1. C) Herclaim has been completely disregarded.
2. A)The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.
3. D) Thewoman’s failure to pay her house insurance in time.
4. A) Filea lawsuit against the insurance company.
5. B) Theydisagree about the future of AI technology.
6. C) Lesstime-consuming and focusing on creation.
7. B) Digitallife could be replace human civilization.
8. D) Itwill be smarter than human beings.
9. B) Saveone fifth of their net monthly income.
10. A)Start by doing something small.
11. C) Aproper mindset.
12. B) Shefound her outfit inappropriate.
武汉招生考试网13. A) Tosave the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day.
14. C) Itmatters a lot in jobs involving interaction with others.
15 D) Dowhatever is possible to look smart.
16. A) Theirobsession with consumption.
17. B) Thingsthat cost less money.
18. A) They serve multiple purposes.
19. C) Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distancethey drove.
20. C) Theywanted to protect their reputation.
21.B) They seem intuitive.
22. D)Older people's aversion to new music.
23 A)They no longer listen to new music.
24.D) The more you experience sth, the better you'll appreciate it.
25.D) Teenagers are much more sentimental.
1. C) Herclaim has been completely disregarded.
听力原文:I'm getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim beingcompletely disregarded.考点:视听一致
2. A) Theground floor of their cottage was flooded.
听力原文:The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water.
3. D) Thewoman’s failure to pay her house insurance in time.
听力原文:the bizarre technical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact thatyou hadn't paid house insurance the month before the incident
4. A) Filea lawsuit against the insurance company.
听力原文:and that your company has a lawsuit on its hand. You will be hearing frommy lawyer 考点:视听一致
M: Goodmorning, safe house insurance. My name is Paul. How can I help you today?
W: Morning? I wouldn't say that it's a good from where I am standing.This is Ms. Wilson, and this is the third time I've called this week sincereceiving your letter about our insurance claim. (1) I'm getting a littlefed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded.
M: Ms. Wilson, thank you for calling back. Can I take some details tohelp me look at your claim? W: It's Ms. May Wilson of 15 South sea road in Cornwall. And the detailsare that our village was extensi
vely flooded two months ago. (2) The entireground floor of our cottage was submerged in water. And five of us havebeen living in a caravan ever since. Youpeople are still with holding the money we are entitled to over a bizarretechnical detail and it's not acceptable, Paul.
M: Ms. Wilson, according to the notes on your account, (2) the bizarretechnical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact that you hadn't paidhouse insurance the month before the incident. W: That money left our account. And now that you should be paying out,you are suddenly saying that you didn't receive it on time. I'm reallyskeptical about this claim.
M: Thecontract does say that any missed payment in a year will affect the terms andconditions of the insurance contract and may affect claims. Of course, I canpause you onto my manager to talk to you more about this.
W: I've already spoken to him and you can tell him I'm furious now,andthat your company has a lawsuit on it hand. You will be hearing from my lawyer.Goodbye.
1. What is the womancomplaining about?
2. What is theproblem the woman's family encountered?
3. What has caused theso-called bizarre technical detail according to the man?
4. What's woman say she willdo at the end of the conversation?
5. B) Theydisagree about the future of AI technology.
W: How doyou feel about the future of the artificial intelligence.Personally, I feelquite optimistic about it.
M: AI, I'm not so optimistic actually.
6. C) Lesstime-consuming and focusing on creation.
听力原文:which would require less of our time and allow us to be centered oncreative tasks
7. B) Digitallife could be replace human civilization.
听力原文:There's a risk that human civilization could be replaced by a superiortype of digital life 考点:视听一致
8. D) Itwill be smarter than human beings.
Once it'sfully developed, AI will become tired of trying to communicate with humans aswe would be much slower thinkers in comparison
W: How doyou feel about the future of the artificial intelligence. (5)Personally, Ifeel quite optimistic about it.
福建教师招聘考试网M: AI, I'm not so optimistic actually. In fact, it's something weshould be concerned about.
W: Well, it will help us humans understand ourselves better. And when wehave a better understanding of ourselves, we can improve world.
M: Well,one thing is for sure, technology is evolving faster than our ability tounderstand it. And in the future AI will make jobs kind of pointless.
W: I think artificial intelligence will actually help create new kinds ofjobs, (6) which would require less of our time and allow us to be centeredon creative tasks.
M: I doubt that very much. Probably the last job that will remain will bewriting AI software. And then eventually AI will just write its own software.
W: At that time we are going to have a lot of jobs, which nobody willwant to do. So we will need artificial intelligence for the robots to take careof the old guys like us.
M: I don't know. (7) There's a risk that human civilization could be replacedby a superior type of digital life. AI will be able to completely simulatea person in every way possible. In fact, some people think we're in asimulation right now.
W: That's impossible. Humans can't even make a mosquito. Computers only have chips. People have brains.And that's where the wisdom comes from.
M: (8) Once it's fully developed, AI will become tired of trying tocommunicate with humans as we wo
uld be much slower thinkers in comparison.
2020教资考试时间下半年W: Well, I'm not so sure. A computer is a computer and a computer is justa toy.
M: Computers can easily communicate incredibly fast. So the computer willjust get impatient talking to humans. It'll be barely getting any informationout.
W: Well, I believe there's a benevolent future with AI. I also think youwatch too many science-fiction films.
Q5: What did we learn about the speakers from the conversation?
Q6: Whatwill new kinds of jobs be like according to the woman?
Q7: What is the risk the mananticipates?
Q8: What is the man's concernabout AI technology?
To achieve financial security, how much yousave is always more important than the amount you earn
or how shrewdly youinvest. If you're under 30 years old, (9) your goal should be to save 20% ofyour monthly income after tax deductions. This is irrespective of how muchyou earn
approximately 50% should be reserved for essentials like food andaccommodation.
The remaining 30% is for recreation andentertainment, but for many young people, it will be difficult to designatesuch a large proportion of the income for savings. If you find it hard to saveany money at all, (10) start by cutting all unnecessary spending, allocatethe tiny amount of one or 2% for savings and gradually increase that amount.
Always keep that 20% goal in mind, preventyourself from becoming complacent. It can be challenging to stick to such astrict plan, but if you adopt the right mindset, you should be able tomake it work for you. So what should you be doing with the money that you aresaving? Some must be (11) kept easily accessible in case you need some cashin an emergency.
The lodge has proportion should be investedin retirement plans. Either through your employer or privately, and you can keepsome money for high risk, but potentially lucrative investments. Dividends canbe reinvested or use to purchase something you like. Byfollowing this plan, you should hopefully be able to enjoy your life nowand still be financially secure in the future.
安徽大学研究生招生网Q9: What are people under 30 advise to do, toachieve financial security?
Q10: What should people do if they find itdifficult to follow the speaker's advice on their financial plan?
Q11: What does the speaker think is importantfor achieving financial security?
I work in advertising and I like to keep upwith current trends mainly because I'm aware that we live in an image obsessedworld. However, when I first started my job, occasionally I'd catch a glimpseof obniol in the lifts and find youdao myself thinking (12) that I looked atotal mess. Was I being held back by my choice of clothing?
Theshort answer is yes, especially when clients are quick to judge you on yourstyle rather than your work. (13) But no one can be unique with their outfitevery day. I mean, that's why uniforms were invented. So here's what I did.I created my own uniform. To do this, I chose an appropriate outfit. Then Ibought multiple items of the same style in different shades.
NowI never worry about what I'm wearing in the morning, even if I do get a bittired of just wearing the
same classic pieces. Overall, when it comes to work,you have to ask yourself: (14) Will looking smarter enhance my ability to domy job? For some, this question may not be an issue at all. Especially ifyou work remotely and rarely see your colleagues or clients face to face, butif your job involves interacting with other people, the answer to thisis often yes.
Sorather than fighting the system, I think we should just (15) do whateverhelps us to achieve our goals at work. If that means playing it safe withyour image, then let's face it. It's probably worth it.
Q12: What do we learn about the speaker whenshe first started her job?
Q13:Why were uniforms invented according to the speaker?
Q14: Whatdoes the Loinbo say about looking smarter?
Q15: Whatdoes the speaker advise people to do in an image obsessed world?
16.A) Their obsession with consumption.
听力原文:This phenomenon has resulted in significant credit carddebt, enormous environmental footprints. And perhaps notcoincidentally or happiness levels have failed to increase over the same halfcentury.
17. B) Thingsthat cost less money.
听力原文:I propose the less staff and less space can not only helpyou economize, but also simplify your life. I immediately saved $200,000. Smallerspace leads to reduced utility bills and also asmaller carbon footprint.
18. A) They serve multiple purposes.
听力原文:Finally, we need multi-functional spaces in housewares.
Did you knowthat Americans were approximately three times the amount of space we had 50years ago. Therefore, you'd think would have sufficient room for all of ourpossessions on the country. The postal storage business is now a growingindustry. We've got triple the space, but we've become such enthusiasticconsumers that we require even more. (16) This phenomenon has resulted insignificant credit card debt, enormous environmental footprints. And perhapsnot coincidentally or happiness levels have failed to increase over the samehalf century. I'm here to suggest an alternative that having less mightactually be a preferable decision. Many of us have experienced at some stage,the pleasure of possessing less. (17) I propose the less staff and lessspace can not only help you economize, but also simplify your life. Irecently started an innovative project to discover some creative solutions thatoffered me everything I required, by purchasing an apartment that was 40 squaremeters instead of 60. (17) I immediately saved $200,000. Smaller space leadsto reduced utility bills and also a smaller carbon footprint, because it'sdesigned around an edited collection and possessions limited to my favoritestuff. I'm really excited to live there. How can we live more basically?Firstly, we must ruthlessly cut the unnecessary objects out of our lives. ToSTEM consumption, we should think before we buy and ask ourselves, will ittruly make me happier? Obviously, we should possess some great stuff, but wewant belongings that we're going to love for years.
Secondly, we requirespace efficiency. We want appliances that are designed for use most of thetime, not for occasional use. Why own a six-burner stove when you rarely useeven three burners?