅡListening Comprehension(25minutes)(说明:本套真题听力与第一套内容相同,参见第一套听力部分。)
三、PartⅢReading Comprehension(40minutes)
1.Section A
Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully
before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
It can be seen from the cheapest budget airlines to the world’s largest carriers:Airlines across the globe26_____various shades of blue in their cabin seats,and it is no27_____.There does appear to be some psychology behind it.Blue is28_____with the positive qualities of trust, efficiency,quietness,coolness,reflection and calm.
Nigel Goode is a leading aviation designer who works at a company which has been delivering aircr
aft interiors for airlines for30years.“Our job as designers is to reinforce the airline’s brand and make it more 29_____,”he says.“But our primary concern is to deliver an interior that30_____comfort to create a pleasant environment.”
“It’s all about making the traveling experience less31_____and blue is said to induce a feeling of calm.While some of the budget airlines might use brighter,bolder shades,most others go with softened tones. The32_____aim is to create a home-like relaxing feel,so airlines tend to use soft colors that feel domestic,33_____and earthy for that reason.”
It’s also a trend that emerged decades ago and has34_____stuck.“Blue became the color of choice because it’s a conservative,agreeable, corporate shade that35_____being trustworthy and safe.That’s why you see it used in all of the older airlines like British Airways,”Nigel Goode added.
句意:航空公司的主要目的是营造家庭般让人放松的感觉。根据空格前的the 和空格后的aim判定,空格处缺形容词。principal意为“主要的;资本的”,与题意相符,故选K。
句意:蓝成为首选的原因是它是一种传统的、令人愉快的且符合公司文化的颜,象征着值得信赖和安全。根据空格前的that和空格后的being trustworthy and safe判定,空格处缺动词。symbolizes
2.Section B
Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.
Why Are Asian Americans Missing from Our Textbooks?
A)I still remember my fourth-grade social studies project.Our class was studying the Gold Rush,something all California fourth-graders learned.I was excited because I had asked to research Chinese immigrants during that era.Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area,I had always known that“San Francisco”translated to“Gold Mountain”in Chinese. The name had stuck ever since Chinese immigrants arrived on the shores of Northern California in the1850s,eager to try their luck in the gold mines.Now I’d have the chance to learn about them.
B)My excitement was short-lived.I remember heading to the library with my class and asking for help.
I remember the librarian’s hesitation. She finally led me past row after row of books,to a corner of the library where she pulled an oversized book off the shelf.She checked the index and turned over to a page about early Chinese immigrants in California. That was all there was in my entire school library in San Francisco,home of the nation’s first Chinatown.That was it.
C)I finally had the opportunity to learn about Asian Americans like myself,and how we became part of the fabric of the United States when I took an introductory class on Asian-American history in college.The class was a revelation.I realized how much had been missing in my textbooks as I grew up.My identity had been shaped by years of never reading,seeing,hearing,or learning about people who had a similar background as me.Why,I wondered,weren’t the stories,histories,and contributions of Asian Americans taught in K-12schools,especially in the elementary schools?Why are they still not taught?
D)Our students—Asian,Latino,African American,Native American, and,yes,white—stand to gain from a multicultural curriculum.Students of color are more engaged and earn better grades when they see themselves in their studies.Research has also found that white students benefit by being challenged and exposed to new perspectives.
护师报名条件E)For decades,activists have called for schools to offer anti-racism or multicultural curricula.Yet a traditional American K-12curriculum continues to be taught from a Eurocentric point of view.Being multicultural often falls back on weaving children of color into photographs,or creating a few supporting characters that happen to be ethnic—an improvement,but superficial nonetheless.Elementary school classrooms celebrate cultural holidays—Lunar New Year!Red envelopes! Lion dancers!—but they’re quick to gloss over(掩饰)the challenges and injustices that Asian Americans have faced.Most students don’t,for example,learn about the laws that for years excluded Asians from immigrating to the U.S.They don’t hear the narratives of how and why Southeast Asian refugees had to rebuild their lives here.
F)Research into what students learn in school has found just how much is missing in their studies.In an analysis,Christine Sleeter,a